Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor, which, according to medical statistics, among similar pathologies that occur in females, is in fourth place right after oncology of the stomach, mammary glands and skin. The main source of such a tumor are normal cells that cover the cervix.
Every year this tumor is detected in more than six hundred thousand patients. As a rule, cervical cancer can occur between the ages of forty and sixty. True, it is worth noting that recently this disease has become much younger.
In this article, we will find out what symptoms are observed in women with the development of this disease, and also consider its main stages and methods of treatment.

Main causes of disease
As with other oncological pathologies, the main risk factors for cervical cancer are advanced age, along with exposure to radiation and various chemical carcinogens. In addition, scientists have already proven that there is a direct link between the development of cervical cancer andpapillomavirus. This virus, as a rule, is detected in one hundred percent of cancer patients. At the same time, papillomaviruses of the 16th and 18th strains are responsible for 70% of cases of cervical cancer. Let's name the main factors that provoke this disease:
- Too early onset of sexual activity. Intimacy is considered to begin before the age of sixteen.
- The onset of early pregnancy. It also includes early births that occur before the age of sixteen.
- Women promiscuous.
- Presence of abortions.
- The appearance of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
- Having bad habits, such as smoking.
- Prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives.
- Immunity disorders.
How is this pathology formed?
As a rule, a tumor can occur against the background of a precancerous condition, which includes erosion, dysplasia, the presence of flat warts on the cervix, along with cicatricial changes after childbirth and abortion, and in addition, various changes in the properties of cervical cells, that result from long-term inflammatory processes.
As practice shows, the process of transformation from a precancer into a cancerous tumor can take from two to fifteen years. The next transition from the early stage of cervical cancer to the final one lasts two years. At first, the tumor can damage only the cervix, and then it gradually begins to grow into the surrounding organs. During the course of the disease, tumor cellsare able to be transported with the flow of lymph to nearby lymph nodes, forming new malignant formations there, that is, metastases.
How can you recognize such an oncology?

The initial stage of cervical cancer can be completely asymptomatic. Often, the disease is accidentally detected by a gynecologist during a routine examination of the patient. But any woman must be wary if she has a whitish discharge with a small admixture of blood from the vagina. The larger the tumor, and also the longer it has already existed, the higher the likelihood that bloody discharge will occur from the vagina, for example, after intercourse or due to weight lifting, all kinds of pressure, or as a result of a douching procedure. Similar symptoms appear when there are already ulcerations on the cervix with ruptures of blood vessels. Signs of cervical cancer are important to notice in a timely manner.
Further, as the disease develops, compression of the pelvic nerve plexuses occurs, which may be accompanied by pain in the sacrum, and in addition, in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen. With the progression of this disease and the further spread of the tumor towards the pelvic organs, symptoms such as, for example, various back pain along with swelling of the legs, impaired urination and defecation may appear. The occurrence of fistulas connecting the intestines and the vagina is not excluded. Now let's find out what symptomsobserved in the presence of a pathology such as cervical cancer.
So, as already noted, the initial stage of cancer, as a rule, proceeds without any particular symptoms, and therefore such a diagnosis can only be made after a cytological examination, which involves a smear from the cervical area. Among other things, colposcopy is done as part of the diagnosis. Because of the risk of developing such a dangerous disease, it is important for women to be regularly observed by a gynecologist, and in addition, to undergo screening. Among the main signs that subsequently appear in the presence of cancer of this organ, the following symptoms are distinguished:
- The appearance of leucorrhoea along with bloody discharge that comes from the vagina.
- Appearance of contact secretions. Such a sign can be detected in the form of spotting, which is formed during intercourse, as well as after it is completed.
- Presence of pain during intercourse.
- Bleeding that occurs between periods.
- The duration of the menstrual period along with the severity of this process. What other signs of cervical cancer are there?
- The presence of rare watery discharge, which is caused by collapsing lymphatic capillaries adjacent to the epithelial layer.
- Tumor decay can lead to discharge that smells and may resemble pus.
- The appearance of a feeling of pain may indicate the spread of the cancer process, which passes to the parametric fiber. Besides,this may indicate compression that occurs in the nerve plexuses of the sacrum region. Thus, pain can appear in the lower back, and in addition, in the rectum, lower abdomen, sacrum and thighs, which, in turn, is caused by infiltrates that occur near the walls of the pelvis. Of course, this depends on the degree of cervical cancer.
- Compression of the ureter. This phenomenon causes a violation of the urine outflow along with renal failure. And when squeezing the lymphatic vessels, lymph stagnation can occur, which will form in the legs. Thus, lymphostasis occurs.
- Later stages of the disease may be accompanied by the presence of a dysuric disorder, which is formed against the background of damage to the bladder, as well as as a result of a violation of the act of defecation. The germination of the tumor in the intestine can cause the appearance of blood in the stool, and subsequently the situation may worsen to the formation of a fistula.
- The most severe complications of this pathology are the development of cancer cachexia, uremia and peritonitis.
Let's look at the stages of cervical cancer.

Stage of disease and clinical picture
Oncology of the cervix is a malignant formation that goes through four main stages as part of its development. Depending on a particular stage of pathology, doctors develop a personalized therapy program that allows you to get the most positive result. It should be emphasized that not all countries havethe ability to detect oncology at an early stage.
About the zero stage of the development of cervical cancer (photo presented) they say when a disease is detected that can transform into a malignant tumor. A similar situation is called a precancerous condition, which includes the presence of papilloma, leukoplakia and erosion. In the event that it is at this stage that treatment is carried out, it will be possible to significantly reduce the risk of further appearance of the tumor.
The first stage of cervical cancer is diagnosed if the lesion has affected the surface of the epithelial layer of the mucosa of the organ. Against this background, cancer cells are not observed in the surrounding tissues:
- Oncology stage "1A" is described by the presence of a tumor whose size does not exceed half a centimeter.
- In oncology at stage "1B", the size of the tumor can reach four centimeters, but there is no damage to adjacent tissues.

It should be emphasized that at this stage the survival rate of patients is about one hundred percent. In most situations, the development of a tumor is not accompanied by any complications, and directly reproductive functions are preserved. But there is a risk of recurrence of the disease, so after curing the pathology, the patient should undergo regular examinations.
Cervical cancer of the second degree is detected in the presence of germination of a malignant tumor in the deep layers. True, at this stage, the spread of oncology to other tissues has not yet begun. It is possible to observe mutated cells in the arearegional lymph nodes. This situation is quite dangerous, since the lymph flow can contribute to the further spread of the malignant neoplasm. In contrast to the first degree of the disease at this stage, a woman may begin to notice the following characteristic symptoms:
- Appearance of causeless bleeding.
- Sensation of soreness in the pelvic and pubic area.
- Seeing various vaginal discharges.
- Failure of the usual course of the menstrual cycle.
Cervical cancer stage 3 means that the tumor has already spread to the deeper layers, affecting the area of the vagina with the inner wall of the pelvis. There may be a complication of the pathology in the form of a violation of the kidneys, and in addition, blockage of the ureters. The following signs characteristic of the third stage are distinguished:
- Appearance of edema of the extremities.
- Presence of abundant discharge.
- Difficulty emptying bowels and bladder.
- Feeling sore in the pelvic area.
- Having high fatigue.
It should be emphasized that the complication of pathology often leads to death.
In cancer of the fourth degree, metastasis of the intestines is diagnosed, and in addition, the bladder and bone tissues. Often the prognosis of treatment in this case is extremely unfavorable. Nevertheless, such a dangerous disease as cervical cancer is being treated in Israeli clinics even in the advanced stages. As part of the treatment, the most effective methods are used to prolong life.patients, and everything is done to reduce the pronounced symptomatic picture. It is worth noting that palliative care can extend a person's life for several more years.
Squamous cell cervical cancer
It is considered a histological variety of cervical cancer, which is formed by stratified squamous epithelium lining the cervix, or rather its vaginal part. This histological type is diagnosed in 70-80% of cases, adenocarcinoma is diagnosed in 10-20%, low-grade cancer is 10%, detection of other malignant tumors of the cervix is less than 1%.
The maximum incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is observed in women aged 40 to 60 years. There are no symptoms for a long period. This leads to the fact that oncology is diagnosed already at an advanced stage. The prognosis and outcome of the disease are disappointing. Prevention and mass screening are the priorities of practical gynecology and oncology.

Diagnosis of disease
Diagnosis of this form of cancer begins with a visit to a gynecologist. During the examination, in which a digital examination of the vagina is carried out, the condition of the cervix is examined using gynecological mirrors, as well as using colposcopy. As part of this procedure, the study is carried out using a special optical device called a colposcope. Thanks to him, the doctor can determine the condition of the cervix, and in addition, the presence of any neoplasms on it, ifthere are. During the study, a biopsy may be performed, in which a tissue sample is taken for subsequent histological examination. In the event that the gynecologist's suspicion can be confirmed, the patient will be referred for a consultation with an oncologist.
In order to accurately detect the development of cervical cancer at its early stage, a special test is carried out. In fact, it is recommended to do it regularly, at least once every two years, for absolutely every woman over the age of forty. As part of this test, a swab is taken from the cervix with a stick, and then it is stained with a special dye, examined under a microscope. This technique is called a cytological examination of a smear from the uterine surface. It is interesting to note that in English-speaking countries this test is called “Pap smear”, and in the USA it is called “pap smear”.

In some situations, when diagnosing cancer of this organ, doctors prescribe an ultrasound examination. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography of the abdominal cavity determine the size and localization of the cancerous lesion, and also find out if local lymph nodes have been affected.
Providing treatment
Treatment of a disease such as cervical cancer is always combined and includes not only surgery, but also chemical and radiation therapy. In each specific situation, treatment is prescribed individually, which directly depends on the stage of the disease, and in addition, on comorbidities. In parallel, doctors take into account the general condition of the cervix with the presence of inflammatory processes immediately at the time of treatment.
During cervical cancer surgery, a tumor can be removed with a small part of the organ itself. True, cases of tumor removal along with the entire cervix, and sometimes with the uterus, are not uncommon. It also happens that the operation is supplemented by the removal of lymph nodes in the pelvic area. This is done when cancer cells have managed to penetrate and take root there. The decision to remove the ovaries is usually made on an individual basis. It should be noted that at an early stage of cancer development in young patients, the ovaries can be saved.
After surgery, if necessary, patients may be prescribed radiation therapy for cervical cancer. Treatment with ionizing radiation usually complements surgical therapy, and is sometimes prescribed separately. In the treatment of cancer, chemotherapy can be used along with special drugs that stop the growth and division of cancer cells. But it is worth noting that, unfortunately, as such, the possibilities of chemotherapy against the background of this disease are very limited. What is the prognosis for cervical cancer?
The success of treatment directly depends on the age of the woman, as well as on the right treatment option, and most importantly, on the early diagnosis of the disease. In situations in which cervical cancer is detected at an early stage, the prognosis is usually very favorable, and the disease itself can be cured thanks to surgical methods.

What is life like after cervical cancer? This can be found in the reviews.
Feedback from patients about treatment methods
Patients who suffer from this terrible disease write that in our country, surgery is used to treat this pathology, and in addition, chemotherapy. Those who have completed five courses of chemotherapy with radiation say that they still suffer from pain, which is expressed in the fact that there is a feeling that something is pulling on the lower abdomen and lower back. In some women, after treatment, the cervix has become adjacent to the region of the large intestine, resulting in the formation of adhesions that continue to cause pain.
What are other opinions about cervical cancer?
Patients who received treatment at an early stage write that the therapy was successful. Thus, they managed everything with conization, and nothing threatens their he alth anymore. The only thing that remains is to continue to be regularly examined by a gynecologist, as the likelihood of a relapse is high.
Thus, the described disease is extremely dangerous for women's he alth and for life as well. Like other cancers, it should be treated early. And in order to have time to detect the formation of an oncological process in time, women need to regularly monitor their he alth and visit a gynecologist every six months, especially after the age of forty.