In the past 10 years, people have become more likely to seek the help of specialists in order to embalm their dead relatives. This is not surprising, since such a procedure helps to preserve the normal color of the skin, and also prevents an unpleasant odor from appearing. Therefore, in this article, an event called embalming will be considered in detail, how the process of preserving the body takes place, and also what methods of conservation exist in general. And we will also find out how the deceased leader of the proletariat - V. I. Lenin - was saved in 1924.

Meaning of the word
Embalming is a specific procedure aimed at preserving for a certain period of time the exposed skin of the deceased. Special treatment of the tissues of the deceased inhibits their decomposition. Thanks to this complex procedure, it is really possible to save the body for quite a long time.
To understand how embalming works, you first need to know what aremethods for performing this procedure. To date, 4 variants are known:
- Cavity reception.
- Injection embalming.
- Shallow reception.
- Arterial or vascular conservation.
Cavity reception
In this case, the internal organs of the corpse are processed, since it is from them that the rapid decomposition of the body begins. There are 2 processing methods: puncture and incision method. In the first case, punctures are performed in the abdominal cavity, as well as in each pleural cavity. The specialist makes an injection and then pours an antiseptic solution into the hole formed. The usual volume of liquid is from 1.5 to 2.5 liters.
Now let's briefly consider how the body is embalmed using the incision method: a small incision is made to pass through the anterior abdominal wall directly into the cavity. This method is used when long-term transportation of the deceased is needed, and putrefactive processes have already begun, or if the corpse is obese.
Injection preservation
This technique is often performed together with a puncture. That is, infiltration (impregnation) of the soft tissues of the face, neck and hands with a special antiseptic solution occurs. In this case, a small amount of liquid is used, and during the procedure, the specialist also makes a light massage, which is necessary so that the preservative is evenly distributed.
Surface embalming
Performed when the corpse shows obvious damage or wounds on the skin. Then a special liquid composition is applied to the body, as well asthanatogel.
Arterial or vascular preservation
How does embalming take place in this case? A solution of a special composition is injected through the system of blood arteries. This method allows you to save the body of the deceased for a very long time. However, this technique is used extremely rarely and not every pathologist can perform it, since this method is quite complicated.

Intravascular embalming: stages of implementation
This method of saving bodies is the most popular and is done in this order:
- Vessel injection in progress.
- Cavities are being cleaned.
- The solution is being introduced into soft tissues.
Basic solutions used to save the body
Embalming of a person, whose photo can be seen in this article, is performed using special liquids, divided into 4 categories:

- Pre-injection - helps to free the vascular system from blood and restore skin color.
- Pre-embalming - a liquid that is intermediate between the first and third categories. This solution contains up to 5% formalin.
- Embalming arterial fluid - includes up to 15% formalin, carbolic acid - up to 20%, glutaraldehyde, ethyl alcohol - up to 10%, glycerin - up to 5%, acetic acid - 0.5%, as well as dyes, for example, eosin and aromatic substance - up to 0.5%.
- Embalming strip solution –contains the main element as much as 30%, sometimes even higher. This fluid is different from arterial fluid. Also, the cavity solution does not contain cosmetic ingredients.
Preparing the body for the procedure
Now we will learn in detail how the embalming of the deceased takes place, but first there is a preliminary organization of this process, which is as follows:
- Before the event, the deceased is completely undressed and placed on a special table. Place it in such a way that the head is higher than the rest of the organs.
- The body is being treated with a disinfectant solution. To do this, the specialist uses both liquid products and aerosols. All natural orifices of the deceased are cleaned, and then cotton swabs soaked in a disinfectant are identified in them.
- The specialist completely washes the body with warm water and antibacterial soap, after which it is completely dried.
- Hair treatment. They may be washed either at the beginning or at the end of the embalming. Hair is treated with warm water and shampoo or soap.
- Shaving the body. Facial hair is removed in the direction of hair growth.
Cooking basics
Many people know what the word embalming means. How this process takes place in the morgue remains a mystery to many. However, now we will open the curtain of secrecy and try to briefly describe the whole process of this event. So, after the preparatory procedures, the specialist proceeds to the main points:
- The Embalmer always closes his eyesdead man. He does this very carefully. For eyelids that tend to sag and form cavities, he determines a piece of cotton wool, sometimes a specialist uses a plastic cap for this purpose. Some people think that the eyelids of the dead are sewn on, but this is not at all the case. A specialist can simply glue them together.
- A mortuary worker closes the mouth of a dead person in a way that seems natural. And just in this case, the master can sew it up or use a special injector.
- Moisture. The expert spreads a little cream on the eyelids and lips - this way he protects them from drying out and makes them look natural.

Artery treatment
Here are the basic preparations for such an event as embalming. How is the processing of the arteries of the deceased? This will be discussed below.
1. The specialist selects the incision area. The examiner then injects the embalming solution while pumping blood from a nearby vein or heart. On average, 8 liters of liquid are consumed. The solution is a mixture of formaldehyde, water and additional chemicals.
2. The embalmer makes an incision: for men, near the sternum muscle and collarbone; women - in the thigh area. Previously, the specialist cleans the area where the vein is located, pierces it and inserts the tube. The expert uses forceps to block the artery, and he uses a clamp to stop the flow of blood.
3. The specialist turns on the embalming apparatus and injects the liquid. During this processa mortuary worker massaging the limbs to expel blood and inject a solution. When the fluid reaches the arteries, the pressure will go through the veins, which will mean the movement of the agent through the body. The specialist notices this by bulging veins. Periodically, the examiner lets the blood flow out through the neck tube.
4. The mortuary worker must slowly relieve the pressure. And when about 20% of the fluid remains, he moves the cannula to another artery. This is done so that the liquid can fill all the veins. How is a person embalmed in a mortuary if the incision was made in the thigh area? Then the right shin is subjected to this process.
5. When the event comes to an end, the expert turns off the machine, removes the cannula and ligates all the veins and arteries that were used. He stitches the incisions.
Embalming of organs
- Now that the arteries have been prepared, the specialist begins to clean the chest, bladder, colon, etc. For this purpose, the worker uses a trocar.
- Expert sucks fluid from chest. To do this, he inserts the trocar 5 cm to the right and the same distance above the navel. The specialist cleanses the hollow organs: stomach, small intestine and pancreas.
- How does the embalming of a person go on? The mortuary worker further cleans the lower cavity by sucking and drawing out the contents from the colon, bladder, and also the uterus in women. Cotton is sometimes inserted into the anus and vagina to keep the liquid from passing through.
- Then the mortuary worker injects the abdominal substance. In thatIn this case, the liquid usually consists of 30% formaldehyde. The same must be done with the upper and also with the lower organs.
- The final stage - the specialist pulls out the trocar and seals the hole with a plastic screw.

Identification of the body in the coffin
After reading the information about preparing the body for burial, inquisitive people will no longer have the question: “How does embalming work in the mortuary?” After all, everything was described in detail above. It's time to find out about the final events. So, the final points of preparing the body for burial:
- After all operations are completed, the morgue worker washes blood and chemicals from the body of the dead.
- An expert cuts the dead man's nails, combs his hair, uses cosmetics to give his face a natural look.
- A worker puts clothes on a deceased person.
- Identifies the body in the coffin.

How was the leader of the world proletariat embalmed?
Vladimir Ilyich died 91 years ago, but his body has been carefully preserved all this time in the Mausoleum. How did the most famous embalming in the world take place? At first, doctors wanted to use the freezing method. However, this method of preserving the body was not destined to be realized, since it began to decompose rapidly. Then the scientists V. Vorobyov and B. Zbarsky developed their own technology.

At first, the experts removed fromLenin's body, all the contents of the chest, as well as the abdominal cavity, the brain was removed from the skull. They then soaked the entire body in a formaldehyde solution. And at this stage there were difficulties in the technology of wetting. Usually they embalm by injecting fluid through the blood vessels, but in this case they were no longer able to perform this task. Therefore, the experts had 3 options: to place the body in a formalin bath; inject the solution with syringes or apply topically. And they chose the first option. The body was immersed in a rubber tub filled with a 3% formalin solution. Along with this, an operation was carried out to eliminate the traces of decomposition that had already arisen. Doctors bleached the spots on the hands and face with peroxide, but the effect was temporary. Therefore, it was necessary to find another way, and they came up with it. They treated the body first with acetic acid and then with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
For some time the deceased was in a formalin solution, and then he was transferred to the "balsamic liquid", which was based on glycerin (65%), potassium acetate, and quinine chloride.
Today, twice a week, a whole group of scientists examine the body, and every year and a half they examine it, replace the embalming solution. By the way, today you can even find a video of how embalming takes place. Lenin is carefully checked, the liquid in which he is located is replaced, dressed. However, the spectacle is not for the faint of heart, so it's worth considering when watching the video.
Now you know what embalming is, how this process takes place in the morgue: as specialistsprepare the body, perform the main event and complete it. We learned that there are several methods for preserving the body of the deceased, and also learned how they prepared for the long-term conservation of the leader of the world proletariat.