Causes of oncology in children and adults. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of cancer

Causes of oncology in children and adults. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of cancer
Causes of oncology in children and adults. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of cancer

Oncology is a relatively young medical science. However, it is developing at a very fast pace. Active study of oncological diseases is associated with the rapid growth of these pathologies. Millions of people die from malignant neoplasms. A high percentage of mortality and morbidity is observed everywhere, including in developed countries.

Cancer is difficult to treat, especially in advanced stages. Therefore, the actions of doctors and scientists are aimed at preventing this deadly disease. To resist oncological pathologies, it is necessary to know the causes of their occurrence. Currently, many etiological factors are known that can lead to the development of cancer.

causes of oncology
causes of oncology

World cancer statistics

According to world statistics, oncological diseases take the 3rd place in terms of mortality. Diseases are more common in older people. However, over the past decade, pathology has become “younger”. Some types of cancer occur in childhood. These include cancer of the lymphaticnodes, blood, soft tissues. Depending on the location of the primary tumor focus, statistics of malignant neoplasms were compiled. Among the female population, breast cancer is the most common. It is followed by oncological diseases of the cervix, stomach, intestines, thyroid gland. In men, lung cancer is the most common. Malignant lesions of the prostate, stomach, rectum, liver, etc. are also common.

The most common oncological pathologies, regardless of the gender of the patient, are: skin, lung and breast cancer. Among pediatric patients, common types of malignant neoplasms are: lymphomas, neuro- and retinoblastomas, leukemia. They are followed by tumors of bones and soft tissues, kidneys.

What does an oncologist do?

Surgeons de alt with malignant processes about 100 years ago. It was believed that the treatment of tumors consisted only in their removal. At the moment, there are many methods of treatment. An oncologist is engaged in the detection of cancer.


The duties of this specialist include the following actions:

  1. Diagnosis of malignant tumors.
  2. Determination of the stage of pathology and the group of dispensary observation.
  3. Choice of treatment methods, referral to a specialized medical institution.
  4. Accounting and monitoring patients.
  5. Medical examination of persons who have a predisposition to oncological pathologies.
  6. Provision of palliative carepatients who are not indicated for treatment due to the serious condition and prevalence of cancer in the body.

Depending on the specialization of the oncologist, there are several types of doctors. These include a chemotherapist, a radiologist, and a general surgeon who removes tumors.

Causes of oncological pathologies

It is impossible to accurately indicate the causes of oncology. However, numerous studies have found that certain factors contribute to the development of cancer. These include:

  1. Smoking. The risk of developing cancer increases in people prone to bad habits.
  2. Wrong diet. Pesticides are widely used in food production today. Many of these are considered carcinogens.
  3. Genetic predisposition is another cause of oncology. Often, cancer occurs in members of the same family.
  4. Environmental impact. The increase in the incidence is associated with environmental degradation.
  5. Exposure to viruses. This refers to pathogens that are constantly in the body. Among them are the Epstein-Barr virus, CMV, various types of HPV, ureaplasma, chlamydia, etc.
  6. Stress effects. In most cases, malignant tumors develop in people who are prone to depression, who react sharply to various life situations.
  7. Endocrine disorders.

Causes of cancer can be different. However, under the influence of the same factors, some people experience cancerous degeneration of cells, while others do not. Therefore, individual characteristicsorganism are of great importance.

risk of developing cancer
risk of developing cancer

The role of the environment in the development of cancer

Changes in the environment have a strong impact on the he alth of the population. Environmental degradation is a huge problem. Due to the emergence of the "ozone hole", the appearance of smog over large cities, water and soil pollution, there is a tendency to increase pathologies. This is especially true of oncological diseases and genetic defects.

The risk of cancer increases when there are radioactive materials in the area. Due to ionizing radiation, tumors of the thyroid gland, lymphoid tissue, and blood occur. Prolonged exposure to the sun is considered one of the causes of melanoma, one of the most aggressive forms of cancer. Arid climate leads to swelling of the lips, degeneration of the mucous membranes.

cancer statistics
cancer statistics

Influence of hormonal changes on cancer development

According to doctors, the causes of oncology lie in changes in hormonal levels. Increased secretion of estrogens and a decrease in the functional activity of the thyroid gland is found in almost all women suffering from breast cancer. Another proof of this theory is that oncological processes in the mammary glands and genital organs (cervix, ovaries, endometrium) develop in patients who take hormonal contraceptives for a long time. Symptoms of cancer in women are often associated with hyperestrogenism. These include: emotional lability, changemenstrual cycle, dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

cancer symptoms in women
cancer symptoms in women

Causes of cancer in children

The causes of oncology in children have not yet been fully elucidated. As in adults, the appearance of cancer in a child is associated with a burdened hereditary history, adverse effects, and stress. The risk of tumors increases with the influence of carcinogenic factors on the fetus. Incorrect organ laying during childbearing occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Use of drugs that are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  2. Later mother and father (over 35).
  3. Alcoholism, smoking.
  4. Development of infectious diseases in the mother.
  5. Using drugs.
  6. Stress factors.

Oncological pathologies in most cases occur in children with congenital anomalies. Teratomas often undergo atypia. As a result, a malignant tumor develops.

causes of cancer in children
causes of cancer in children

Causes of cancer in the adult population

The causes of oncology in adults are the same. Cancer often develops in the elderly and senile age. One of the reasons is the weakness of the immune defense. In addition, malignant tumors in adults develop against the background of precancerous pathologies. These include chronic inflammatory processes that have undergone cirrhotic changes. Among them: stomach ulcer, cervical erosion, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, viral hepatitis, pancreatitis, etc.

Unlike children, adults are more stressed, so this factor is considered one of the leading factors in the development of cancer. Long-term smoking is also of great importance. It is believed that it is the main etiological factor in the development of lung cancer. The risk of this pathology increases in people who smoke more than 1 pack per day for many years.

The role of nutrition in the development of oncology

causes of cancer in adults
causes of cancer in adults

Scientists believe that the causes of oncology lie in malnutrition. Unfortunately, in the modern world, many products are genetically modified. This is due to the addition of pesticides to various foods. These chemicals are carcinogenic. In addition, malnutrition leads to chronic pathologies of the stomach and intestines. These diseases are classified as precancerous conditions. Therefore, it is recommended not only to use natural foods, but also to combine them correctly when cooking.
