A lump on a child's gum is a phenomenon that does not always occur. In general, teeth and gums are vulnerable areas of a person. And if there are problems with these organs, they need to be addressed as soon as possible. After all, even a child’s ailments will bring a lot of problems at an older age. Sometimes parents notice that all sorts of bumps appear on the gums of their babies. What it is? How to deal with them? Why do bumps appear? Are they really that dangerous? Understanding all this is not as easy as it seems. A lot depends on the age of the child. However, knowing how old the baby is, you can determine why the bump appeared on the gum. Self-treatment is highly discouraged. It is imperative to see a doctor if the baby has the phenomenon under study.

A bump was found on the gum of a child who was recently born? This phenomenon should be familiar to all parents. These are swellings that either become white or remain pink.
Such bumps on the gums do not pose any serious danger. But it's worth taking the baby to the doctor. In the first year of life, closer to 4-5 months,he starts teething. At such times, the gums swell, and parents may notice that the child has a bump (or swelling) on the gum. Usually teething is accompanied by pain as well as fever.
Nothing should be done in this case. It is recommended to show the child to the doctor - the doctor will definitely advise some remedy that will ease the pain. And then it remains only to wait. Teething is a natural process that should be experienced.
Once all the teeth have erupted, the oral cavity will have to be carefully looked after. More precisely, it is necessary to do this after the appearance of the first tooth. Particular attention is paid to the oral cavity if the parents do not have too good heredity in this regard.
A lump on the gums of a child (and an adult), which appears suddenly, hurts when pressed, this is a signal of the onset of the inflammatory process. Most often occurs in adults and adolescents, in molars. But in dairy, too, this phenomenon is observed.
You can try to solve the problem. To do this, it is enough to take good care of the oral cavity - carefully, but gently brush your teeth 2 times a day, use mouth rinses. Maybe after some time the lump on the gum of the child will pass. It is recommended not to self-medicate - only a dentist can tell what's wrong.

The next scenario is the appearance of a small bump that does not interfere with normal life. She usuallywhite. This is a signal of insufficient oral hygiene. Does not cause pain when pressed.
This phenomenon is called a fistula. This is a white bump on the gum (in a child or in an adult), which appeared due to poor dental care. You can rinse your mouth with a solution of soda: a glass of water (warm) and half a tablespoon of s alt and soda. For several such procedures, the fistula should pass. But it's worth taking the child to the doctor. Fistulas appear on both milk and molars.
What other cases could there be? In fact, if a child has a bump on the gum, you need to start monitoring oral hygiene. After all, it is the microbes that become the result of the disease that has appeared. The next inflammatory process in line is periodontitis.

This is a gum disease that can be inherited. Or rather, a tendency to such an ailment is transmitted. If the parents and mother during pregnancy had this problem, it is highly likely that the baby will have periodontitis. This is an inflammation of the gums. Usually such a bump on the gums of a child does not hurt. And it reaches a diameter of up to 1 centimeter. It can be either whitish or pink. As an option - a red bump with pus inside.
In this case, it is recommended not to self-medicate in principle. Seek medical attention as soon as possible - periodontitis is a common disease. If you run it, you can then suffer with this disease all your life. From time to time, similar bumps will appear on the gums. Alsothis inflammation can lead to cysts in the teeth.
A lump appeared on the gum above the child's tooth? At the same time, the tooth hurts, but outwardly it seems that the area above the bump is swollen (for example, the cheek)? Then immediately you need to write the child to the dentist: this is a flux.
This phenomenon is most often the result of caries. Either untreated or mistreated. Flux is an extremely unpleasant disease. Not only does the bump hurt, but the area around it also swells. Most often, dental canals are washed during treatment, sometimes surgical treatment is required. The pus is removed, then the tooth is tightly sealed. If we are talking about dairy, it is recommended to remove it. This is the most common procedure doctors suggest.

A white lump on a child's gum may indicate a cyst in the tooth. It applies to both dairy and indigenous. Usually such a bump does not hurt, in diameter it can reach 1 centimeter. It does not increase, but it can bring discomfort. The tooth itself usually does not hurt. A lump on the gum of a child, if we are talking about a cyst, is dense.
A distinctive feature of this disease is that with a cyst, an unpleasant odor comes from the mouth. And that's assuming there's never been anything like it before. It is impossible to alleviate this disease - just remove the cyst and find out why it arose. Most often occurs in the upper jaw.
It is recommended to take an x-ray of the affected tooth. Sometimes there is no point in treating cysts - it is easier to remove a tooth. Especiallywhen it comes to dairy. Permanent try to keep. Particularly if the patient is a child.
What other options could there be? A bump on the gum in a child can be a benign tumor. It's called fibropapilloma. Usually does not hurt, looks like a small seal that can grow. Only occasionally does pus appear inside.

There is no cure for such a disease. Removed only by surgery. For children's teeth, it does not pose any danger, but brings a lot of inconvenience. Do not leave fibropapillomas unattended. They can be harmful during the appearance of permanent teeth.
If a child has a bump with pus on the gum, it must be examined by a dentist without fail. Further, treatment is selected in accordance with the disease. After all, it is impossible to determine on your own what the matter is. But what if the lump formed in the place where the milk tooth was recently? At the same time, there is no pus inside the gums.
This phenomenon is a consequence of the appearance of molars. Usually, the gums swell during the eruption period, bumps (pink or whitish in color) appear, and when pressed, they can hurt a little. Cutting sensations are extremely rare.
The period of changing milk teeth, like the first eruption, should be endured. This is a natural process, it will affect every child. Most often, pain occurs when changing distant teeth. You can take painkillers, but nothing more. There is no need to raise a panic: after a whilea new tooth will emerge from the bump.
But that's not all. A bump on the gums of a child (photos are presented in the article) may not be a disease, but a certain phenomenon. We are talking about hematomas. Most often they appear in children. They look like pink dense cones. And arise as a result of impact.

Usually it is recommended not only to take the child to the doctor, but also to apply something cold to the affected area. Some recommend watching the bump. If it does not increase, even decreases, you can not panic. The resulting phenomenon is indeed a hematoma. The gums of the child are subject to it, especially during meals. Adults rarely experience this problem. But if the bump begins to grow or brings discomfort, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. It is likely that some kind of infection has accumulated in the gum.
Do's and Don'ts
It often happens that a child does not have acute toothache. But the bump is still there. It does not go away, it is filled with pus. What can I do to ease the situation before the doctor visit?
Here you can advise several options for the development of events. In general, it all depends on the disease. Therefore, a definite answer cannot be found. In any case, it is recommended to disinfect the oral cavity. Have your child rinse their mouth often with mouthwash and gently brush their teeth.
In no case should you pierce and squeeze out the bump. Pus may leak out, but then even more will fall into the guminfections. Warming the cones is also not recommended. The exception is rinsing with a solution of soda and s alt, and then not too hot. The infection may recede when warmed up, but this does not exclude its even greater spread.
Also, do not supercool the affected area. It is recommended to take food very carefully, to exclude everything cold and very hot. Food at room temperature will do.
Child should brush their teeth gently with a soft brush. It is important not to damage the gums. Especially when it comes to flux or cyst. The fistula may burst, this should not cause panic. The pus flows out. In some cases, bursting fistulas are quickly tightened, and they are safely forgotten.

Perhaps that's all parents need to know. A white bump on the gum of a child, as already mentioned, can be of a different nature. It is impossible to predict what kind of event is taking place. It is mandatory to take a picture of the affected tooth before visiting the dentist. This is the only way to fully determine why the lump arose. Especially if it hurts and increases significantly in size.
In order not to face this problem, it is recommended to simply monitor the oral cavity. This is both prevention and treatment. The rest of the work is up to the dentist. A purulent bump on the gums of a child should not be ignored!