A person's face changes with age. The nose, ears grow, features change. But it is imperceptible whether a person's eyes grow. Or the size does not change and remains the same throughout life? The eye has a spherical shape and a mass of 7–8 g. The size of this organ of vision in different people varies by several millimeters.
Regular size

At birth, the weight of the eyes is 3g and increases as the person grows. But do human eyes grow in diameter? This is a complex organ, its size remains constant throughout life. The color can vary from blue to almost black. The eye consists of the following parts:
- sclera;
- pupil;
- cornea;
- irises;
- retina;
- lens;
- muscles;
- vessels;
- nerves.
Almost all people have the same size of this body part. The average values depend on the axis along which the measurements are taken. They may differ slightly. Averages:
- sagittal axis -24mm;
- horizontal - 23.6mm;
- vertical - 23.3 mm.
The volume of the "mirrors of the soul" of an adult is up to 7.5 cm3. The biconvex lens is 9–10 mm long and up to 5 mm thick. The curvature of the front wall is in the range of up to 10 mm, the back - up to 6 mm.
Features in newborns
At birth, the organs of vision of a small child are different from those of an adult. As newborns and older children see, these are different things. The baby distinguishes objects at a distance of 40 cm, does not know how to hold his gaze. The world for him is represented by colorful spots.

Sometimes a child flinches at bright lights, but this is due to inborn reflexes. The first 2 weeks the baby only adapts to new conditions. In the third week, the newborn begins to distinguish colors, can partially see large objects.
By the end of the first month of life, the child can follow bright objects, perceive large toys. In the second month, there is a reaction to loved ones and familiar objects. He may react to the mother or the bottle of infant formula.
Small objects and details the child does not see. His world consists of bright outlines, because some shades he can not distinguish. If there are many calm colors in the children's room, then bright shades should be added so that the baby can pay attention to them.
Children can be farsighted from birth. This is a variant of the norm and can go away on its own up to 7 years.

The human organ of vision changes weight with age, but do human eyes grow in volume? In the first 3 years, the child develops a visual center in the cerebral cortex. Visual acuity is minimal. For this reason, the child sees only spots. Vision after birth is 0.02 units. By the age of 6, the indicator reaches 0.9 units. By school, vision levels out and becomes equal to one.
A person grows, but there are practically no eyeballs. The ratio of the mass of the eyes to the weight of the newborn is 0.24%, over time, the indicator changes and becomes equal to 0.02%. The front lens of a newborn is 2 mm, an adult - 3 mm.
Does the size of the eye and lens change with age? The density and volume of this part increases with age, its size is 9-10 mm. Elasticity decreases over the years. In adulthood, the anterior lens capsule thickens.
Why are they shrinking?

Do human eyes grow? We have found that this almost never happens. Then the question arises, is this organ shrinking?
Visually, it may seem that the eyes have decreased if the facial features have become larger, the neck and chin area has drooped, the eyelids hang over them. The aging of the body has a negative effect on the shape and cut.
Over time, the fat layer of the eyelids becomes thinner, wrinkles become apparent, the elasticity of the forehead muscles decreases. The upper eyelids hang over the eyes, which leads to their visual reduction. This ishappens for the following reasons:
- UV exposure;
- weakening of facial muscles;
- reduced skin elasticity;
- edema;
- overweight.
The size of the eyes does not change, therefore, to the question of whether a person's eyes grow, one can unequivocally answer that they do not. But hanging skin, weakened eyelids visually reduce them. The older the person, the smaller the "mirrors of the soul" seem due to the large number of wrinkles around them.
Corneal growth dynamics
The dynamics of growth and development of the cornea depends on age. In newborns, the cornea diameter is 9 mm, then grows to 11.5 mm. It stops its formation by 2 years. The refraction of the cornea changes due to the increase in radius.
In a newborn, the curvature is 7 mm, in an adult it can reach 8 mm. The area of the cornea of the eye is 1.3 cm2. This is 15 times less than the total area of the eyeball. Moreover, its weight is only 180 mg. The radius of curvature reaches 8 mm, in men the figure is 1.5% higher. The thickness of the cornea ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 mm. This part of the eye refracts light rays and directs them to the retina. Refraction reaches 40 diopters.
The size of the eye does not change during life, but its weight becomes larger. The diameter and density of the lens also increases. If the size of the organ of vision is outside the normal range, then this is a pathology.