Autumn blues. How to deal with it: tips

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Autumn blues. How to deal with it: tips
Autumn blues. How to deal with it: tips

Video: Autumn blues. How to deal with it: tips

Video: Autumn blues. How to deal with it: tips
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Summer full of sun and vitamins is behind us. Autumn has come (by the way, Pushkin's favorite season), and with it the seasonal ailment - the autumn blues. How to deal with it, and why does it occur? It is recognized by doctors that thousands of people are exposed to this disease every year. The reason lies in the restructuring of the body for the winter period, associated with a lack of sunlight and, accordingly, vitamin D, a sharp reduction in the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables. These are the main reasons why the autumn blues occur.

autumn blues
autumn blues

How to deal with it? Find out why she shows up first

As we have already found out, the cause of autumn depression is: a decrease in the duration of daylight hours, long dark nights, lack of sun, constant dullness and gloom, a decrease in the fruit and vegetable component of the diet. In addition, the biological clock “turns on”, which puts the body into hibernation mode. Hence, a decrease in physical activity, a decrease in energy flow, drowsiness, weakness, lethargy, apathy, inhibition of movements and a decrease in the intensity of cerebralactivities. To these phenomena are added the increased loads of everyday life, which are characteristic of autumn: study, schoolchildren, activation of the work process after the holiday season. And these duties must be fulfilled, no one cancels them because a person has an autumn blues. But this matter is fixable and, most importantly, curable. Otherwise, with the advent of October, there would be no one to work and study.

Autumn blues

How to deal with it? There are many recommendations, practices and trainings on this topic. Specialists from the field of psychology and medicine regularly appear in the mass media, urging people not to ignore the manifestations of autumn depression. After all, autumn is one of the highest suicide rates.

how to deal with autumn blues
how to deal with autumn blues

In addition, the number of heart diseases is increasing, chronic ailments are exacerbating, immunity is weakened. Against this background, new diseases develop, most often SARS, colds, etc. How to cope with the autumn blues in order to protect yourself and loved ones from such consequences? First, you need to understand that this is a temporary phenomenon. Secondly, you need to try to find positive moments in this state as well. Thirdly, adjust your diet and physical activity. This will help you overcome such an ailment as the autumn blues.

How to deal with it? Tips

If the first point can be treated philosophically, then the second one is very practical. Try to analyze your life today and highlight those moments in it that make you happy. If it's a hobby then make time for it.a little more than usual. In short, do what makes you happy as often as possible. It uplifts your mood, which means depression will not come to you.

Try not to be nervous, not angry, not to conflict with colleagues, relatives, friends. The emotional state is not at the best level now, and swearing will aggravate it even more. Pamper yourself with trips to theaters, cinemas and home movie shows, taking aromatic baths. Be on the street a lot, in parks, outside the city. Communication with nature and fresh air are the best medicines for autumn depression.

autumn blues how to deal with it
autumn blues how to deal with it

Cappuccino and white bread with butter this season. They are not forbidden, but it is better to be moderate, because then being overweight can also lead to depression. Replace high-calorie rolls with citrus, bananas and dried fruits, they cheer you up no worse than chocolate and cream. And, most importantly, remember that the winter holidays are ahead, plunging into which, you will forget about the villain-spleen. There will be no trace of her!
