Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis features, treatment and prognosis

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis features, treatment and prognosis
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis features, treatment and prognosis

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is by far one of the most common and most dangerous among all types of cancers that develop in the lymphatic system. This disease is characterized by high cell aggressiveness, and, in addition, dynamic growth. In the absence of adequate treatment, metastatic lesions threaten a person with a fatal outcome. According to American statistics, every year in the United States this type of cancer is diagnosed in twenty-three thousand people, along with this, about ten thousand deaths are recorded. Until quite recently, this disease was considered incurable, but today modern clinics use methods that give a favorable prognosis in the presence of such a dangerous pathology.

diffuse inlarge cell lymphoma
diffuse inlarge cell lymphoma

Features of the disease

Considering what constitutes diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, it should be noted, first of all, the nature of the disease. It belongs to the group of oncologies that occur in the lymphatic system due to abnormal, and, in addition, uncontrolled cell division. Against this background, old cells, as is necessary in the norm, do not die off, but new ones are already being formed. A tumor can appear in absolutely any part of the body; it can be detected in only one lymph node or in a group of several at once. In the course of the development of the disease, it is able to affect the internal organs and grow into the bone marrow.

What happens to lymphocytes?

This diagnosis indicates that B-lymphocytes undergo mutations in the body. These are blood bodies that are designed to fight infections that enter the human body. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma got its name from the fact that diseased cells enter the lymph nodes, leading to their destruction. That is, there is some diffusion in the lymph node.

Age of patients

This disease is diagnosed in people of the older and middle age categories, starting from thirty-five years. The lesion, as a rule, affects both sexes, however, women suffer from such an ailment more often. Can diffuse large B-cell lymphoma be cured in humans? Success depends on the timely treatment of the patient in a specialized clinic, and, in addition, on the adequacy of treatment.

diffuse large cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma prognosis
diffuse large cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma prognosis

Stages of pathology

There is a certain division of diffuse B-cell large cell lymphoma GCB-type into several of the following varieties: primary cell damage, intravascular, primary skin involvement in the pathological process of the legs, occurring against the backdrop of Epstein-Barr syndrome, developing as a consequence inflammatory process and characterized by an excessive number of histiocytes. Diffuse lymphomas usually progress in four stages. The division is carried out on the basis of the prevalence of the pathological process.

  • At the initial stage, a single lesion of the lymph node is recorded.
  • Further, the pathological process can proceed in a group of nodes that are located on one side of the body.
  • At the third stage, the pathology affects the nodes on both sides of the diaphragm.
  • In the fourth stage, the tumor spreads to vital organs, such as the liver, bone marrow, lungs, and so on.

Many people wonder what is the survival rate for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

Causes that can lead to pathology

The reasons that can lead to the development of this disease are currently not yet fully understood, unfortunately. Nevertheless, physicians highlight a number of potentially dangerous factors that can provoke this anomaly. These include the following reasons:

  • Having a genetic predisposition.
  • Influenceage-related changes.
  • The presence of various viruses, for example, immunodeficiency, Epstein-Barr and others.
  • A person is obese.
  • Effect of radiation.
  • Influence of the consequences of the transferred therapy of malignant tumors of any other localization.
  • Having a weak immune system along with autoimmune diseases.
  • Presence of inflammatory processes.
  • Influence of harmful organic compounds in the form of insecticides, benzene, carcinogens and the like.
  • The impact on the body of some infections, such as Helicobacter bacteria.

What is the prognosis for diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma? More on that below.

Symptomatics of pathology development

The development of this pathology may be accompanied by various symptoms, directly dependent on the area of tumor formation and the lesion of a certain part of the body.

The most important indicator is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes or their entire group. At first, painlessness is present, including during probing. Thus, the lymph nodes can become very enlarged, and the pain tends to come on gradually.

diffuse large cell lymphoma gcb
diffuse large cell lymphoma gcb

Associated manifestations

Among the accompanying manifestations that occur with the further development of this type of oncology, the following symptoms are noted:

  • The appearance of dizziness and swelling. In this case, most often the neck, face orlimbs.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath and a feeling of pain in the affected area.
  • The occurrence of coughing, numbness of the limbs, and, in addition, the development of paralysis.
  • The occurrence of problems with balance.

Specific to non-Hodgkin's large B-cell diffuse lymphoma and common signs of cancer in the form of anemia, fatigue, weakness, unreasonably rising temperature, loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, and the like.

How is this pathology diagnosed?

Diagnosis of the described oncology is a complex process that requires an integrated approach. First of all, an external examination by a doctor is carried out along with an anamnesis and palpation of the lymph nodes. It is also mandatory to conduct a biopsy (taking particles of tumor tissues to determine the type of cells and their degree of malignancy). The sampling is carried out by puncture of the lymph node. For complex diagnostics, hardware procedures are required in the form of the following examination methods:

  • Carrying out an X-ray examination.
  • Performing magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Computed tomography.
  • Performing a radioisotope scan.
  • Performing an ultrasound examination of a patient.

In the process of diagnosing diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in 83.3% of cases, additional genetic tests may be required, and, in addition, laboratory blood tests fordetermination of oncological markers, however, biochemical analysis is also required. For example, if the liver is affected by these types of lymphoma, liver transaminases will be significantly elevated.

diffuse b-cell large cell lymphoma
diffuse b-cell large cell lymphoma

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of a disease such as diffuse large cell lymphoma is carried out with limited surgical intervention. High doses of drugs are often used in chemotherapy. They are administered after a stem cell transplant procedure. In order to exclude certain complications, patients are hospitalized.

This type of lymphoma is often treated with chemotherapy plus radiation or a combination of therapies. Due to the addition of irradiation with a cytological agent, a sufficiently high effect is obtained from the performed chemistry. A significant therapeutic effect is achieved by removing the affected lymph node. The operation helps to obtain tissue for diagnosis, but surgery rarely eliminates complications after the treatment. Diffuse cellular lymphoma of the intestine is treated through an acceptable operative technique, which is surgical resection.


Therapy is carried out with the following drugs: "Rituximab", "Cyclophosphamide", "Vincristine", "Doxorubine" and "Prednisolone". Intravenous administration of drugs favors an effective response of the body to therapy. It is noted that patients who underwent surgery and then received chemo,received a lower therapeutic effect than those who were treated with radiation and chemotherapy.

Additionally, the type of lymphoma described can be treated with several groups of drugs, namely, antimetabolites, immunomodulators, antibiotics, antitumor and antiviral agents, and so on. Examples of such drugs include Methotrexate, Epirubicin, Vinblastine, Etoposide, Doxorubicin, Rituximab, Mitoxantrone, and Asparaginase.

treatment of diffuse large cell lymphoma
treatment of diffuse large cell lymphoma


Among immunostimulants in the treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, "Interferon" is often preferred. Patients with a favorable prognosis for the development of this disease (that is, those who have the disease in the first or second stage) are treated in two stages according to a special scheme using drugs in the form of Bleomycin, Vinblastine, Dtoxorubicin and Dacarbazine.

Patients whose disease has a poor prognosis are prescribed intensive therapy in the form of treatment with drugs such as Onkovin along with Cyclophosphan, Doxorubicin and others. In addition, with an unfavorable prognosis, doctors prescribe chemotherapy for patients. Also, in such cases, it is advisable to undergo radiation therapy, due to which tumor cells are destroyed by X-rays.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy especially helps patients in the first and second stages of the disease. Rays with a similartreatment are sent directly to the affected area in order to destroy, and, in addition, to damage tumor cells. This treatment method greatly helps to curb their growth.

The standard of care by which stage 4 diffuse large b-cell lymphoma is treated is six courses of a drug called Rituximab. It should be noted that the duration of therapeutic courses, as well as the combination of drugs, may vary, which directly depends on age, and, in addition, on the stability of the condition of patients and the degree of damage to their body.

non-Hodgkin's B cell diffuse large cell lymphoma
non-Hodgkin's B cell diffuse large cell lymphoma

Additional treatment

Additional therapy can be done with Rituximab, Dexamethasone, Cytarabine and Cisplastin. Venous devices may also be used for patients who receive many cycles of chemo. Such devices are implanted in order to take samples for analysis, determine the degree of toxicity and perform an injection.

Patients with this type of cancer are usually seen every three weeks, even if they show temporary improvement. Of the total number of lymphomas, forty percent are diffuse large cell variations of this disease.

Now let's move on to considering the prognosis of this disease and find out what chances of survival patients have with this oncology.

Prognosis for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Prognosis if the patient hasthis pathology in rare cases is favorable. The nature of the prognosis largely depends on the type and stage of the disease, and, in addition, on the age and general he alth of the patient. In many ways, the prognosis for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma also depends on the causes that contributed to the emergence of this type of oncology. With a favorable prognosis, patients have a ninety-four percent chance of surviving more than five years after diagnosis. But in the event of an unfavorable prognosis, this survival rate drops to sixty percent.

diffuse large cell lymphoma
diffuse large cell lymphoma

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treatment reviews

Reviews on the treatment of this pathology are plentiful. Diffuse lymphoma is one of the most common oncologies in the modern world. It begins to develop in the body during the production of abnormal B-lymphocytes. Sometimes tumor cells occupy areas of the body that do not consist of lymphoid tissues. Pathological cancer cells in the presence of this disease in patients grow very quickly. Reviews confirm this. The pathological focus may not hurt at the same time, usually such areas are located on the neck, under the armpits or in the groin. People say that the sooner this dangerous disease is detected, the more likely the sick person has a positive prognosis.
