If the gum swells, what should I do? Causes and Treatments

If the gum swells, what should I do? Causes and Treatments
If the gum swells, what should I do? Causes and Treatments

Swollen gums cause a lot of trouble to a person. The resulting pain does not allow chewing normally, and after a while the pathological process leads to a violation of the outline of the face and diction. All this can be accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms. And what if the gum swells up? What to do in this case? Let's try to figure it out.


Inflammatory process in the gums can occur for various reasons. The following will be the most basic.

A pathological process in the oral cavity may occur due to improper dental care. If you use a brush that is too hard, there is a lot of pressure on the gums during brushing, which injures the tissues. Frequent use of whitening pastes also lead to mucosal damage and swelling.

if the gum swells what to do
if the gum swells what to do

The body may lack vitamins, especially C. This can lead to such an unpleasant disease as scurvy. The gums begin to turn pale, then turn blue, bleeding appears. After sometime, a secondary infection may join, which contributes to the formation of ulcers in the oral cavity.

Gingivitis is the most common cause of pathology. Dental deposits such as plaque and calculus lead to reddening of the gum lining, swelling, itching and bleeding.

If the gums are swollen and the teeth hurt, the cause may lie in advanced pulpitis or caries. They lead to the fact that cariogenic microorganisms begin to move deep into the tooth cavity, affecting the pulp. In this place, a purulent focus of inflammation occurs, which manifests itself in the form of swelling of the gums.

Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis is also the cause of pathology. Violation of the outflow of pus leads to an abscess in the gum.

If the doctor, after removing the tooth, violated the norms of sterility and did not treat the wound, then there is a high probability of infection and inflammation developing there. But it should be remembered that if the gums are swollen after tooth extraction almost immediately, then this is considered a natural phenomenon.

After treating pulpitis, the doctor may make a mistake and not completely seal the canal or accidentally damage it. This leads to the development of periodontitis, contributing to the formation of a granuloma at the apex of the tooth root, which after a while develops into a cyst.

All of the above reasons contribute to the fact that a person's gums swell. The wisdom tooth is generally a separate issue, and we will consider this point in more detail.

Wisdom tooth as a cause of gum swelling

Third molars often come in big trouble. If aroundswelling of the wisdom tooth, an x-ray should be taken to find out the direction in which it begins to grow. If the pain is very severe, the doctor makes an incision in the gums.

Sometimes the growth of a wisdom tooth occurs in the wrong position, for example, at an angle. The pain in this case can be so intolerable that only surgery can save the situation, that is, the doctor removes the third molar.

And what if this tooth is damaged, say, by caries? Is his treatment justified, or is it better to just throw him out? According to experts, it is very important to try to save this tooth, as it greatly affects the situation of neighbors. Sometimes there is even a displacement of the dentition. If it is located in a good place, then the doctor cures caries and fills it.

Gum tumor in the first days after tooth extraction

Often this pathological condition of the oral cavity occurs after surgery. If the gums are swollen after tooth extraction in the first days after the manipulation, you don’t have to worry. This is fine. It's okay if it hurts and bleeds. In some cases, patients have a feeling that the skin is starting to pull. This tightens the wound in the gum. As a rule, discomfort occurs if a tooth with large roots has been removed.

rinsing gums for inflammation
rinsing gums for inflammation

In order to alleviate your condition as soon as possible, you should take painkillers, as well as apply ice to the affected area. As an anti-inflammatory agentuse lotions from chamomile decoction.

Gum swelling due to a broken tooth

Sometimes the pain and swelling not only does not go away, but also grows every day. This may be due to the fact that after the removal of the tooth, its fragment remained in the gum. You should immediately contact the doctor who performed such manipulation. After an x-ray is taken, the dentist will open the gum and remove all fragments.

Usually, after this, the swelling begins to subside. During this period, it is important to monitor oral hygiene and prevent infection from entering the wound.

Treatment methods

If the gum swells, what should I do? In this case, drugs are taken, which are of two types: antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

than to rinse
than to rinse

Antiseptic solutions act directly on bacteria, leading to the development of the pathological process. Anti-inflammatory drugs have practically no effect on the pathogen, but they remove the tumor well. So what to rinse your mouth with gum disease?

Using antiseptics

There are a large number of drugs that are used to rinse swollen gums. Doctors usually prescribe "Chlorhexidine" and "Miramistin", which are characterized by a powerful antimicrobial property, because it is the bacteria that provoke the development of pathology.

swollen gums after tooth extraction
swollen gums after tooth extraction

Thus, rinsing the gums with inflammation is carried out with the following drugs:

  • "Chlorhexidine" - sold freely, withoutprescription. It is inexpensive and at the same time has a powerful antimicrobial effect. To relieve inflammation, wash your mouth with this drug 2 times a day. "Chlorhexidine" is also prescribed after tooth extraction.
  • "Miramistin" - it can also be purchased without a doctor's prescription. The antimicrobial properties of this remedy are somewhat weaker than those of the first drug, but it fights well not only with bacteria, but also with the herpes virus. Therefore, Miramistin is effective for the treatment of herpetic stomatitis.
  • "Furacilin" - this drug is used for colds and dental problems. Rinsing the gums with inflammation with this drug should be done every 2-3 hours. The swelling usually disappears within a day. But for prevention, it is recommended to repeat the procedure for a few more days.

Using anti-inflammatory drugs

If the gum swells, what should I do? Anti-inflammatory drugs are helpful in this case. Such drugs have a slight antibacterial effect, but they remarkably remove the tumor that has arisen. Herbal infusions with such properties contain alcohol, which is required for extraction. So how to rinse the gums to relieve inflammation? Let's name the most common drugs.

swollen gums wisdom tooth
swollen gums wisdom tooth

"Stomatofit" - is an infusion of medicinal plants. It is used in combination with other medicines to treat periodontitis or gingivitis. Before using the drug, it must be dilutedwater in a ratio of 1:5, the course of treatment is 10-15 days.

"Tantum Verde" - this drug contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance that has a strong antiphlogistic effect. It is benzydamine hydrochloride. "Tantum Verde" can be sold in the form of tablets, solution and spray. For rinsing inflamed gums, it is best to use the drug in the form of a solution, which is pre-mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply the product 2-3 times a day for no longer than 10 days.

"Chlorophyllipt" - used to rinse the gums, and it is also diluted in warm boiled water in advance. Eucalyptus leaf chlorophyll contained in the preparation has a slight antiphlogistic effect.

Sea s alt has long been used for medicinal purposes to relieve inflammation in the mouth. To prepare a solution, s alt is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10. It is recommended to rinse the gums as often as possible during the day.

Treatment of gums with folk remedies

If the gums are swollen, what should I do? At home, you can prepare various infusions and decoctions. Here are the most popular traditional medicine.

Decoction of sage. To prepare a healing solution, take 1 tbsp. l. dry sage leaves, ground into powder, and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes in a warm place. When the decoction becomes warm, it is used to rinse 3 times a day until recovery.

swollen gums what to do at home
swollen gums what to do at home

Decoction of chamomile flowers. The solution is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. flowerspour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Rinse your mouth with warm decoction until you are completely cured.

Decoction of ginger. The root is considered a powerful natural antibacterial agent that helps relieve inflammation of the gums. The decoction is used 2 times a day. To strengthen the gums, doctors advise chewing a small piece of ginger after meals.

Soda solution has a wonderful anti-inflammatory effect. Its recipe is very simple. Take 1 tsp. soda and diluted in a glass of boiled water. The gums begin to rinse. But first, the soda solution should be held a little in the oral cavity. If the pain has not started to grow, you can safely continue to rinse. The result will come very quickly if you often perform such a procedure.


swollen gums and toothache
swollen gums and toothache

In order for the gums to no longer become inflamed and swollen, it is necessary to take preventive measures. It is required to increase the intake of plant foods, as well as foods containing a large amount of calcium. It is advisable to quit smoking and clean the tongue from plaque from time to time. In addition, you need to visit the dentist at least once every six months.


So, if the gum swells, what should I do? Be sure to consult a doctor and in no case self-medicate, as this can lead to various complications. Inflammation of the gums can be a sign of some disease, so it is best to be examined and find the cause of this in order to be successfully treated.
