How is ovarian cancer treated in Israel

How is ovarian cancer treated in Israel
How is ovarian cancer treated in Israel

The disease that most often occurs in women during menopause is ovarian cancer. Basically, such a diagnosis is made to women whose age is over 40.

signs of ovarian cancer
signs of ovarian cancer

There are four stages of cancer.

The first stage indicates the presence of cancer cells in the ovaries.

In the second stage of ovarian cancer, cells grow into the uterus and tubes.

The third stage involves the spread of cancer cells to the lymph nodes.

Ovarian cancer, stage 4 - indicates the penetration of metastases into neighboring tissues.

Sometimes the symptoms do not make themselves felt for a long time, and the woman goes to the doctor only when external symptoms (for example: abdominal growth) already begin to appear. This is due to an increase in the tumor, as well as the appearance of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Pain can occur when cancer grows into the tubes (due to the fact that the tumor touches the nerve endings). But, even experiencing pain, women do not always go to the doctor, as they attribute these symptoms to the inflammatory process. Therefore, if any signs appear, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

Ovarian cancer treatment inIsrael is carried out in several surgical ways. With timely and proper treatment, the prognosis is positive in most cases.

ovarian cancer treatment in israel
ovarian cancer treatment in israel

Mostly, ovarian cancer occurs in nulliparous girls and women with constant stress and a hereditary factor.

When contacting the hospital, the gynecologist examines the patient and, if an enlarged ovary is detected, gives a referral for an ultrasound.


Timely diagnosis allows you to increase the chance of a less dangerous operation for the body, which significantly reduces the rehabilitation period. Since the signs of ovarian cancer are pronounced, it is possible to detect this disease at an early stage of progression.

Treatment of ovarian cancer in Israel is carried out by two main surgical methods: laparoscopic and abdominal. Doctors prefer to perform laparoscopy, as it is less traumatic for the body. The method of this procedure is that the patient is made several small incisions, the length of which is not more than 2 cm. An operation is performed through these holes, which is controlled by a microcamera. The advantage of laparoscopy is that, compared to other surgical methods, the risk of complications is minimal.

ovarian cancer stage 4
ovarian cancer stage 4

But there are times when the doctor has no choice and therefore decides to perform an abdominal operation. There are many reasons for its implementation: indications, the patient's condition, emergencycases.

Treatment of ovarian cancer in Israel by the abdominal method is carried out by an open method, that is, an opening of the abdominal cavity.

Both methods are used under general anesthesia. In order to avoid complications during surgical treatment, before performing the operation, it is necessary to inform the doctor of all information related to he alth: previous operations, allergies to drugs, or current medications.

Treatment for ovarian cancer in Israel is selected depending on the age of the patient, condition and stage of the tumor.
