What to do when a tooth hurts? How to get rid of toothache

What to do when a tooth hurts? How to get rid of toothache
What to do when a tooth hurts? How to get rid of toothache

Few people know what to do when a tooth hurts. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pain. This could be a recent visit to the dentist for a nerve removal, or wisdom tooth growth, swollen gums, or a cleaning. Only after that you need to start treatment.

toothache under a filling
toothache under a filling

Nerve removed

To find out why a tooth hurts after a nerve is removed, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Take an x-ray of the tooth to make sure there are no foreign objects in it that can cause pain.
  2. Be patient. After the operation, pain may appear for about a week.
  3. Taking antispasmodics, analgesics, antihistamines in case of an allergic reaction to medications used in the treatment.
  4. Rinse your mouth with iodine-infused baking soda, focusing on where the tooth hurts.
  5. Apply propolis to the gum where pain is felt.
  6. Rinse your mouth with strong alcohol.
  7. Apply lard to the gum.
  8. Rinse your mouth with refined oil.
  9. Apply a hydrogen peroxide compress to the area where pain is felt.
  10. Apply a decoction of chamomile, celandine, sage or oak bark tomouth rinses. Apply after meals.
  11. Compress soaked in fir oil.
  12. Apply mashed raw beets to the pain.
  13. Compress with lemon balm decoction.
  14. Treat the gum where the tooth hurts with clove oil.
  15. Restrict hot, cold and hard foods.
  16. No smoking.
  17. Therapeutic tooth treatment.
  18. Relieve inflammation and pain with ultrasound or laser therapy, UHF.

There are many reasons why a tooth hurts after a nerve is removed. If the pain does not go away within a day, you should immediately visit a dental clinic.

toothache under a crown
toothache under a crown

Pain under filling

Depending on the causes of pain in the tooth under the filling, there are ways to get rid of this pain:

  1. If the dentist did a poor job. This happens if the doctor incorrectly diagnosed or cleaned the tooth or canals poorly before installing the filling. In this case, a person needs to re-contact a dentist (preferably the same one who performed the treatment). The doctor must re-diagnose and correct his (or others') mistakes.
  2. Allergy to drugs or filling material. If the pain under the filling is a reaction to pain medication, then the only option is to take an antihistamine. If it is an allergy to the filling material, then the filling itself must be replaced.
  3. Failure to follow the recommendations of the dentist. After installing the filling, the dentist will always give recommendations on caring for the teeth and oral cavity. Failure to follow these tips, as well as the rules of personal hygiene, can cause pain under the filling. In this case, just follow the doctor's recommendations.

In any case, only a specialist can determine the causes of discomfort, so if you experience pain in a tooth under a filling, contact a dental clinic.

wisdom tooth hurts what to do
wisdom tooth hurts what to do

Wisdom teeth are uncomfortable

When you first complain of pain caused by a wisdom tooth, you should immediately seek help from a dentist. Otherwise, inflammation may spread to neighboring tissues and the development of diseases such as osteomyelitis and periostitis. First of all, if a wisdom tooth hurts, what to do: remove inflammation to avoid gum swelling and injury.

Methods of further treatment are selected depending on the clinical situation and the reason for which the toothache was caused. In severe cases, the diseased wisdom tooth will need to be removed. If it is possible to save the tooth, caries should be treated and the canals should be filled. With the pain caused by the eruption of a wisdom tooth, an independent solution to the problem is possible. But only if the mucous membrane above the crown of the erupting tooth does not have purulent secretions. Otherwise, you need to see a dentist.

What to do, a wisdom tooth hurts?

To relieve inflammation at home should be:

  • perform mouth rinses with an antiseptic preparation - chlorhexidine solution 0.05%.
  • and also apply anti-inflammatory gel"Cholisal" followed by abstinence from eating and drinking for 2-3 hours.
toothache swollen gums
toothache swollen gums

Swollen gums

Toothache, swollen gums? Of course, in such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor without delay. The dentist knows how to relieve pain, remove swelling. If this is not possible - you need to be at work or the hospital is far away, you can use the advice.

  1. Rinse your mouth with Rotokan.
  2. Metrogyl denta ointment will help relieve swelling, toothache.

Home remedies for swollen gums

At home, with toothache, swollen gums, folk advice will help:

  1. You need to take 0.5 teaspoon of soda, two drops of lemon juice, fifteen drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix the mass. Brush your teeth with mass. You can eat after 20 minutes.
  2. Hot infusion of elderberry helps well. Rinse your mouth for 10 minutes.
  3. Relieves excellent pain, itching, swelling infusion of ordinary psyllium. Grind the leaves, lubricate the swollen gums with the resulting juice.
  4. Sorrel juice - chop. Drain the liquid from the resulting mass, add the same amount of water, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  5. Infusion of oak bark. It is an excellent antiseptic and helper for those who do not know what to do when a tooth hurts.
  6. Rubbing olives with warm oil. Repeat the procedure in the morning for a week.
  7. Moisten a cotton swab (bandage) with fir oil, apply for 20 minutes to the swollengum.
  8. Cucumber juice works great for this problem.
  9. Mix honey with regular s alt, rub into gums.

To prevent swelling, take for several days. To prevent gum tumors, it is recommended to chew several cloves of garlic for a short time. To eliminate unpleasant odor after this procedure, chew green parsley leaves or eat a walnut.

why does a tooth hurt after nerve removal
why does a tooth hurt after nerve removal

Localization of pain under the crown

If the tooth hurts under the crown, then there are recommendations for this case:

  1. Use of painkillers ("Nurofen", "Ketanov", "Tempalgin" and others).
  2. Using antihistamines.
  3. Rinse with sage decoction. Pharmacy sage is infused in a glass of boiling water for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse with a decoction of oregano. Grass pour boiling water, leave for at least 30 minutes, rinse after eating.
  5. Applying a hydrogen peroxide swab.
  6. Rinse with soda solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of not very cold water.
  7. Crushed garlic paste with s alt and 15 drops of peroxide. Use as toothpaste after main meals.
  8. Applying fat to the site of inflammation.
  9. Apply a piece of raw beetroot to the gum in the area of inflammation.
  10. Instant coffee will help relieve pain, which should be applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe gum with a bad tooth.
  11. Decoction of calendula, oak bark, rootchicory will help relieve inflammation. To prepare, you need a tablespoon of herbs and 250 ml of water. Let the broth brew for 20 minutes.
  12. Tincture of calamus root will help get rid of tooth pain under the crown.
  13. Go to a dental clinic for treatment.
  14. Those who do not know what to do when a tooth hurts, you can apply a compress with Kalanchoe juice or a decoction of cloves to the sore spot.
toothache what to do at home
toothache what to do at home

Discomfort when brushing

The reason that teeth hurt after brushing is the increased sensitivity of enamel due to exposure to active substances. To avoid repeating discomfort, you first need to choose a toothbrush of the correct size and stiffness. In case of an aggravation, children's toothbrushes are ideal, which clean off plaque well and have fairly soft bristles that do not injure the enamel.

The next item to look out for is toothpaste. There are many types of toothbrushes for sensitive teeth in stores, but mostly it is a publicity stunt to attract customers. The real effect can be seen from pharmacy toothpastes with a gentle natural composition.

To avoid aggravating pain, it is better to give up hot drinks, foods with a rough texture and high acidity for a while. As anti-inflammatory and painkillers, warm decoctions of chamomile and sage, as well as a solution of soda (a teaspoon per glass of water), are suitable. If pain bothers you for more than a week,you should contact your dentist immediately.


Medications - another solution to the problem: what to do when a tooth hurts. Medicines are divided into two groups.

Drugs that can relieve pain and also reduce inflammation. These include Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen and other similar drugs.

The group of analgesics includes drugs such as Analgin, Tempalgin, and Ketons. Drugs can only relieve pain by blocking the areas of the brain responsible for the pain impulse. They are unable to eliminate the cause of pain in the teeth. Painkillers should be taken in very moderate dosages. Since taking painkillers in large quantities can cause a number of side effects. For example, such as increased pressure, vomiting and nausea, long-term use may cause liver dysfunction.

Can a tooth hurt after a filling? Yes, and this pain must be removed by medical means. One of the most effective drugs for the treatment of toothache is Ketorol. He anesthetizes even the most severe toothache. A drug such as "Nurofen" relieves pain, as well as swelling and inflammation. Its advantage in extremely high speed of action is higher than that of alternative drugs. An effective medicine for pain relief in case of pain in the teeth is Tempalgin "- a strong analgesic that helps relieve toothache, has a calming effect. Anti-inflammatory effects can have"Ketanov", it perfectly stops any toothache, most often it is used immediately after dental intervention.

Can a tooth hurt after a filling?
Can a tooth hurt after a filling?


Rinse for toothache has been known for a very long time. This method can somewhat ease the toothache. However, it will not be able to get rid of the cause of pain in the teeth. Rinsing will only alleviate the condition of a person, somewhat reduce toothache. Refers to folk methods of treatment, not used in dental clinics.

Before rinsing, a person should brush their teeth thoroughly. Usually, the procedure uses warm water, infusions. Rinsing the mouth with warm water or infusion will give an analgesic effect already at the first application. In the future, you should continue the procedure, but do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

Effective is rinsing your mouth with baking soda diluted in warm water. Soda reduces inflammation by eliminating bacteria, it relieves toothache for a while. The use of soda for rinsing does not have any side effects and is completely safe for humans. If necessary, you can use substances such as s alt, sea or table, mixed with soda or separately from it.

It will also be effective to rinse your mouth with sage. Buy sage in a pharmacy, pour a glass of warm water, put one tablespoon of herbs there.

Folk remedies

Toothache… What to do at home? In this case, you can turn to traditional medicine:

  1. Agave leaf. The plant is able to relieve inflammation and accelerate wound healing. Apply the cut sheet to the aching tooth for 5 minutes. In case of severe pain, squeeze the juice from the leaf, dilute with water and rinse the mouth.
  2. Chamomile decoction. The plant is a natural antispasmodic, stops blood well and has a disinfecting effect. Five Art. tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile insist on two hundred ml of hot water for 20 minutes. Use a warm decoction to rinse.
  3. Tie a crushed clove of garlic with a bandage to the wrist opposite the place of the diseased tooth. In case of severe burning, the bandage should be removed.
  4. Saline solution is another home remedy for toothache. Pour one teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of hot water, let it cool, and then pour a few drops of iodine into the solution. Apply every 20 minutes.
  5. Decoction of sage. It has antibacterial and antispasmodic action, relieves inflammation. Pour two teaspoons of sage into a glass of boiling water. Rinse should be applied every hour and a half.
  6. Plantain. Able to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Squeezed juice from plantain leaves. Apply to the gum, moistened with juice swab. Infusion of dry plantain: two teaspoons of dry crushed plantain are infused in two hundred ml of water for at least half an hour, rinsing is applied every 15 minutes.


To prevent pain, the following measures should be followed:

  1. Don't eat frozen food, butalso too cold or hot and drinks. This will prevent cracks from forming, through which infections can enter the soft tissue.
  2. It is worth reducing your sugar intake. Because it promotes cavities by softening tissues caused by acid produced from sugar by bacteria.
  3. It is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes, which include calcium and phosphorus, in order to strengthen tooth enamel.
  4. After meals, you should rinse your mouth, use toothpicks.
  5. Eating fresh apples often helps clean your teeth as well as train them to keep your teeth strong and he althy.

To the question: "Can a tooth hurt after filling?", With a 100% guarantee, you should answer "yes". If the discomfort does not go away within a day, you should contact the specialist who filled the tooth.
