Natalia Lebedeva: her fight against cancer

Natalia Lebedeva: her fight against cancer
Natalia Lebedeva: her fight against cancer

Among the many diseases, there is one that everyone perceives as a sentence. This is cancer. Doctors joke: people are afraid of oncology, but they die from vascular and heart diseases. Why is this diagnosis so scary for patients? The answer is simple - the inevitability of radical operations, the most difficult treatment and the unpredictability of the result. The disease manifests itself when vital organs are affected, and the prospect of a positive outcome is extremely small.

Natalia Lebedeva
Natalia Lebedeva

Insidious disease

Nizhny Novgorod Region recently ranked eighth in the country in terms of cancer incidence. A resident of the city of Balakhna, Natalya Lebedeva, a young mother and a happy wife, got into the sad statistics. Eight years of a carefree, joyful life ended overnight in 2014. It was then that the woman abruptly lost the ability to move. Doctors announced the presence of a tumor of the spinal cord, pressing on the nerve roots.

Neither in Nizhny Novgorod nor in Moscow, doctors failed tobiopsy to determine the nature of the tumor. They performed an operation to remove it, strengthening part of the vertebrae with a metal structure. It didn’t get better, on the contrary, the woman was even worse. Someone would have folded their hands in suffocating despair, but not Natalya Lebedeva. Cancer was eating away at her body, and she, unaware of the insidiousness of the disease, was looking for a way out. Together with her husband, she flew to Israel, where she did not have the strength to walk to the doctor's office. My husband recognized the diagnosis: lymphoma, stage 4. It was absolutely impossible to do an operation on the spinal cord.

Start of the fight

It's he althy to live Natalia Lebedeva
It's he althy to live Natalia Lebedeva

Israeli doctors gave hope: a bone marrow transplant is possible, five million rubles are needed. Relatives, numerous friends started looking for funds, and Natalya Lebedeva began to fight for her life. One course of chemotherapy followed another, but she did not give up. It took fourteen. No one knows the limit of human capabilities, but it is beyond comprehension.

The local media wrote about the courageous woman. Leaflets appeared on the Internet with an appeal to raise funds and open a charitable account. A friend who was studying in Moscow wrote to the program “Let them talk”. Nizhny Novgorod artists held a free concert in support of their countrywoman, where they organized a fair - the sale of things. The first hundreds of thousands of rubles began to flow into the account. Not without meeting with real scammers. A certain charitable foundation offered a loan in the amount of the required amount for the operation at unimaginable interest and a pledge of the property inherited by the child. Sacrifice your son's futurethe couple were not ready.

Community "It's great to live!". Natalia Lebedeva "VKontakte"

In search of funds, the idea of creating an open group in a social network was born. So, the page “It's he althy to live!!! The story of Natalia Lebedeva. Friends convinced the young woman to tell her story so that people would be more he alth conscious and not feel alone if they were in trouble. This caused an instant response: 4707 people became members of the group. Those who are not indifferent extended a helping hand by organizing fairs of kindness to raise funds, supporting with a word, with advice.

Natalya Lebedeva cancer
Natalya Lebedeva cancer

The site has items for sale: original handmade items, clothes that don't fit, theater tickets. All the money raised went to the treatment of a young woman. But she passed away in January 2016. Natalya Lebedeva is undefeated, her friends say. They called the woman an angel who will protect those who are left behind and need help.

Instead of a will

Evelyn Lauder, who devoted her life to the fight against cancer, has died in the United States. She is considered the author of the symbol of this confrontation - pink ribbons. Hue means a problem of the mammary glands. Similar symbols in other colors now exist for all types of oncology. Natalya Lebedeva had to hold a purple ribbon in her hands to pass it on as a baton to those who continue to fight.

Its phenomenon is that oncological diseases develop against the background of immunosuppression of the body. Patients often fall into despair and needthe support of those around you. The young woman, despite the severe pain and the inability to move, retained her desire to live, communicate, and help others. The message feed is full of flyers calling for help for those who are fighting an unequal fight against cancer.