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Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor, which, according to medical statistics, among similar pathologies that occur in females, is in fourth place right after oncology of the stomach, mammary glands and skin
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Nizhny Novgorod Region recently ranked eighth in the country in terms of cancer incidence. A resident of the city of Balakhna, Natalya Lebedeva, a young mother and a happy wife, got into the sad statistics. Eight years of a carefree, joyful life ended overnight in 2014. It was then that the woman abruptly lost the ability to move. Doctors announced the presence of a tumor of the spinal cord, pressing on the nerve roots
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
For a long time humanity has been trying to find a cure for cancer. Many attempts to defeat this disease have come to naught, but research continues. So, scientists have discovered that it is very effective against a terrible disease to direct all the forces of the immune system. Immunologists-oncologists are constantly working on this. This is how one of the methods of cancer treatment appeared - cytokine therapy. What is it, we will consider further. It is interesting to know what are the reviews about this method of treatment
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What is colorectal cancer? This is an oncological disease that is malignant in nature. As a rule, this severe disease affecting the gastrointestinal tract affects the population of industrialized countries. The only rare exception to this rule until recently was Japan
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Colon cancer, according to statistics, is the second most common oncological disease localized in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this disease occupies 5-6% of all oncological pathologies. Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the incidence of this type of cancer among both sexes
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Oncological diseases are one of the most dangerous. Nobody is safe from them. Early diagnosis will increase the chances that a malignant tumor will be removed without consequences. This article will consider such an oncological disease as ovarian cancer, the symptoms of this disease and its diagnosis
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Scientists and doctors face a big task: to find out the causes of oncology. After all, this terrible disease occupies one of the first places in terms of mortality. There are currently several known causes of cancer
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A terrible tumor is far from the time when people want to share their troubles with the people who surround them daily. Unfortunately, our society has acquired such a terrifying stereotype that it is impossible to cure cancer at all, and people who have already been diagnosed with it will simply die in 2-3 years, but everyone should understand that cancer is not a sentence
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Infiltrative cancer of the stomach, known in medicine as endophytic, is one of the most dangerous oncological diseases affecting humans. Features of localization, the specificity of the growth of the atypical area are such that the diagnosis of pathology at an early stage is extremely difficult
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Lymphoma is a disease in which lymphatic tissue is affected. At the same time, the affected lymphocytes begin to divide intensively and provoke malfunctions in the normal functioning of the internal organs of the human body
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According to the legislative framework, all patients with suspected neoplasms must be registered and registered without fail. Using dispensary observation, it is possible to detect pathology in a timely manner and prescribe the correct treatment, prevent complications, relapses and the spread of metastases. For the convenience of clinical examination, 4 clinical groups of cancer patients were developed
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One of the most insidious diseases is Dubrey's melanosis. ICD-10 classifies it as a preinvasive type of cancer. The pathology itself is quite difficult to diagnose, and even an experienced oncologist cannot make a prognosis. Therefore, it is so important to know its symptoms in the early stages
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Recently, aconite is becoming more and more famous. The homeopathic cure for cancer has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. The main thing is to strictly follow the prescribed course of treatment
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Carcinoma is a malignant tumor that affects the internal organs and epithelial cells of the human skin. In any tissue structure where they are contained, this tumor can develop. The place of its appearance is mainly determined by the nature of the cells of which it consists
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The bladder is a significant organ of human life. Recently, more and more patients are treated with various ailments of this organ, the most dangerous of which is bladder cancer in men and women. Of course, the tumor does not appear out of the blue. It is preceded by untreated inflammation, chronic infections, wrong way of life and stress
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Probably, there is no worse disease today than cancer. This disease does not look at either age or status. He mercilessly mows down everyone. Modern methods of treating tumors are quite effective if the disease is detected in the early stages. However, cancer treatment also has a downside. For example, radiation therapy, the side effects of which sometimes have high he alth risks
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In our life, probably, there is no worse disease than cancer. The tumor mercilessly mows down people, regardless of their gender, age, status. Every day more and more children end up in the hospital with a terrible diagnosis. At times like these, it seems like there is no hope left. However, chemotherapy for oncology is considered an effective way to fight. Timely diagnosis of a tumor increases the chances of recovery
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One of the aggressive forms of oncological pathologies is small cell lung cancer. This disease is dangerous because it spreads very quickly and metastasizes to the lymph nodes and distant organs. However, the treatment helps to increase the life expectancy of patients with this form of cancer
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The defeat of breast tissue by cancer cells is one of the most common oncological diseases that occur in women. Today every tenth inhabitant of the planet hears this diagnosis. And if men think that this diagnosis does not threaten them, they are mistaken - it’s just that their disease manifests itself much less frequently. What is this disease? How does it manifest itself? How is breast cancer diagnosed at home?
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Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the breast. According to statistics, one fifth of women around the world have this disease. Most often, the disease overtakes those representatives of the fair sex who are 50 years old
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Psychosomatics (cancer): experiences and personal characteristics that cause oncological diseases of certain organs, the role of working with a psychologist and self-improvement in complex tumor therapy
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One of the terrible cancers that can occur in a woman is cervical cancer. What methods of dealing with it exist, and is there a chance to get rid of this pathology forever?
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An incurable patient is an incurable patient. Usually, the viability of such a person is still supported by appropriate medicines, but only with the aim of alleviating suffering, and not healing, since in such cases there is practically no hope for a positive outcome
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Cancer - this word from the mouth of a doctor sounds like a sentence. Having heard a terrible diagnosis for the first time, the sick person thinks that life is over. But it is natural for a person to hope, and he asks himself the question: is brain cancer treated or not? Is it possible to live with such a disease?
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Metachronous cancer is one of the three forms of the so-called bilateral cancer of glands or organs, which in the human body are located in pairs, for example, on the right and left sides of one system, or tumors that have the same histological structure. Below you can learn more about this concept, the possible causes of the development of the disease, as well as the symptoms
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Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor of the prostate, the internal male organ of the genitourinary system. According to statistics, every seventh man in old age suffers from this disease. What are the causes of the disease, its symptoms and treatments?
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Synovial sarcoma is a dangerous malignant soft tissue disease that requires serious and long-term treatment
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There are answers to the question of why adults get cancer. For example, malnutrition for a long time, bad habits, negative environmental impacts and heredity. When asked why children get cancer, scientists and doctors are still looking for an answer
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Treatment of ovarian cancer in Israel is carried out in several surgical ways. With timely and proper treatment, the prognosis in most cases is positive
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Breast cancer is a very serious disease. Stage 4 breast cancer is characterized by the fact that metastases are observed not only in the place where the tumor originated, but also in neighboring organs. The prognosis for this disease is unfavorable, the patient's chances for complete healing are minimal. Metastases usually affect the bones, lungs, liver
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A terrible diagnosis - "stomach cancer" - is most often heard by people over the age of fifty. A very small percentage of those affected are young people. Men are more at risk. But, regardless of who may become a potential case, you need to be well aware of the first symptoms of stomach cancer. At least in order to be able to distinguish it from other diseases
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Oncological diseases today are increasingly common among the population of our planet. They pose a real threat to human life and he alth. The prevalence of this phenomenon is largely due to a combination of factors that are inevitable for modern society. We are talking about bad ecology, constant stress and high rhythm of life
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Every cancer patient faces the problem of choosing the right diet in the postoperative period. There is no universal approach. In each case, its own power supply system is selected. Often, the patient is no longer able to return to the consumption of familiar products
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Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is by far one of the most common and most dangerous among all types of cancers that develop in the lymphatic system. This disease is characterized by high cell aggressiveness, and, in addition, dynamic growth. In the absence of adequate treatment, metastatic lesions threaten a person with a fatal outcome
Tumor in the stomach: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and treatment
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When a tumor in the stomach occurs uncontrolled spread of cancer cells. According to official statistics, more than seven hundred thousand people die from such a neoplasm every year in the world. Gastric cancer is very dangerous with the formation of metastases. About half of people with this type of cancer metastasize, when cancer cells spread from the stomach to other organs
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The following article discusses a new treatment for skin cancer called immunotherapy. A definition of the disease is also briefly given, the causes of its occurrence and classical methods of treatment are disclosed
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The rectum is the final part of the large intestine. It is located in the small pelvis, adjacent to the sacrum and coccyx. Its length is 15-20 cm. It is this section of the intestine that is very often affected by various tumors. Among them are benign and malignant. Today we will talk about how a tumor of the rectum appears and develops, and we will also touch on the issue of therapeutic and surgical treatment
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Astrocytoma (piloid, glomerular, microcystic) is a neoplasm localized in the brain. The pathological condition among other variants of brain tumors is the most common. From the inside in the neoplasm, it is often possible to identify a cyst prone to significant growth. Astrocytoma can put quite a bit of pressure on brain tissue
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This article contains information about such a dangerous disease as bowel cancer, its causes, symptoms, as well as methods of treatment and diagnosis. In addition, the issue of possible blood tests that could indicate the presence of this disease in a person is considered in detail
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Currently, hormone therapy for breast cancer is one of the most effective methods of dealing with neoplasms that depend on the hormonal background of the patient. Often, the course is called anti-estrogen, since the main task of the drug program is to minimize the effect of estrogen on atypical cellular structures