In our days, when technological progress strongly rushes upward, and people do not keep up with their ambitions, the problem of depression, which is getting younger every day, is also becoming relevant. The disease is exacerbated especially in the autumn. First of all, autumn depression affects the mood of a person, leading him to a dull state, sometimes to the point of complete loss of working capacity. By studying the causes leading to this condition, you can learn how to fight and, most importantly, how to defeat it.
In order not to become a victim of an insidious disease, you need to get to know him better.
What is autumn depression and how does it occur?
This is a painful condition, aggravated in the autumn period due to some factors that are inherent in this particular time of year. As a rule, for the whole year of work a person gets tired not only physically, but also mentally. Many experience various negative feelings that torment the psyche.from within. These are:

- depression, decreased activity;
- emptiness, sadness, melancholy;
- insomnia or excessive sleepiness;
- guilt, desire for loneliness;
- lowering self-esteem.
The human mood is affected by color, light and fragrance. During spring and summer, we have the opportunity to replenish our impressions at the expense of nature, that is, in a natural way. Bright sunbeams, colorful colors of summer, fragrance of flowers and clear sky give people positive emotions and a sense of comfort. But with the advent of autumn, everything changes - once bright colors fade, rain and sleet are all around, the sky is "crying" and people have a decline in mood. Here comes the autumn depression.
What proportion of the population is affected by this disease?
Seasonal mood swings are common to almost everyone. Even in too cheerful persons sometimes there are such states as dissatisfaction with life and disappointment. Especially people with a soft and gentle psyche, weakened by various stresses, are prone to this.

Autumn depression is dangerous because at this time the risk of suicide rises sharply, as an unsatisfied psyche looks for ways to solve problems and often finds the worst of them.
Men and women experience depression differently. Men often hide their feelings. At the same time, they become more irritable and angry, which becomes a big problem.
Women have everythingthings turn out differently - they communicate more, talk with friends and share their problems, which brings them some relief.
How to deal with this disease?
Many do not know how to get rid of autumn depression. People simply suffer, aggravating their condition at a time when the ways of deliverance are varied and do not require large financial costs.
- First, you need to replenish the body with vitamins (fruits, vegetables, herbal teas and tinctures, pharmacy multivitamins).
- Take relaxing warm baths before bed. A sound and full sleep will bring noticeable relief.
- Spend more time outdoors. Try to notice not the cloudy weather of autumn, but the golden-purple leaves of the trees, listen to the amazing rustling of fallen leaves, enjoy the healing autumn air…
- Chat more with friends, talk about your problems, don't hold back your tears - after them you will feel a noticeable relief.
- Take care of your figure - active physical exercises will invigorate your body and bring benefits.
- Try to find the positive side of life, do things that make you happy.

And yet, if after all the efforts you can not get out of despondency, contact the experts. A psychotherapist will tell you what to do if depression drags on, how to get out of a depressed state, and help you regain peace of mind.