Pharmacy preparations for weight gain are used quite often today. Despite their relative usefulness as part of the training process, advanced athletes are turning to their use everywhere. So far, they only act as auxiliary medicines for increasing mass, but their popularity in sports is only growing.
List of the safest and most harmless products
What kind of drugs for weight gain for men to choose? Many athletes prefer to train in a natural way, that is, without the use of anabolic steroids. In order to increase the effectiveness of their sports activities, they often resort to the use of various nutritional supplements. A number of pharmaceuticals that can be bought at a pharmacy are also used as mass gaining drugs, while they are sold without a prescription.

But despite the fact that drugs are relatively harmlessand affordable, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for their use. Thus, before taking it is necessary to consult a doctor about their proper use. Here is a list of the safest pharmaceutical preparations for weight gain: Asparkam along with Riboxin, Potassium Orotate, Mildronate, Agapurin, Diabeton MB, Calcium Glycerophosphate, Trimetazidine, Vinpocetine, Metformin and Rhodiola Rosea. Next, consider each tool in more detail.
"Asparkam": composition and instructions
The composition of the drug for weight gain in a form easily absorbed by the human body includes potassium and magnesium. These components contribute to the normalization of the metabolic process in muscle cells, maintain the necessary osmotic pressure in them.
The drug facilitates the transport of important elements into cells, which in general has a beneficial effect on athletes. The drug increases efficiency, which increases the rate of muscle building. In turn, magnesium, which is involved in protein metabolism and supplies energy, gives the athlete the opportunity to build muscle with great efficiency during strength training.

It is worth noting that this remedy also helps fight cramps, significantly increasing the endurance of athletes training in high ambient temperatures. The drug is available in the form of tablets. The dosage and method of use is indicated in the instructions. As a rule, we are talking about taking one or two pills three timesin a day. It is necessary to take the medicine in the morning and afternoon, since at a later time magnesium, as well as potassium, are absorbed much worse. The duration of the course is individual and should be determined by the sports doctor.
Using "Riboxin"
Acting as a stimulant of the biochemical process, this mass-gaining drug has a beneficial effect on the cardiac and vascular system of athletes. They increase the force of contractions of the heart, increases the stroke volume along with the coronary blood supply. The drug has antiarrhythmic and anabolic effects.
"Riboxin" improves blood supply to muscle tissue, normalizes energy metabolism, activates metabolic processes within the myocardium. Among other things, it normalizes muscle regeneration. True, in order to achieve effective recovery against the background of heavy loads, Riboxin alone will not be enough, in this regard, it is recommended to take it in combination with Potassium Orotate. They drink it for one to three months according to this scheme: 0.2 grams four times a day.
What other pharmaceutical preparations for weight gain can be used?

Potassium Orotate
This drug acts as a stimulator of biochemical endogenous processes, it is classified as a metabolic. This medication is produced mainly in the form of tablets and is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. The average dosage for athletes is 1.5 to 2 grams per day. In fact, this tool is a simple mineral s alt, whichfound in the tissues of any living organisms.
The drug in question helps to strengthen the cardiac and vascular systems, having an anabolic effect and allowing athletes to recover faster after training. The drug increases diuresis and improves appetite. In addition, in general, it is very useful for the human body, well tolerated and does not have side effects. The drug is taken according to the following scheme: an hour before meals, they drink one tablet four times a day. The duration of the course is from twenty-one to twenty-four days.
"Mildronate" and instructions for its use
This drug for gaining muscle mass is a cardioprotector. It is designed to increase the performance of athletes and compensate for the manifestation of physical and mental overwork. They normalize metabolic processes, and regulate cellular immunity. Usually "Mildronate" is prescribed at the rate of 20 milligrams per kilo of weight. The drug is taken under the prescription of a doctor, so you need to consult before you start drinking it.
Daily dosage, as already mentioned, is determined at the rate of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, which averages 2 grams, which are taken in four divided doses. The duration of the course is fourteen days with a repeat in two or three weeks.
This product comes in tablet form and is relatively inexpensive. The drug, at its core, has an active ingredient called pentoxifylline. The medicine "Agapurin" is taken separately from other drugs. Themvascular tone increases, blood viscosity decreases and blood flow speed increases, which is important for any athlete who feels the maximum pumping of working muscle tissue.

This drug is mainly used by experienced bodybuilders. It is important to note that it is necessary to take Agapurin carefully, strictly adhering to the instructions. In bodybuilding, this medication is drunk according to the following scheme:
- On training days, two tablets three times.
- During rest, one pill in three doses.
The duration of the course is twenty days. After a four-week break, it must be repeated. Tablets are washed down with plenty of water. The tool is generally safe, but it is recommended to use it only after consultation with your doctor.
Diabeton MV
This pharmacy drug is one of the strongest anabolics. It is used by bodybuilders in order to maintain anabolism in the off-season at a high level. In terms of the effectiveness of the action, the agent is close to insulin injections, and in terms of the overall effect, to Methandrostenolone. This medicine allows athletes to gain weight very quickly.
Release it in the form of tablets of 30 milligrams. Start with a dosage of 30 milligrams per day, which, if necessary in the next course (one period lasts two months), can be increased to 60 milligrams. Means "Diabeton MV" is not allowed to be taken with other pharmaceutical drugs. Drink it during breakfast once a day.
The anabolic effect of the drug is to stimulate the production of the anabolic hormone insulin. In order to achieve the effective effect of the drug, doctors recommend six meals a day with a small amount of fat and an increased amount of protein. The drug is completely safe, but during the course of "Diabeton" it is forbidden to follow a low-calorie diet, otherwise side effects, especially hypoglycemia, are possible.
Calcium glycerophosphate
Indications for the use of this drug for weight gain from a pharmacy are overwork along with dystrophy and rickets. For bodybuilders, it is valuable because it speeds up the process of protein absorption, improving metabolism. "Calcium glycerophosphate" increases appetite. While taking the drug in the diet, you need to limit fats, replacing them with proteins. It is recommended to take such a remedy in courses.
It has no analogues. The approximate daily dose is calculated based on the ratio of 100 milligrams for every 8 kilos of weight. The maximum amount of the drug is 1000 milligrams with a weight of 80 kilograms. It is divided into five doses of one pill (200 milligrams). The time of use is in the morning, a couple of hours before training. The course to increase the mass lasts from one and a half to two months.
Means "Trimetazidine"
In action, this pharmacy drug for gaining muscle mass is close to the popular "Mildronate", however, it is much cheaper than it. The drug favors a good delivery of oxygen to the tissues, maintaining the intracellular potential and counteracting the formation of free radicals. In addition, heincreases endurance in athletes. Taking this medication makes it possible to significantly increase the load, exactly as the intensity of training. The drug "Trimetazidine" can be replaced by a similar agent, which also contains creatine, which, it should be noted, will not be considered an analog of equal effectiveness. It is possible to combine this medication with other pharmaceutical preparations.

This pharmacy drug for gaining muscle mass corrects cerebrovascular accidents. The active ingredient is apovincaminate. It has a direct effect on metabolic processes in brain tissues. The drug has a vasodilating effect and well improves the process of blood supply. "Vinpocetine" increases the resistance of tissues to the development of hypoxia. Among other things, it activates the utilization of glucose and the metabolism of serotonin, as well as norepinephrine.
This drug interferes with the process of platelet aggregation, thereby reducing blood viscosity. The drug can have a positive effect not only on the human brain, but also on muscle tissue, contributing to a better supply of its nutrients and oxygen. This medicine is usually taken at a dosage of 5 to 30 milligrams half an hour before the intended training. Vinpocetine has no side effects and is considered safe.
Considered the best drug for mass gain. The mechanism of its action is based on its ability to prevent glucose absorption and its betterutilization in muscle tissue. The tool also accelerates the process of transition of glucose to glycogen. Thanks to this drug, weight is stabilized in athletes. Consult your doctor before use.

Rhodiola Rosea
Effective drugs for weight gain every athlete wants to find. Rhodiola Rosea is often called the "Golden Root". The pharmacological properties of the agent in question are due to the active ingredients present in the form of rhodiolyside and rhodosin. In pharmacies, they are sold in their pure form. The main feature of the drug is the effect that has an effect on muscle tissue. It manifests itself in the stabilization of energy metabolism. Taking the drug helps to increase endurance and increase muscle strength. The activity of the contractile protein (myosin and actin) increases at the cellular level, and mitochondria also increase in size. This tincture is taken three times before meals in the amount of twenty-five drops.
This safe mass gainer is made from a plant that grows in Siberia. It contains phytoexidons, which are substances identical to steroid compounds that have a pronounced anabolic effect. One pill of the drug contains 0.85 milligrams of the active ingredient, which is ecdisten. Leuzea activates protein synthesis along with its accumulation in muscle tissue, heart and kidneys.
The drug increases physical endurance andintellectual performance. Its prolonged use strengthens the vascular bed, thereby improving overall blood circulation. This remedy reduces the heart rate.
The best pharmaceutical drugs for weight gain will help you choose a sports doctor or trainer.
Aralia Manchurian
This drug can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and is more effective than some RA adaptogens. Considering that against the background of hypoglycemia, growth hormone is released, the use of this drug contributes to the achievement of a large anabolic effect, as a result of which athletes significantly improve their appetite and increase their weight. The drug belongs to anabolism stimulants. This tincture is sold in every pharmacy, it is natural and safe for the body. Take it at a dosage of thirty drops on an empty stomach in the morning an hour before training.
Thus, in sports practice, the use of pharmaceutical preparations in order to improve training results is a common phenomenon. In bodybuilding, the use of pharmaceutical drugs for mass gain is the prerogative of advanced athletes. Beginners in this sport are usually limited only to the use of sports supplements. And experienced bodybuilders supplement them with pharmacy accelerators.

We reviewed harmless drugs for gaining muscle mass. But, summing up, it is important to focus on the fact that pharmacy products are nothing more than small helpers workingexclusively in conjunction with a well-composed diet and a professionally built training process. Under these conditions, they will help the athlete, in any other case, they can harm even despite their safety. It is for this reason that their use should be taken seriously and be sure to consult with a qualified doctor about which drugs to gain muscle mass to buy.