Effective antibiotics for poisoning

Effective antibiotics for poisoning
Effective antibiotics for poisoning

Poisoning of the human body can be caused by a number of factors, including stale food, drug overdose, external chemical exposure, inhalation of toxic fumes of various substances, and others. In mild forms of food poisoning, you can use medications that will quickly restore the normal state of the body and relieve ailments. However, it should be remembered that with the development of infectious diseases and with severe intoxication caused by poisoning, a person’s condition can deteriorate sharply, so you can’t do without the help of a doctor.

Symptoms of poisoning and taking the necessary measures to prevent intoxication

Shortly after food poisoning, the patient begins to show the first symptoms, which are expressed in general weakness of the body, pain in the abdominal region, nausea and the urge to vomit. A little later, there may be a change in the stool, often in the form of painful diarrhea. With severe poisoning, especially in the presence of infection, patients have a feverbody, which can sometimes be accompanied by a violation of the activity of the heart muscle.

Before we consider which antibiotics to drink in case of poisoning, it should be noted that not all drugs can be used at the same time, especially without taking preliminary measures aimed at eliminating the cause of poisoning. Since food enters the stomach after taking it, it is necessary first of all to drink water and artificially induce vomiting. For these purposes, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or baking soda.

After removing the vomit, which contains a large amount of toxins, from the body, you can drink activated charcoal in the amount of 6-8 tablets (depending on the patient's body weight). Since in case of poisoning there is a high risk of dehydration, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. Often, poisoning is accompanied by severe pain, especially in the lower abdomen, as well as fever. For these purposes, antispasmodic drugs, antipyretics and antibiotics for poisoning are used, which should be taken under the supervision of the attending physician.

Note that taking antibiotics disrupts the he althy intestinal microflora, so after the patient becomes much better, as well as after his recovery, it is recommended to take probiotics, which we will talk about a little later.

On the features of antibiotics prescribed for food poisoning

What antibiotics are recommended for food poisoning? A definite answerit is quite difficult to answer this question, since it is initially necessary to identify the cause of intoxication in case of poisoning. In addition, antibiotic therapy may not always be justified in case of food poisoning, since there is a high probability of harming the patient and causing a number of complications.

Antibiotics for poisoning should be taken with extreme caution, since self-medication in the presence of a number of intestinal infections can significantly weaken the body and radically change the picture of the disease. Therefore, their reception is prescribed if it is not possible to eliminate the intestinal infection by other means.

However, some antibiotics can be distinguished for food poisoning in adults, which are prescribed in the presence of an intestinal infection. All of them have a low level of toxicity, their action is directed to the infected part of the intestine, while they do not penetrate into the bloodstream.


antibiotics for poisoning
antibiotics for poisoning

Belonging to the group of nitrofurans, Nifuroxazide is a very effective intestinal antiseptic, which is designed to block the waste products of microorganisms that cause intoxication. The drug is active against staphylococci, streptococci (gram-negative) and salmonella, shigella, escherichia and enterobacteria (gram-positive microorganisms).

This drug is prescribed for infectious diarrhea, infectious colitis, enterocolitis, and also as an aid in intestinal dysbiosis.

In the intestinal cavity is notabsorbed into the blood, thereby providing a high level of concentration of the active substance. "Nifuroxazide" is an antibiotic (for poisoning in adults and children of 6 years of age), which is taken 1 tablet every 6 hours. Children from 3 to 6 years old are prescribed half a tablet. The course of treatment is 7 days. The drug costs about 235 rubles.


Speaking about what antibiotics effectively affect intestinal infection in case of food poisoning, the antimicrobial drug "Furadolizon" should be highlighted. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect on the body with infectious diarrhea and food poisoning. In addition, it is used to treat a number of urological, venereal and skin diseases, so the patient should strictly adhere to the exact dosage indicated in the instructions for use.

antibiotic for poisoning in adults
antibiotic for poisoning in adults

The dosage of "Furazolidone" is calculated taking into account the course of the severity of intestinal disorders, and the course of its administration is from 7 to 10 days. It can be used as an antibiotic for poisoning in children. Children under the age of 7 years are prescribed 1 tablet three times a day, from 7 to 14 years the same dose - for 4 times a day. Adults may take 2 tablets 4 times daily.

The drug can cause a number of side effects, which are manifested in the form of vomiting, nausea and a complete lack of appetite, which is very typical for antibiotic poisoning. They take antibiotics in this regard under the vigilant supervision of the attending physician, since an overdose of "Furazolidone"can cause polyneuritis or provoke the appearance of toxic hepatitis.

The drug is not recommended for pregnant women and during lactation, infants, as well as people with problems with the activity of the nervous system and liver. The drug costs 125 rubles.


"Ersefuril" is a synthetic antimicrobial drug that belongs to the group of nitrofurans, and its active substance is nifuroxazide. The tool is designed to block the action of dehydrogenase and the activity of a number of biochemical processes occurring in the cell of the microorganism. This causes the destruction of the cell membrane, which leads to a significant reduction in the release of toxins by pathogenic infection. Prescribed for infectious diarrhea and acute bacterial diarrhea.

antibiotic for poisoning in children
antibiotic for poisoning in children

"Ersefuril" is a fairly effective antibiotic for poisoning in adults. It is prescribed for adults 1 tablet 4 times a day, children over 6 years of age are allowed to take 3 tablets per day. The pharmacy price of the drug is about 380 rubles.


Don't know which antibiotics you can take for food poisoning and infectious diarrhea? "Ftalazol" is an antimicrobial sulfanilamide, which effectively fights colitis, gastroenteritis and dysentery, and an improvement in the patient's condition can be observed as early as 2-3 days after the start of treatment. The drug can be used both in tablets and in powder form.

In case of acute dysentery inadults are recommended to take 1 tablet 6 times a day, and starting from the 4th day of treatment, the number of doses should be reduced to 4. Do not use this drug and other antibiotics together in case of poisoning. For example, "Ftalazol" is completely incompatible with drugs of the nitrofuran group. It is forbidden to use the drug for pregnant women during the first trimester, with hemophilia, patients with hepatitis, people with acute renal failure and in the presence of Graves' disease. The price of the drug is 20 rubles.


This broad-spectrum antibiotic, which exhibits antibacterial activity, is used for poisoning and acute intestinal infections, as well as ENT diseases, infections of the genitourinary organs and lungs. As an antibiotic (for poisoning in children), the drug is used in the form of a suspension.

what antibiotics to drink for poisoning
what antibiotics to drink for poisoning

The dosage of this drug is calculated based on the weight of the child, while 8 mg of the drug falls on 1 kg of weight, and children over 12 years of age and more than 50 kg of weight are prescribed the medicine in 400 mg capsules, like adults - 1 once a day. If you do not know which antibiotics for food poisoning children can take, then you should consult with your pediatrician.

Cefix is easy to dose and the oral suspension mixes easily with water. Children drink it without problems, especially since it contains fruit flavors. The cost of the suspension is about 450 rubles, and the drug in capsules - about 850rubles.

Tetracycline hydrochloride

What antibiotic for food poisoning effectively affects the pathogenic bacteria that cause diarrhea, and also inhibits their further reproduction? The drug "Tetracycline hydrochloride" copes well with this disease, which minimizes the vital processes of many microorganisms. As a rule, this drug is prescribed for patients with diarrhea that has been provoked by intestinal bacteria such as brucella, amoeba, salmonella and cholera vibrios.

Antibiotics for poisoning and diarrhea such as Tetracycline Hydrochloride are prescribed for 5-7 days, 1-2 tablets for adults with a six-hour interval between doses. During the course of treatment with this drug, it is necessary to temporarily abandon other drugs that may contain magnesium, sodium bicarbonate, iron and calcium. It is also not recommended to use the medicine for children under 8 years of age. In any case, before taking Tetracycline Hydrochloride, as well as its analogues such as Metacycline and Doxycycline, you need to consult a doctor, since these drugs often provoke dysbacteriosis and some intestinal diseases (for example, enterocolitis).

What other antibiotics effectively fight food poisoning

"Levomycetin" is an antibiotic that can destroy various types of intestinal infections, including those that cause salmonellosis, typhoid fever and dysentery. "Levomitsetin" is considered a potent drug, so it should be used in thatif it is not possible to achieve a healing effect with other drugs. It should be remembered that this drug has a depressing effect on the kidneys and liver function, so it should be used with extreme caution. An antibiotic costs about 35 rubles.

take antibiotics for antibiotic poisoning
take antibiotics for antibiotic poisoning

For the treatment of diarrhea, "Rifaximin" may be effective, which is usually taken within 3 days, 3 tablets. When using this drug, it must be remembered that if improvement does not appear within the first 48 hours after taking it, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Side effects that can be triggered by the use of the drug include the appearance of pain in the joints, bloody diarrhea, rashes on the skin, urticaria, swelling of the face or limbs. To avoid the appearance of these signs, you should strictly adhere to the rules for taking the drug, which are described in the instructions for use. The pharmacy price of the product fluctuates around 600 rubles.

what antibiotic for poisoning
what antibiotic for poisoning

The drug "Intetrix" is an intestinal antiseptic that can quickly suppress the vital activity of many microorganisms, including Vibrio cholerae and dysenteric amoeba. It is prescribed for food poisoning and diarrhea. Take the drug 6-8 capsules per day (orally, with a glass of water, without biting the capsule) 3 hours before meals for 3-5 days. The cost of the drug is 475 rubles.

How to preventdehydration and relieve diarrhea in case of poisoning

We already know what antibiotics are given for poisoning and what effect they have on the body. Now let's talk about preventive measures aimed at a speedy recovery of a person. It is known that food poisoning can often be accompanied by fluid loss in a person, which manifests itself in the form of profuse vomiting and frequent loose stools.

antibiotics for food poisoning in adults
antibiotics for food poisoning in adults

In this regard, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of special saline solutions per day. For this purpose, you need to prepare an aqueous solution of Regidron, a hypoosmolar agent Humana Elektrolyt, or take Glucosolan, which prevents dehydration very quickly.

It should be noted that with diarrhea of various nature, the mucosa becomes inflamed and exposed to pathogenic flora. In this case, a person often experiences sharp pains in the lower abdomen, as well as discomfort when it is swollen. Therefore, if you are looking for which antibiotics to take in case of poisoning, you must also take care of medical products that reduce the pain threshold for intestinal disorders and have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and intestines. These drugs include "Enterol" and "Smecta". The drugs "Atoxil" and "Enterosgel" effectively cope with the consequences of diarrhea. The latter instantly adsorbs and removes toxins and harmful substances from the body.

Get rid of severe pain that occurs due to muscle spasmsintestines, the drug "No-shpa" will help. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets three times a day. If the disease is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by a high temperature, then the drug "Omez" can be recommended.

You should also highlight the quality of activated charcoal, which can quickly remove a large amount of toxins from the body. However, it is recommended to refrain from taking it for people suffering from peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, since it has a strong irritating effect on the mucous membrane.

How to restore the intestinal microflora disturbed by antibiotics

Regardless of which antibiotic was prescribed by a doctor for poisoning, it should be remembered that he althy intestinal microflora is disturbed after taking it. How can you quickly restore it, as well as establish the activity of the digestive tract? For these purposes, the so-called probiotics and preparations rich in lactic acid bacteria are recommended.

One of these medicines is Linex, which restores he althy intestinal flora in a short time. It can be used by almost anyone, including breastfeeding mothers and babies under 12 months of age. It is recommended to take the drug within a week according to the instructions.

Effective drugs include Hilak Forte, Laktofiltrum and Mezim. "Hilak Forte" promotes the rapid development of intestinal microflora, and also affects the rapid elimination of toxins from the body; "Laktofiltrum" improves immunity and acceleratesthe development of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine; "Mezim" - a drug that has an enzymatic nature, promotes the breakdown of many food components and has a beneficial effect on intestinal activity.
