The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for what? How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for what? How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?
The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for what? How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

Perhaps the most amazing organ of the human body is the brain. Scientists have not yet thoroughly studied it, although considerable steps have been taken in this direction. This article will talk about what the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for and how it can be developed.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for
The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for

Basic information

At the very beginning, it is worth saying that the human brain consists of two hemispheres - the right and the left. These parts are separated by the cerebral cortex, but the exchange of information takes place through the so-called corpus callosum. To illustrate the work of both hemispheres, we can draw a rather simple analogy with a computer. So, in this case, the left side of the brain is responsible for the sequential execution of tasks, that is, it is the main processor. The right hemisphere, on the other hand, can multi-task and can be compared to an extra processor that is not the lead.

The work of the hemispheres

In short, the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for analysis and logic, while the righthemisphere - for images, dreams, fantasies, intuition. For each person, both parts of this organ should function evenly, however, one of the hemispheres will always work more actively, and the other as an auxiliary element. From this we can draw a simple conclusion that creative people have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain, while business people have a left one. Let's take a closer look at what functions the left hemisphere of the brain performs.

left hemisphere of the brain
left hemisphere of the brain

Verbal aspect

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the language and verbal abilities of a person. It is it that controls speech, and is also manifested by the ability to write and read. Considering the work of the brain in this vein, it is also worth clarifying that this hemisphere takes all words literally.


As mentioned above, the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the analysis of facts, as well as their logical processing. In this case, it is the received information that is processed. Emotions and value judgments do not come into play here. I would also like to say that the left hemisphere processes all information sequentially, performing the assigned tasks one after another, and not in parallel, as the right hemisphere can do.


It is also worth mentioning that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the activity and work of the right side of the human body. That is, if someone raised their right arm or leg, it would mean that the command was sent by the left hemisphere of the brain.


What else is responsible forleft hemisphere of the brain? It is it that is involved in the event that it is necessary to solve certain mathematical problems. An interesting fact: this part of the brain also recognizes various symbols and numbers.

how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain
how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain

About people

What can be generally said about people who have more active and developed is the left hemisphere of the brain? So, such individuals are organized, they love order, they always comply with all deadlines and schedules. They easily perceive information by ear and almost always reach their goal, since their actions are subject to common sense, and not to the impulses of the soul. However, one cannot say about such personalities that art is alien to them. Not at all, however, in creative activity, these people will choose what has form and meaning, refusing abstraction and innuendo.

About Development

Often people are interested in the question of how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain. It is worth saying that it is possible to do this. It is enough just to periodically train your “computer”. So, the following exercises can be helpful for this:

  1. Physical stress on the body is closely related to the work of the brain. If more time is given to the development of the right half of the body, the left hemisphere of the brain will work more actively.
  2. Since the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic and solving mathematical problems, you need to devote more time to this particular activity. You need to start with simpler mathematical exercises, gradually raising the bar. The activity of this hemisphere will undoubtedly lead to itsfurther development.
  3. A fairly simple piece of advice on how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain is to solve crossword puzzles. In this case, a person most often acts analytically. And this leads to the activation of the left side of the brain.
  4. And, of course, you can pick up specialized tests developed by psychologists that help activate and develop the desired hemisphere of the human brain.
the left hemisphere of the brain hurts
the left hemisphere of the brain hurts

Coordinated work

It should also be mentioned that both hemispheres of the brain must be developed simultaneously. After all, only a diversified person is talented, more competitive in the labor market and unique in his abilities. Moreover, there are people who are called ambidexters. Both hemispheres of the brain are equally developed. They can perform all actions equally well with both their right and left hands. Such people do not have a pronounced, leading hemisphere, both parts of the brain are equally involved in the work. This state can be achieved through hard work and training.

how to turn off the left hemisphere of the brain
how to turn off the left hemisphere of the brain

Cause of pain

It happens that a person's left hemisphere of the brain hurts. Why is this happening? The most common cause is migraine. In this case, pain is localized in the left side of the head. The duration of this state is also different - from several hours to a couple of days. Among the main causes of this condition, scientists identify the following:

  1. Physical fatigue.
  2. Stress.
  3. Heat and dehydration.
  4. Tension of the falciform septum of the brain.
  5. Diseases of the trigeminal nerve, its inflammation.
  6. Insomnia.

However, if a person periodically has pain in the left hemisphere of the brain, it is still worth seeking medical advice. After all, this symptom is not always harmless. Often, headaches in a certain part of the head indicate tumors, thrombosis, or other serious problems that can threaten not only he alth, but also the life of the patient.

why does the left hemisphere of the brain hurt
why does the left hemisphere of the brain hurt

Hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke is an intracerebral hemorrhage. What happens to the person in this case? What are the consequences of bleeding in the left hemisphere of the brain?

  1. Mobility disorders. If the hemorrhage occurs in the left side of the brain, the right side of the patient's body will suffer first of all. Difficulties in walking and coordination may occur. Unilateral movement disorders are medically referred to as hemiparesis.
  2. Speech disorder. As mentioned above, it is the left hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for the perception of symbols and numbers, as well as for reading and writing. When a hemorrhage occurs in this particular part of the brain, a person with difficulty begins not only to speak, but also to perceive the words of others. There are also problems with writing and reading.
  3. Processing information. In case of hemorrhage in the left side of the head, a personceases to think logically, process information. Understanding becomes inhibited.
  4. Other symptoms not related to the activity of the left hemisphere. It can be pain, psychological disorders (irritability, depression, mood swings), problems with defecation and urination.

Disability after hemorrhage is high and accounts for approximately 75% of all cases. If the cause of this problem is not determined in time, repeated hemorrhage is possible, which can even lead to the death of the patient.

Turn off the left hemisphere

Sometimes people wonder how to turn off the left hemisphere of the brain, is it even possible to do this? The answer is simple: you can. Moreover, every person does this every day, going to bed. During sleep, it is the right hemisphere that is activated, and the left one fades. If we talk about the period of wakefulness, then the left hemisphere is always at work and helps people think logically and analyze the information received. It is worth saying that it is impossible to completely turn off the work of the left hemisphere during its vigorous activity (without the intervention of special tools and psychiatrists). And yes, you don't need to do that. It is best to establish a balance between the right and left hemisphere, which will make the life of an individual better and better.

pain in the left hemisphere of the brain
pain in the left hemisphere of the brain

Easy exercises

Having figured out why the left hemisphere of the brain hurts and what it is responsible for, you need to give an example of a few simple exercises that will helptrain the human brain evenly.

  1. You need to sit comfortably and focus on one point. After a minute, you should try to consider those objects that are located to the left of the selected target. Peripheral vision needs to see as many details as possible. Next, you should examine the items located on the right. If you want to train only the left side of the brain, you need to consider objects that are on the right hand of the selected point.
  2. To activate both hemispheres, you need to alternately touch the opposite elbow with your right and left knee. If you do the exercise slowly, you can also train the vestibular apparatus.
  3. To activate both parts of the brain, you just need to massage your ears. You need to do this from top to bottom. It is necessary to do the manipulations about 5 times. If you want to train only the left hemisphere, you should massage the right ear.
