Dental treatment for hepatitis B: treatment features and doctor's recommendations

Dental treatment for hepatitis B: treatment features and doctor's recommendations
Dental treatment for hepatitis B: treatment features and doctor's recommendations

Since the body of a young mother is weakened, quite often there is a need for dental treatment for breastfeeding with the use of anesthesia. Milk production also requires additional micronutrients and calcium. If these substances are supplied in insufficient quantities, the body begins to use the reserves that are contained in the body of a woman. It is for this reason that a situation arises that previously he althy teeth begin to crumble, a woman develops caries and gum disease. In the lactation period, it is imperative to take additional complexes of minerals and vitamins, which are designed specifically for lactating women.

dental treatment for
dental treatment for

In addition, after childbirth, a large-scale restructuring of the hormonal background begins in the female body, which also affects the state of tissues and organs. During this period, immunity is greatly reduced, which is another cause of caries.

How is the treatment of teeth with breastfeeding?

Need for therapy

Feeding women are strongly discouraged from postponing a visit to the dentist. Dental therapy using anesthetics is a necessary concern not only for your own, but also for children's he alth. There are many reasons why a mother of an infant should seek dental care when caries occurs:

  1. Stress caused by acute illness can affect the quantity and quality of milk produced.
  2. Lack of proper treatment in the early stages of the disease can lead to complications, which are much more difficult to treat, and therapy may require the use of antibiotics.
  3. Problems of the oral cavity are often a real focus of infection that can harm not only a woman, but also a child. For example, a woman with tooth decay can pass the infection to her baby through a simple kiss.

Therefore, if a woman, after giving birth, directed all her attention to the child and stopped taking care of her own he alth, dental treatment for hepatitis B is her direct responsibility. The lack of therapy may undesirably affect the he alth of not only the mother, but also the baby.

So, a tooth hurts with breastfeeding, what should I do?

First aid for pain

If a woman is not accustomed to visiting the dentist's office for preventive purposes, an emergency may arise. There are several ways to relieve pain before visiting a doctor. It is worth remembering that the treatment of caries and its complications is mandatory even in cases where first aid methodshelped eliminate painful symptoms.

dentistry caries treatment
dentistry caries treatment

To survive the time before dental care without affecting the quality and quantity of milk, the following methods will allow:

  1. Rinse your mouth, brush your teeth, use special products (threads). It is likely that the pain is provoked by food contact with the nerve, resulting in its irritation.
  2. Washing the mouth with alcohol, applying cotton soaked in drops of "Dent" to the painful area. This tool will reduce the feeling of discomfort and prevent further spread of the infection.
  3. In the absence of the effect of the previous methods, the use of medicines is allowed, the use of which is allowed in the lactation period. These can be drugs "Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol".

Then, you should definitely visit a dentist who will select the necessary anesthesia allowed during lactation.


The best option to prepare for dental treatment with breastfeeding is a scheduled visit to the dentist. This will allow you to tune in to treatment, doing it with the least stress for the child and yourself. In addition, the likelihood that serious problems that have arisen since the previous visit will be discovered during the next preventive examination is quite low. Accordingly, it will take less time to fix a minor problem.

In order for the treatment of caries in dentistry to go smoothly, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Should be in advanceprepare a base of your own milk - you need to express it and store supplies in the refrigerator. It will be better if the reserve is enough for several feedings in case of unforeseen situations.
  2. It is recommended to remain calm and not nervous. If it is difficult to control your emotional state, the use of valerian is allowed.
  3. It is necessary to inform the dentist about lactation in advance. Currently, there are many modern tools that are allowed for use in the treatment and extraction of teeth in lactating women. They do not affect the quantity and quality of milk, they are quickly excreted from the body.
  4. If it becomes necessary to use antibiotics prohibited in breastfeeding, and a woman wants to maintain lactation, she should feed her baby with pre-prepared milk, and express milk that is secreted.
  5. It is necessary to check with the doctor how much anesthesia is excreted from the body. On average, this process lasts from two to four hours and depends on the properties of the drug that is administered to the woman.
anesthesia methods
anesthesia methods

Permitted Procedures

Some manipulations are simply necessary for accurate diagnosis of pathology and elimination of pain. Most of them are safe for the child, so you should not be afraid of them.

Often, women fear that the quality of milk can be adversely affected by x-rays. It should be borne in mind that this procedure is short-term, the rays affect only the area that interests the dentist (the rest of the body is protected by a special apron). Ordinary pulpitis can be much more damaging than x-ray exposure.

If concerns still remain, you can simply express and pour milk after caries treatment in dentistry.

Many women find it harmful to use anesthesia for dental treatment. Such an opinion is fundamentally wrong. In modern dentistry, painkillers are used that are completely safe not only for breastfeeding, but also during pregnancy.

General rules

In order for dental treatment with anesthesia for HB to pass without negative consequences, you should follow some rules:

  1. Mandatory informing the doctor about lactation. A competent dentist will select exactly the anesthetic drug that will be safe in this situation. As a rule, epinephrine is not used for anesthesia during the lactation period. Other drugs are cleared from the body fairly quickly and leave no residue.
  2. After choosing the right drug, you should ask the doctor how long the drug will be removed from the body. Such information will allow you to plan your feeding schedule in the future.

So, what anesthesia is allowed in dentistry?

what kind of anesthesia in dentistry
what kind of anesthesia in dentistry

Safe anesthetics

The safest anesthetics for lactation are the following medicines:

  1. "Lidocaine". A drug that is completely allowed during lactation, since only small doses of the drug penetrate into mother's milk, and are excretedproduct completely in 1-2 hours. This is confirmed by the instructions for use for "Lidocaine" in ampoules. Most often, the medicine is injected into the gum. However, in some cases, the doctor may decide to use lidocaine aerosol. It should also be borne in mind that the instructions for use contain information that the drug cannot be used for certain diseases.
  2. "Ultracain" ("Artikain"). The effect of this drug is similar to the previous one, it can also be used for anesthesia during lactation. The drug practically does not penetrate into milk, it is excreted from the body very quickly.
  3. Mepivastezin. It is an adrenaline-free drug that is intended for lactating, pregnant women and patients with heart pathologies.

The doctor should tell about the methods of pain relief during dental treatment.

From therapy under anesthesia, doctors recommend to abstain and prefer local anesthesia. However, if such a procedure is unavoidable, then the woman is advised to first transfer the child to artificial feeding.

how much anesthesia is excreted from the body
how much anesthesia is excreted from the body


Dental care is a necessary and safe procedure. Undoubtedly, this is a certain stress, especially if a woman, in principle, is afraid of the dentist. However, the pain of caries and its complications is a big problem and definitely affects the mother and her child.

Extreme measures

For medical reasons, extraction of teeth during the lactation period is an acceptable procedure. Alternatively, removal can be done using anesthetics.

When removing, as a rule, the same drugs are used as in the treatment. It should be understood that in some cases, tooth extraction is a necessary measure, because the indication for it is purulent inflammation, which in the absence of therapy can lead to complications.

The nuance of this procedure is the need to use antibiotics. However, there will be no consequences if the woman first informs the dentist that she is breastfeeding. The doctor will select drugs that will be safe for the child.

Dental Prohibitions

dental treatment under anesthesia reviews
dental treatment under anesthesia reviews

Some dental procedures are recommended to be postponed until the lactation period is over. For example, enamel whitening should be postponed until the end of lactation. Many women undergo this procedure regularly, but it is better to refuse it during the period of feeding the baby for the following reasons:

  1. The whitening process uses chemicals that can seep past the enamel and into breast milk.
  2. Tooth enamel in the lactation period becomes very thin, and the whitening procedure can damage it.
  3. Some patients experience soreness after bleaching, which in itself is undesirable for a nursing mother. It may also require additional medication.

Implantation is also not recommended during lactation. During this period, the hormonal backgroundwomen are changed, which can provoke certain difficulties.

But treating teeth while breastfeeding is not only possible, but necessary.

Feeding a baby after anesthesia

Most often, dentists use such drugs for anesthesia that a woman does not even need to wait for a while to continue feeding. Only in some cases it is necessary to wait about 4 hours. It is recommended to express milk at this time.

methods of pain relief in dental treatment
methods of pain relief in dental treatment

Reviews on dental treatment under anesthesia

Many breastfeeding women are convinced that it is not worth postponing treatment - after all, a toothache causes discomfort to the mother, which affects the quality of her milk and affects the child. It is advisable to contact a doctor for help as soon as possible. An important nuance is informing the doctor about lactation. Then the specialist will be able to choose the safest anesthetic.
