Depression, which is associated with the onset of autumn, is not uncommon. It is comparable to suspended animation in animals. This process was relevant for the distant ancestors of man. During the transition from summer to winter, the degree of human activity decreased, which was associated with the completion of agricultural work. A person spent energy more economically, accumulated nutrients that could be used at an unfavorable time.
Today, the need to store energy and nutrients has disappeared, and the autumn depression, the symptoms of which are numerous, has remained.

Signs of depression
More and more people are asking the question: "How to deal with autumn depression?" The latter is a kind of disease.
The most common signs of this disease include:
- Increased fatigue. Humanfeels tired even after a little exercise.
- Bad mood. In autumn, due to changes in the weather, frequent rains, there is a deterioration in mood, the appearance of drowsiness.
- Appears apathy to everything that happens. Human life, as if imitating nature, freezes to such an extent that one does not want to leave the house without special need.
- Reduced attention. A person simply ceases to be interested in individual processes, and he does not pay attention to them.
Autumn depression, the symptoms of which are listed above, can occur in different ways. Some people have a latent form, the signs of which at first glance are poorly distinguishable. So, a person, left alone at home, feels a sharp feeling of loneliness, as if no one wants to communicate with him, and no one needs him.
Many relatives quickly notice when a person is overcome by autumn depression, the symptoms of which are written on his face. Worried about such a state of a close and dear person, relatives are trying to take various measures. To do this, you first need to deal with the reasons for its appearance.
Reasons for autumn depression

Currently, doctors have established 3 causes of depression. The first and most important is the change in the weather. Many people are so annoyed by autumn weather that as a result, their psychological state changes. This leads to depression, the symptoms of which are the result of a violationemotional balance and disharmony. Often, against this background, there is a feeling of fear and insecurity.
The second reason is the lack of sunlight. This is due to the fact that the production of the hormone serotonin occurs only in the light.

In the absence of light, it turns into melatonin, the excess content of which in the body leads to drowsiness, and, as a result, autumn depression appears, the symptoms of which are not noticeable at first glance.
The third reason is the low content of vitamins in the body or their partial absence. To fix this, it is necessary, if possible, to include in the diet more fresh vegetables and fruits, which contain a huge amount of trace elements.
Now you know how to avoid autumn depression, and what to do to make it pass.