Bleeding gums during pregnancy: causes

Bleeding gums during pregnancy: causes
Bleeding gums during pregnancy: causes

During pregnancy in the body of every woman there are changes in the work of all organ systems. Very often, such transformations cannot be called pleasant. Many expectant mothers complain that their gums began to bleed during pregnancy. There are a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, from the most harmless to quite serious.

Causes of bleeding gums

bleeding gums during pregnancy
bleeding gums during pregnancy

Many pregnant women notice, if not the appearance of blood during brushing their teeth, then reddening of the gums for sure. There can be many reasons for this condition, here are some of them:

  • gum inflammation or gingivitis;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • change in the composition of saliva, which occurs under the influence of hormones;
  • during this period, the enamel reduces its strength;
  • toxicosis;
  • if the gums bleed during pregnancy in the third trimester, then most often the cause is a lack of calcium in the body;
  • general decrease in immunity.

First steps for bleeding gums

Many women are immediately frightened of such a phenomenon, but there is no need to panic prematurely,especially in this position. "If the gums bleed during pregnancy, what should I do?" - this is the first question that flies from the lips of the expectant mother. First of all, you need to rinse your mouth with water, and even better with herbal infusions.

It is advisable to first consult which herbal preparations are prohibited in this provision, for example, it is not recommended to use:

  • chamomile;
  • linden flowers;
  • walnut leaves;
  • Potentilla goose.

From the common remedies at this moment, one can name juice from Kalanchoe leaves (it can be rubbed directly into the gum), a mixture of honey and s alt.

When such a problem appears, do not hope that it will go away on its own. If you do not go to the dentist in time, then this can turn into more serious complications. Even if you notice the usual swelling of the gums without signs of bleeding, then this is already a reason to visit a doctor.

Gingivitis symptoms

If you notice blood while brushing your teeth only a couple of times, then most likely the reason is hormonal changes. But most often during pregnancy, gingivitis worsens or appears for the first time. Consider its features.

  1. Swelling and redness of the gums.
  2. There was itching in the gums.
  3. Bleeding occurs after brushing teeth or eating solid foods.
  4. Gingival papillae become domed.
  5. Taste and smell bad in mouth.
  6. Pain in the mouth.
  7. May even have an increase in body temperature.
  8. gums bleed during pregnancy what to do
    gums bleed during pregnancy what to do

It is worth noting that there are two types of gingivitis:

  • catarrhal;
  • hypertrophic.

The first variety is usually characterized by mild or moderate severity, can capture the area of 1-2 teeth or a larger part.

Hypertrophic gingivitis can already appear with the appearance of blood even at night, the papillae between the teeth increase, in some cases they can cover the tooth by more than half.

If any symptoms of gingivitis appear, or if the gums bleed during pregnancy, you should first see a specialist.

Manifestations of gingivitis at different stages of pregnancy

Usually, the first time a woman may experience discomfort and blood in her mouth when brushing her teeth at the end of the first trimester. At this time, hormonal changes reach their maximum.

The procedure for brushing your teeth becomes painful, even eating solid food becomes uncomfortable. If at this time, in order to avoid discomfort, a woman ceases to engage in oral hygiene, then the symptoms will not only not disappear, but will gradually worsen.

bleeding gums during pregnancy
bleeding gums during pregnancy

The gums bleed even more during pregnancy in the third trimester, the photo below demonstrates this well. Most often, the front teeth are subject to this process, this phenomenon can also be observed after filling, prosthetics, as these procedures injure the gums and exacerbategingivitis.

The last trimester is no longer so responsible in terms of laying the baby's internal organs, so the doctor may recommend some medications for treatment.

Influence of the inflammatory process on fetal development

The plaque that constantly accumulates on the surface of each person's teeth contains bacteria. If you do not clean it off in time, then the microflora begins to release a lot of toxins, which, getting into the blood, can harm the baby.

In addition, these same toxic substances can cause premature uterine contractions, leading to labor at the wrong time.

It is also worth noting that gum and dental disease in a mother during pregnancy can lead to future problems with the baby's teeth. Since their laying occurs already in the fifth week of fetal development. Based on this, we can conclude that if the gums bleed during pregnancy, then the doctor should solve the problem.

Therapy for bleeding gums

During the first visit to the dentist with such a problem, the doctor will ask you about the symptoms of the disease, examine the oral cavity, and ask about the duration of the pregnancy. In different trimesters, this problem may be solved differently.

bleeding gums during pregnancy in the third trimester
bleeding gums during pregnancy in the third trimester

After a detailed study of the condition of your gums, the specialist will decide on the therapy.

  1. If plaque is the cause of bleeding, the doctor will clean the teeth of it, remove the tartar. It is not recommended to use ultrasound during pregnancy.therefore, this procedure will be carried out with a hand tool.
  2. To stop the inflammatory process, antiseptics are prescribed, during pregnancy you can use "Chlorhexidine". Rinse your mouth in the morning and evening.
  3. The doctor may prescribe applications, for example, using Metrogyl Denta (this drug is only allowed in the third trimester).

If the gums bleed during pregnancy, the reasons may be different, but the main thing is to eliminate them, and only a highly qualified specialist can do this.

Prohibited drugs for treatment during pregnancy

If you visit the dentist in the early stages of pregnancy, when the tummy is not yet visible, then you should definitely inform the doctor. In an interesting position, some drugs and treatments are prohibited, for example:

  • arsenic is unacceptable;
  • don't whiten your teeth;
  • prosthetics are undesirable;
  • anesthesia should only be carried out with gentle drugs and in a small dosage.
  • bleeding gums during pregnancy in the third trimester photo
    bleeding gums during pregnancy in the third trimester photo

The best way to avoid all unwanted consequences after dental treatment during pregnancy is to visit the dentist before pregnancy.

Phytotherapy against gum disease

If the gums bleed during pregnancy, then alternative methods of treatment are quite capable of helping. Many plants have antiseptic properties no worse than drugs, and at the same time they are harmless.for mother and baby.

This category includes:

  • oak bark;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • calendula.
  • bleeding gums during pregnancy
    bleeding gums during pregnancy

To prepare a medicinal decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of herbs (you can mix), pour a glass of boiling water, insist or boil for a couple of minutes. Then strain and can be used for rinsing. It is advisable to do this procedure every time after eating.

Toothpaste to prevent bleeding

Currently, toothpaste manufacturers are already producing not only preventive, but also therapeutic options. On sale you can find products that can stop bleeding gums and reduce inflammation.

If the process has gone too far, then one pasta will not get off here. It is necessary to remove plaque and polish the teeth, all these procedures are done manually. After them, the doctor can advise you which toothpaste is best to use. It can just become an additional tool in the treatment of gingivitis or in the fight against bleeding gums.

Prevention of bleeding gums

bleeding gums during pregnancy causes
bleeding gums during pregnancy causes

In order not to feel the bleeding of the gums during pregnancy, it is better to do prevention. This is much easier to do than to treat for a long time later. To do this, you need to follow some simple recommendations:

  1. Take good care of your mouth.
  2. Brush your teeth twice a day for threeminutes.
  3. The brush should have soft to medium bristles so as not to damage the surface of the gums.
  4. Rinse your mouth after eating to avoid plaque formation.
  5. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  6. Restrict candy and other sweets.

If you still can’t avoid the problem, and you notice that the gums are bleeding during pregnancy, then do not self-medicate, but hurry to the dentist.
