The word "erosion" is of Latin origin and means "to corrode". This is, in fact, an ulcer that damages the mucous membranes of the organs. In addition to gynecology, organ erosion can also occur in other areas. For example, with frequent regurgitation, heartburn and nausea, the patient can be diagnosed with erosion of the esophagus. This is the case when, at the slightest suspicion, you should immediately seek help from doctors, because cells damaged by infection can go into a malignant stage. This applies to any type of erosion, including the stomach. Erosion treatment should be comprehensive and carried out under medical supervision.
But the first thing that comes to mind when the word "erosion" is mentioned is cervical erosion. This is one of the most common diseases in gynecology. Almost every third representative of the weaker sex is familiar with cervical erosion, and every year the number of women with this problem is increasing. We will talk in more detail about the methods of treating erosion in the article below.
Types of erosion
The cervix can be damaged by erosion in three forms:light, medium and heavy. More often, the term "erosion" means the so-called pseudo-erosion, in which the squamous epithelium is displaced. The risk of cancer with pseudo-erosion is extremely low.
Congenital erosion - occurs in girls of transitional age. Usually, such a pathology does not prevent the girl from becoming pregnant in the future and may disappear on its own during pregnancy or after childbirth.
With true erosion, which is rare, epithelial cells exfoliate and blood is released. In uncomplicated forms of the disease, the uterus is able to restore the affected cells and regenerate without additional methods of erosion treatment. Whatever symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to take tests so that the doctor makes a diagnosis.
In addition to gynecology, erosion occurs in the gastrointestinal tract:
- Erosion of the esophagus. In this case, the mucous membranes of the esophagus are damaged. This happens under the action of gastric juice. Over time, the mucosa corrodes and the first symptoms appear.
- Erosion of the stomach. The treatment of this disease is long and directly depends on the type and location.

Causes of various erosions
Cervical erosion can be caused by a number of factors, such as:
- papillomaviruses;
- birth trauma, tears;
- inflammatory processes - vaginosis, thrush, etc.;
- sexually transmitted infections;
- syphilis, tuberculosis;
- promiscuous or too early sexual intercourselife;
- Injury to the cervix by mechanical means, for example, improper use of tampons.
In addition to the above, cervical erosion can occur during periods of immune disorders of the body (pregnancy, sudden weight gain) and as a result of endocrine disorders, in particular during hormonal dysfunctions (abortions, miscarriages).

Causes of erosion of the esophagus:
- inflammation of the esophageal tube;
- deformation of the thoracic spine;
- lack of fat that should be below the diaphragm;
- traumatic injury;
- chemical or food burns of the esophagus;
- diabetes;
- consequences after surgery, weak wall muscle tone.
Note that erosion of the esophagus can occur in people exposed to daily negative environmental influences. For example, inhalation of welding gas particles, chemicals, heavy metals.
Causes of gastric erosion:
- chronic disorders;
- transferred operations on the digestive tract;
- emotional experiences;
- chemical and food burns;
- heart failure;
- chronic respiratory failure, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the organs;
- Helicobacter pylori bacteria;
- malignant neoplasms.
Understand what caused the appearance and progression of the disease, only after a thorough examination of the patient.
How to recognizedisease. Symptoms
Regular visits to the gynecologist are very important only because cervical erosion often does not manifest itself, that is, the disease proceeds without symptoms. In very rare cases, a woman may complain of abdominal pain, purulent discharge, itching, irritation, brown discharge, discomfort and discomfort during intercourse.
If the treatment of cervical erosion is not started, serious complications are likely, such as bleeding not associated with menstruation, infertility, inflammation. With a long absence of therapy, erosion can go into a malignant phase.
The clinical picture seen in esophageal erosion is similar to gastric erosion. Very often, the signs of the disease are rather blurred. And without preliminary research it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment. Symptoms of erosion of the esophagus and stomach:
- Burning sensation in the lower stomach and esophagus.
- Difficulty eating due to pain and obvious discomfort.
- Any bending, turning to the right in a horizontal position causes heartburn.
- Frequent burping and hiccups.
- Profuse salivation, gagging.
- Dull and sharp pains in the abdomen.
- Feeling of heaviness, fullness in the abdomen, which disappears when standing.

Erosion of the cervix, the doctor will notice already at the first examination with the help of a speculum. If the damaged area is small and not very inflamed, it can immediately prescribetreatment. If there are serious complications, the woman will be referred for general blood and urine tests. After that, she will be prescribed a colposcopy and an ultrasound examination. It is possible that a woman may also be prescribed a cytological examination and a biopsy of uterine cells.
How to diagnose erosion of the digestive tract: the doctor listens carefully to the patient and asks leading questions. In particular, he will be interested in what time of day vomiting occurs, how often painful sensations appear, whether there is a hereditary predisposition to the disease, and so on. Further, general tests and endoscopy are prescribed.
Erosions: how they are treated
It is a mistake to think that erosion can be left untreated. Even if it is pseudo-erosion, treatment must be carried out without fail. There are many ways to treat cervical erosion. Conventionally, they can be divided into medical, surgical and folk. The most optimal option in a particular case will be chosen by the attending physician.
As for the gastrointestinal tract, according to medical reviews, the treatment of erosion of the esophagus with medication has a favorable prognosis. The therapy is based on drugs that neutralize the acidic environment and envelop the mucous membrane of the esophageal tube. With not a strong neglect of the disease, therapy lasts 10-12 days. In rare cases, treatment may take up to 2 months.
Applied therapy for gastric erosion
Throughout the therapy, the doctor evaluates the condition of the patient's gastric mucosa using endoscopy. The prescribed drugs depend on the form of the disease. In cases where gastric erosion does not occurindependently, and against the background of other pathologies, for example, inflammation or oncology, therapy is aimed primarily at curing the root cause. Surgical intervention is indicated for advanced cases or in the presence of internal hemorrhage. In this case, the affected area is completely removed.
During treatment, a proper diet plays an important role. The patient will have to give up many familiar products. Even the temperature of cooked food can harm the patient's condition. The patient must adhere to proper nutrition for at least two months.
Foods such as carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine, spices and spicy sauces, citrus fruits, pickles and smoked meats are completely removed from the diet.

Surgical intervention for cervical erosion
- Cryodestruction. In this case, liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area, thereby literally “freezing out” diseased cells. There are many advantages of such a procedure: it does not leave scars, it is painless, new cells appear in place of the removed cells.
- Cauterization of laser erosion. With laser coagulation, the risk of complications is practically absent. This is one of the most popular erosion treatments.
- Diathermocoagulation is an outdated method, but it has not yet been abandoned due to its high efficiency. The eroded area is removed with current. Disadvantages of this procedure: scarring, pain, complicates the process of childbirth, high probability of infection.
- Cauterization of erosion by radio waves. Enoughpainless and bloodless method. Radio wave erosion treatment is suitable for those planning pregnancy and natural childbirth.
- Impact of a chemical preparation in the center of erosion. In this case, anesthesia is not required, the channel is not deformed, and scars do not appear.

Medication for cervical erosion
Before deciding on a surgical intervention, it does not hurt to first try to get rid of erosion with pills and suppositories. In addition, if the use of suppositories does not cure the disease, it will at least relieve inflammation and prepare the localization site for further surgery. So, what do the current pharmaceutical companies offer to get rid of cervical erosion:
- "Vagotil". Available in the form of a solution, used topically as a douche. In addition to erosion, Vagotil is prescribed in the presence of difficult-to-heal wounds, bleeding after a biopsy, and complications after electrocoagulation. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
- "Geksikon" - vaginal suppositories. It has an anti-inflammatory antiseptic effect. Usually prescribed before and after surgery, suitable for pregnant women and women during lactation.
- "Solkovagin" - a drug in the form of a solution. It is used for topical application in cases of benign formations on the cervix. The drug does not affect he althy cells in any way and thus does no harm. There are contraindications.
Of course, there are other drugs in the fight against erosion. Despite,that many products can be bought without a prescription, after all, you should not self-medicate and rely on information from commercials. Any drugs must be agreed with the doctor.
Treatment of erosion with folk remedies
Doctors do not deny the effectiveness of traditional medicine in the treatment of various erosions. The only thing you need to carefully monitor the dosage, storage method and proper use. The essence of therapy is douching with medicinal decoctions or inserting tampons.
Decoction recipes for douching:
- Boil 2 tbsp. l. chamomile in a liter of water. Insist 20-30 minutes, strain. The solution is ready.
- Boil in a water bath 2 tbsp. l. crushed bergenia leaves in 200 ml of water. Cool, strain, use as directed.
By the same principle, you can prepare decoctions from celandine roots, eucalyptus leaves, calendula flowers, calamus root.
Using tampons soaked in oil or ointment is a great way to treat at home. This method has practically no side effects, with the exception of allergic reactions to certain products. Well proven: sea buckthorn oil, onion juice, ointment based on vaseline and propolis, aloe juice.

Folk remedies for erosion of the esophagus
What to consider? In the treatment of erosion of the esophagus, one should be extremely careful and, first of all, consult a gastroenterologist for any questions. Otherwise, you can easily harm the body and insteadrelief condition get more trouble.
The safest methods for erosion of the esophagus:
- Take 50 ml of freshly squeezed potato juice daily 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of admission is 8 weeks.
- Take 70 ml of carrot juice twice a day. You can make a carrot-potato smoothie.
- A teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil 20 minutes before meals 2 times a day will restore the walls of the esophagus. Take up to 8 weeks.
- Flax seeds insist 30 minutes in boiled water at the rate of 1:30. Drink the resulting mucus 1 teaspoon per day. This is an excellent remedy, not inferior in effectiveness to well-known drugs.
- A tablespoon of a mixture of herbs (dill, St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, linden flowers, valerian root, immortelle, fennel) pour a glass of boiling water and insist. Drink 3-4 times a day for 50 ml.
Prevention measures
Following simple rules, you can avoid the occurrence of pathology. No one is immune from cervical erosion, but its occurrence is often not accidental and the observance of preventive measures will never be superfluous. What to do:
- carefully monitor personal hygiene;
- if you experience any unpleasant symptoms, such as burning, itching, soreness or discomfort, immediately seek help from a gynecologist;
- even in the absence of complaints, do not forget to visit the antenatal clinic 2 times a year.

As for the erosion of the esophagus - here, as a prevention and treatment of pathology,adhere to the following rules:
- try to eat slowly, chewing thoroughly;
- quit alcohol completely;
- eliminate very hard foods that can scratch the esophagus;
- during periods of exacerbation, products that cause gas formation are prohibited;
- all dishes on the patient's menu should be cooked without frying, that is, steamed, baked or boiled.
As you can see, erosion of any organ can take place for a long time without any visible symptoms. Therefore, it is so important to undergo a medical examination and diagnose the presence of diseases in time. Remember that erosion must be treated in any case, even if it does not cause discomfort to the patient, because there is always a risk of the affected cells becoming malignant.