What are the first symptoms of stomach cancer

What are the first symptoms of stomach cancer
What are the first symptoms of stomach cancer

A terrible diagnosis - "stomach cancer" - is most often heard by people over the age of fifty. A very small percentage of those affected are young people. Men are more at risk. But, regardless of who may become a potential case, you need to be well aware of the first symptoms of stomach cancer. At least in order to be able to distinguish it from other diseases. In addition, cancer is getting younger, and this is due to the younger generation of smokers with weakened immune systems. At the same time, no one is immune from the disease.

early symptoms of stomach cancer
early symptoms of stomach cancer

General information

The first symptoms of stomach cancer are not always diagnosed as oncology, attributing everything to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. However, some signs that appear systematically indicate illness:

  • weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • iron deficiencyanemia;
  • periodically rolling nausea after eating, vomiting;
  • soft and black chair;
  • depression and apathy.

In some cases, an advanced form of cancer causes a systematic increase in body temperature. Adenocarcinoma is the most common form of stomach cancer. The first symptoms appear in the same way as in simple diseases of the digestive tract. Cancer can be diagnosed by a specialist oncologist during examination or by a therapist during palpation of the abdomen. Sometimes the sick themselves feel the tumors in themselves, after which they go to the doctor.

stomach cancer early symptoms
stomach cancer early symptoms

Stomach cancer. Signs and symptoms

There are four stages of the disease. The first three are painless and do not cause much discomfort. It is difficult to detect the disease in the early stages, but this is a guarantee of a speedy recovery. The last painful form is manifested in the following:

  • pain after eating;
  • characteristic pains in the upper abdomen, radiating to the lower back;
  • systematic pain, regardless of any factors;
  • severe pain radiating to the back, lower abdomen or sides.
stomach cancer signs and symptoms
stomach cancer signs and symptoms

At the initial stage of the disease, a tumor is usually detected by chance. For example, with FGS or x-rays. The first symptoms of stomach cancer, indicating the disease - anemia. A person who has never experienced a lack of iron in the body detects it in himself with a simple blood test. After the specialist diagnoses - anemia. It could besignal for the development of gastric cancer. It is recommended to consult an oncologist for an examination to prevent the disease.

The first symptom of stomach cancer is not always correctly interpreted. Severe back pain is regarded by some as sciatica or neuralgia. The treatment of these ailments takes precious time that could be used for the treatment of oncology. It is advisable to have an examination at least once a year. Especially those who are at risk - smokers, alcohol abusers, lovers of fatty and canned food, people over the age of 50.

The first symptoms of stomach cancer - vomiting and nausea after eating - can be interpreted as food poisoning. It is important to take all the tests on time and undergo an examination, regardless of age.