Many people, in one way or another connected with oncological problems, have heard more than once about such a medicinal plant as aconite. The cure for cancer made from it is widely known, but enjoys controversial fame. And this is not surprising. Its use to get rid of malignant tumors requires special care.
To get the desired therapeutic effect and avoid he alth hazards, first of all, you need to properly prepare aconite. The root of the plant is collected and processed in a complex and lengthy technology. The scheme of its use is also individual.
Aconite cancer treatment should only be done under the supervision of a qualified oncologist in a specialized medical center. Otherwise (on your own) it is almost impossible to meet all the requirements for treatment.
Let's look at these issues in more detail.
Plant details
Aconite, the use of which in medicine is difficult to overestimate, has more than 250 species. The official name of the plant is wrestler high. It is a perennial meadow grass.

In modernin homeopathy, these shoots are known by several names:
- wolf aconite;
- buttercup blue;
- helmet;
- Jungarian aconite.
The main area of distribution of the plant is the southern part of Siberia and the Altai Territory, the northern regions of Central Asia and Primorye. Also, aconite is widely known in various regions of North America.
Externally described plant is an inflorescence of purple, blue or blue (sometimes there are white or yellow flowers), having eight petals, which in their shape resemble a helmet. Hence one of the names. However, an attractive appearance is fraught with great danger: all parts of the plant, and especially the tubers, are very poisonous. The highest concentration of poison accumulates during the flowering period. Aconite poisoning is one of the most dangerous. Harmful substances can penetrate the circulatory system even through the skin.
Poisonous properties
Plant cells produce a peculiar chemical element - an alkaloid, which includes aconitine - one of the most powerful natural toxic substances. Thanks to him, the plant emits a specific smell, somewhat similar to the aroma of celery stalks or horseradish.
But it is aconite, the root of which is used to make tinctures, is widely used by homeopaths not only for the treatment of cancerous tumors. It is used to treat a large number of other dangerous pathologies.
It should also be noted that the concentration of poison in the juice of various varieties of plants and such, for example, as wolf's aconite,can be very different. This, of course, directly affects their medicinal properties, including the ability to resist cancer. But do not forget about the he alth risks that blue buttercup can cause if used incorrectly.
Besides aconite species, the concentration of poison depends on many other conditions:
- growing areas;
- grass age;
- environmental conditions.
In this regard, alcohol tincture of aconite root should be purchased only in specialized stores. Akonit-M has proven itself well, offering a variety of he alth products, including homeopathic medicines.
The collection of a plant used to treat cancer is produced in southern countries. And, for example, in Scandinavia, buttercup is widely used as feed for livestock due to the complete absence of harmful alkaloids.

Different varieties of this herb can vary greatly. For example, Dzhungarian aconite has a straight stem, and wolf aconite has a curly one. Their length also varies from a few tens of centimeters to four meters.
The most interesting within this material are the roots that aconite has. The cure for cancer is made exclusively from them. The plant has a tuberous root system that penetrates the soil to a depth of 10 to 40 centimetres. The size of a ripe tuber reaches a length of 8 cm. Each stemup to 3-4 similar formations are found.
Comparison of homeopathic treatment and traditional drug therapy
First of all, it should be noted that all pharmacological agents used to combat cancer are very aggressive chemical compounds that, in addition to beneficial effects, have a huge number of side effects on the body.
That is, aconite, reviews of which repeatedly mention considerable harm to other internal organs of a person, in this respect is no different from official anticancer drugs. Its action is even more subtle than the effects of today's tissue-selective drugs.
The main feature is only that the use of the latter can be controlled and planned, which cannot be said about aconite. Cancer medicine made from buttercup roots is risky enough to take. This statement does not require proof. The danger is aggravated by the fact that the course of therapy, in which, for example, tincture of Jungar aconite is used, is quite long in time. At the same time, the dose of poison is gradually increased to achieve the so-called saturation threshold, which differs significantly and depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Only for this reason, aconite, the use of which allows you to quite successfully fight cancer, has not yet been approved by the official medical authorities of our country as an anti-cancer agent.
HoweverNot everyone is scornful of this herb. In some parts of the world, aconite is widely used. A cancer cure made from blue buttercup is officially approved in the following countries:
- China.
- India.
- Bulgaria.
Oncology Benefits
Tincture of Jungar aconite and a decoction of the leaves of other varieties of this plant are very effective in the fight against cancer. Most experts believe that this homeopathic remedy should long ago be equated in effectiveness with traditional chemical anti-cancer drugs.
The main advantages of using alternative treatment include the following:
- prevention of the formation of metastases, as well as inhibition of the development of secondary foci of malignant tumors (sometimes even their reverse development is detected);
- if you know how to take aconite, it will not have any harmful and (or) irreversible effects on other human organs and systems;
- Compliance with the dosage avoids the side effects inherent in treatment with strong chemicals;
- scutellaria not only prevents the development of the lesion, but also allows you to get rid of most of the external manifestations of the disease (pain, depression, body intoxication);
- blue buttercup is effective in treating the elderly, as well as patients debilitated by long-term cancer or multiple chemotherapy sessions.
Treatment Method
ForTo counteract cancer, an extract from the tubers or leaves of aconite is usually used. It is diluted with an alcohol solution in a ratio of 1 to 10. For treatment (due to the strong toxicity of the drug), the correct amount of the drug used is important. To dose the tincture of aconite with maximum accuracy, it is better to use an insulin syringe, the volume of which is 1 ml.

Patients who have used aconite say that if you take an eye dropper, you can not meet the required dose of a homeopathic remedy, which often leads to exceeding the safe amount (sometimes even more than twice). Conversely, an insufficient amount of tincture negates the effectiveness of such therapy.
Experts recommend taking the drug about 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The principle of the drug regimen is to gradually increase its daily dose.
General rate
At the very beginning, one drop before meals is enough. It is dissolved in a certain amount of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. After that, the number of drops is increased every day by one until it reaches 20. This is the maximum dose. This is followed by a gradual decrease in reverse order. The total duration of treatment is 39 days.
These are general guidelines. However, in any case, the individual characteristics of the body and the effect of the drug on overall well-being should be taken into account. In addition, there are several varieties of tinctures, each of which has distinctive features that affect the process.treatment.
For example, some varieties of the drug (made from aconite with a low alkaloid content in tubers) are dosed in milliliters.
At the end of the course, a control examination is carried out. Patients in their reviews note that if there are no side effects, and the general condition of the patient has not worsened, the course of treatment is repeated in the same sequence. In total, three stages of treatment are carried out with 14-day breaks between each of them.
As a result, a stable positive result should be achieved. After it, the treatment is completely stopped. If relapses of the disorder are diagnosed, or the desired effect is not achieved, further therapy is carried out strictly individually, taking into account the recommendations of the treating homeopathic specialist.
Custom approach
Let's consider some other points that are important if aconite is used to treat oncology. A cancer drug made from it requires a strict approach to use.
The following example shows the importance of the previous statement. The content of the poisonous substance in the tincture made from Dzungarian aconite is 0.08% in one milliliter. Therefore, it is most effective in the treatment of cancerous tumors. If there are any disorders in the internal organs caused by previous courses of chemotherapy, the amount of the drug taken should not exceed 10 drops per dose. Therefore, the course of treatment is reduced to 19 (instead of the usual 39) days.

In addition, numerousresearch in this area has repeatedly confirmed that in far from all cases, the maximum allowable concentration of alkaloid in the body is required to counteract cancer.
On the contrary, in the treatment of certain forms of oncology, as well as in the early stages of the development of the described pathologies, homeopaths specializing in the treatment of malignant tumors prefer to use medium concentration tinctures. They allow you to have a more delicate effect and make it possible to smoothly adjust the dosage.
Accordingly, the patient's body is exposed to fewer risks during treatment.
Alkaloid overload
During the entire treatment process, the patient's condition should be carefully monitored. This allows you to timely identify the time when the body is already saturated with a toxic substance. This is usually indicated by the well-known symptoms of intoxication.
As soon as such a condition is diagnosed, you should immediately stop increasing the dose of aconite and gradually reduce it at subsequent doses.
When a homeopath draws up an individual treatment schedule for a disease, he carefully ensures that the recommended interval is maintained between individual courses of therapy. It must be at least 14 days.
However, if during therapy a supersaturation of the body was established, a break should be taken for as many days as there were drops in the maximum dose. For example, if 15 drops of aconite were drunk at a time, then when symptoms of intoxication appear, a pause between courses of treatmentincreases to 15 days.
Reception schemes
Standard treatment has an undeniable advantage. When using it, there is no need to visit a medical institution for constant monitoring of the patient's condition. But there is also a very serious drawback: in case of deviations, the patient will not be able to diagnose the onset of irreversible harmful effects in he althy organs and systems of his body in time.
Despite this, patients confirm that the drug in the vast majority of cases begins with the usual scheme. Changes to it are made only after the patient has external signs of any deviations. By the way, from the reviews it follows that this happens often, since the patient's immune system is very weakened by previous chemotherapy courses.

The main condition without which it is impossible to achieve positive dynamics is the continuity of the medication. If no side effects are detected by a homeopathic doctor, the drug is continued continuously, only its dosage changes.
The total duration of all treatments is determined based on the following factors:
- patient condition;
- diagnosed;
- the rate of spread of a malignant tumor;
- other objective reasons.
Most often it is about three months, maximum - up to 1 year.
Patients say that to achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use aconite tincturetogether with therapy with other natural medicines. Plants such as hemlock, fly agaric, milestone are often used.
Measures in the event of an overdose

Sometimes during the use of aconite for the treatment of cancer, it causes severe poisoning. This can lead to irreversible consequences in the functioning of body systems, therefore it requires an urgent response.
If you find signs of saturation with the poison of the blue buttercup, you should immediately stop taking the tincture and take measures aimed at detoxification. For this purpose, it is recommended to use glucose or saline solution. In especially severe cases, these drugs must be combined with an antidote. Of course, such measures completely negate the therapeutic effect, but the clinical picture in question can be fatal, so there is no choice.
Signs of poisoning can often be detected with standard treatment regimens. This should not cause concern, especially if external manifestations are noticed in time, and the course of taking the drug is adjusted in a timely manner.
In this case, there will be no need to interrupt the treatment. According to patients, the positive effect will be maintained.
Signs of aconite poisoning
The main symptoms that indicate a dangerous concentration of a poisonous substance in the body are:
- weakness;
- nausea;
- tingling in fingertips and tongue;
- violation of tactilesensitivity;
- failures in the rhythm of the heart and other problems with the cardiovascular system.
Countermeasures - stop increasing the dose of the drug. Reviews confirm that in the vast majority of patients, signs of poisoning disappear. Only 5% of patients require a complete cessation of treatment.
Other applications of blue buttercup
In addition to the well-known tincture of aconite roots, modern alternative medicine widely uses the drug "Aconite" (homeopathic), which has a very wide range of applications:
- has antibacterial action;
- reduces inflammation;
- lowers body temperature;
- fights with increased secretion of bronchial and lung glands;
- improves heart function;
- reduces blood pressure;
- has a sedative effect.
You should once again draw your attention to the fact that homeopathic medicines must be purchased only from quality suppliers. As well as the tincture of skullcap roots, the drug "Aconite" can be found in the online store "Aconite M", which specializes in this kind of goods.
Aconite is a poisonous plant, which, however, is widely used to treat cancer. Its effectiveness has been repeatedly proven and has been known since ancient times.
At present, preparations containing blue ranunculus root tincture are increasingly being used in the treatment of various cancerous tumors, as well as many other diseases.
The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of a homeopath, so that the possible harm to other internal organs does not outweigh the benefits received from the treatment. By the way, excellent specialists work in domestic centers for homeopathic treatment "Aconit-Homeomed", reviews of which leave no room for doubt about the correctness of the choice.
Don't mess with your he alth!