Cytokinotherapy - what is it? Reviews of treatment with cytokine therapy

Cytokinotherapy - what is it? Reviews of treatment with cytokine therapy
Cytokinotherapy - what is it? Reviews of treatment with cytokine therapy

For a long time humanity has been trying to find a cure for cancer. Many attempts to defeat this disease have come to naught, but research continues. So, scientists have discovered that it is very effective against a terrible disease to direct all the forces of the immune system. Immunologists-oncologists are constantly working on this. This is how one of the methods of cancer treatment appeared - cytokine therapy. What is it, we will consider further. It is interesting to know what are the reviews about this treatment method.

Hope of salvation

In Moscow there is a new generation cancer center - a clinic for oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy. Here doctors use the latest methods in the treatment of cancer. Traditional methods such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery are used in the clinic in conjunction with cytokine therapy. Oncologists-immunologists have developed a unique method of treatment in which not a single he althythe cell does not suffer, while cancer cells are destroyed with a minimum number of side effects. This method of treatment is called "cytokine therapy". It is thanks to the study of oncoimmunology that this unique way of dealing with the disease has appeared.

What is oncoimmunology based on?

In our body all the forces are laid down so that he himself can fight infections and tumors. The main principle of oncoimmunology is the stimulation of the body's own defenses against the tumor. Scientists have noticed that all malignant tumors are accompanied by a very low immune response of the body. Our immune system is made up of:

  • various blood cells, tissues (macrophages, T cells, B cells, dendritic cells, etc.);
  • soluble substances located in the intercellular space, which transmit signals from cell to cell and perform an effector function.
what is cytokine therapy
what is cytokine therapy

After a thorough study of the action of mononuclear phagocytes, it was found that they perform the role of protection, have the ability to absorb and digest foreign material. Also, these cells are actively involved in many immune processes in the body.

In inflammatory reactions, phagocytes help fight inflammation, perform a protective function. It is these cells that produce a protein that, as it turned out, has the ability to transmit signals at the intercellular level and influence cells through receptors.

They have the strength to fight different tumors. Clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy inMoscow is working using this unique method to fight cancer. Doctors managed to activate the internal forces of the body to fight tumors. This method is called cytokine therapy. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

What does "cytokine therapy" mean?

First of all, it is worth saying that the name of the method comes from the name of cytokine proteins, thanks to which it became possible to fight tumors. Therapy using cytokines is called "cytokine therapy". What is it, what kind of proteins are so unusual?

Cytokines are proteins that are produced in the blood, immune and other body systems, they carry out the transmission of corrective signals and are able to influence cells through receptors. It is cytokine correction that is very important for maintaining the constancy and self-regulation of the body in a state of normal or pathological abnormalities. Cytokines destroy only tumor cells, while not affecting he althy ones. They also have an immunostimulatory effect. According to their action, cytokines can be divided into several groups:

  1. They activate the growth and formation of young blood cells.
  2. Protect the body from bacterial and viral infections by influencing macrophage and granulocyte cells.
  3. Promote growth, activation and differentiation of mature lymphocytes.
  4. Activate cytotoxic macrophages and natural killer cells.
reviews on treatment with cytokine therapy
reviews on treatment with cytokine therapy

Cytokines are used both for detection of diseases and treatment, as well as withdisease prevention.

Based on the functions of cells, we can highlight the positive aspects of cytokine therapy.

Positive effects of cytokine therapy

What is cytokine therapy in oncology? It can be concluded by learning what effect cytokine therapy has on the body of a sick person.

Let's look at a few positive factors when using cytokine therapy:

  • Selective influence on tumor cells and metastases.
  • Significant increase in the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
  • Prevention of the spread of metastases and tumor recurrence.
  • Significant reduction in side effects of chemotherapy, reduction of toxic factors.
  • Treatment and prevention of infectious complications during treatment.
  • Non-toxic and can be used in patients with severe pathologies.
  • Can be used with or without chemotherapy.

Familiarizing with these positive factors, we can assume that only positive reviews are left about such a method as cytokine therapy in the treatment of oncological diseases.

A bit of history

Cytokine therapy for the treatment of cancer has been used in world practice for a very long time. However, early drugs were very toxic and caused many side effects, which often exceeded the effectiveness of such treatment. So, in the USA and Europe, they began to use the drug TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor) back in the 80s. It can be used if it is possible to isolate the organ from the generalblood flow due to its excessive toxicity. The drug is circulated by means of a heart-lung machine only in the organ where there is a tumor process in order to reduce the manifestation of adverse reactions.

There are drugs that have been used for a long time and quite successfully, these are drugs of two groups:

  1. Interferons-alpha ("Intron", "Reaferon", etc.).
  2. Interleukins (IL-2).

These drugs are effective only in the treatment of skin melanoma and kidney cancer. But doctors are constantly looking for a cure that could defeat this terrible disease.

In Russia, the clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy in Moscow uses the latest drugs.

Drugs for cytokine therapy

In 1990, the drug "Refnot" was created in Russia, which is currently used. It was developed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Social Sciences V. A. Shmelev. The tool has successfully passed clinical trials and since 2009 has been approved for use in the treatment of various types of tumors. It has a number of advantages over previously released drugs:

  • The drug is less toxic, about 100 times.
  • Acts directly on cancer cells through receptors on their surface.
  • Endothelial cells and lymphocytes are activated, leading to tumor necrosis.
  • The blood supply to the tumor decreases, the agent can penetrate into its center and destroy it.
  • The drug increases the antiviral activity of recombinant interferon by 1000 times.
  • Increaseseffectiveness of ongoing chemotherapy.
  • Stimulates the work of natural killer cells, as well as antitumor cells.
  • Significantly reduces relapse rates in treated patients.
  • Good tolerance.
  • No side effects.
  • Improves the general condition of the patient.

As mentioned earlier, TNF-alpha is very toxic and only affects the primary tumor site.

Another drug that is very effective and is used in cytokine therapy is Ingaron. It was created on the basis of the drug "Interferon-gamma". The drug "Ingaron" is able to block the production of viral proteins and viral RNA and DNA.

clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy in Moscow
clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy in Moscow

Registered in 2005 and used for the treatment and prevention of such diseases:

  • Hepatitis B and C.
  • AIDS and HIV.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Infections caused by human papillomavirus.
  • Chlamydia urogenital.
  • Cancer.

And also in order to prevent complications in the treatment of chronic granulomatosis.

For the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, the Ingaron solution is used to treat mucous membranes.

In the treatment of tumors, Ingaron well activates the receptors of cancer cells, which are then affected by Refnot. Therefore, the combined use of these two drugs is effective in cytokine therapy.

The action of Ingaron is as follows:

  • Stops the spread of viral RNA and DNA incells.
  • Does not allow intracellular pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi to spread.
  • Increases macrophage activity.
  • Increases natural killer cell activity.
  • Restores the natural phenotype of damaged cells.
  • Slows down the growth of cancer cells.
  • Destroys certain types of cancer cells at the cellular level.
cytokine therapy for granulosa cell tumor
cytokine therapy for granulosa cell tumor
  • Stops the growth of tumor vessels.
  • Significantly stops tumor growth.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Reduces lipoprotein levels.

Preparations "Refnot" and "Ingaron" are successfully used together in cytokine therapy. Treatment with this method is carried out by the clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy in Moscow.

Who can benefit from cytokine therapy?

Studies have shown that a week before chemotherapy, cytokine therapy will significantly reduce toxic side effects. Continuation of cytokine therapy after chemotherapy will protect the body from the development of infections, increase anti-infective immunity. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment will increase significantly.

The cytokine therapy method is used in the treatment of tumors such as:

  • Cervical and uterine cancer.
  • Breast tumors.
  • Mesothelioma.
  • Lung cancer.
  • Oncology of the stomach, small and large intestine.
  • Tumors of the pancreas.
  • Kidney Cancer.
  • Ovary.
  • Bladder.
  • Brain cancer.
  • Malignant tumor of the esophagus.
  • Sarcomas of bones and soft tissues.
clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy
clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy
  • Glioma.
  • Tumors of the nervous system.
  • Skin cancer, melanoma.

Cytokine therapy for granulosa cell tumor is also possible for both prevention and treatment.

Who is not suitable for cytokine therapy?

Given that drugs for cytokine therapy do not have side effects, they can be used by almost everyone. However, there is a category of people for whom this treatment is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • In the presence of intolerance to the constituent drugs, which is very rare.
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Many types of cancer can be treated with cytokine therapy, we talked about them earlier, but thyroid tumors cannot yet be included in their number, since interferon preparations have a significant effect on its tissues and functions. May cause cell destruction and disrupt its function. Cytokines are of great importance for the development of autoimmune diseases, including the thyroid gland. This dependence is not yet fully understood. Will cytokine therapy help a cancer patient with AIT? It's too early to talk about it. Since the method of cytokine therapy includes preparations with interferon "Ingaron".

Treatment can be prescribed only by the attending oncologist.

Will cytokine therapy help a cancer patient with aitis?
Will cytokine therapy help a cancer patient with aitis?

Side effects

As mentioned earlier, no adverse reactions were observed. However, when taking the drug "Refnot" in rare cases, there was an increase in temperature by 1-2 degrees. In this case, it is recommended to take Ibuprofen or Indomethacin. This will not affect the effect of the drugs.

Cytokinotherapy treatment reviews

Of course, I would like to know the feedback from patients who have experienced the method of cytokinotherapy.

Given that this method of treatment is used in Russia relatively recently and only the clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy in Moscow deals with this, there are not very many reviews. People have a lot of questions about new drugs, as there are a lot of deceptions in this area, and such drugs are not at all cheap. However, there are reviews that deserve attention.

For example, a man was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. The surgical treatment was refused. We turned to the clinic, it was proposed to undergo a course of treatment with cytokine therapy together with hormonal therapy. As a result - a decrease in the tumor, the absence of metastases. As you can see, cytokine therapy in stage 4 cancer gives positive results and hope for recovery. And this is not an isolated case.

A young man has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. We learned that there is a clinic for oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy. The doctors postponed the operation and prescribed chemotherapy with cytokine therapy. There has been a positive trend. The tumor was significantly reduced in size, the treatmentcontinued.

Woman diagnosed with breast cancer. In the cancer center at the place of residence, they insisted on an operation. After contacting the clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy, treatment was prescribed. Chemotherapy together with cytokines defeated the disease, the breast was saved.

Oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy are constantly being studied and developed, and the positive results of treatment are just proof that the fight against cancer is in the right direction. Cytokine therapy makes it possible to stop the disease, prevent it from progressing, and this additional time must be used to find a drug that can defeat this terrible disease. Oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy receive only positive reviews, which indicates the effectiveness of this area in the treatment of tumors.

Reviews about the clinic in Moscow

The clinic of oncoimmunology and cytokine therapy in Moscow receives only positive reviews. People note the politeness and literacy of the staff. The ability to provide moral support, tune in to a positive wave and faith in the best. There are many reviews that say that doctors can prescribe treatment for severe patients with stage 4 cancer, when conventional cancer centers are already refusing such patients.

cytokine therapy reviews
cytokine therapy reviews

There are also a large number of stories in which doctors helped save the affected organ and avoid surgery. All this speaks of high professionalism and readiness to help. It is very important to know now that such a method exists.treatment, like cytokine therapy, what it is and what results can be achieved if it is used. This will give hope to many people. The main thing is to fight and believe in the best.
