Eye burn with a quartz lamp can be quite possible if you use it on your own. The degree of burn is affected by the number and power of the lamps, as well as the duration of exposure to the organs of vision. In this situation, immediate assistance is required, but this must be done carefully and according to the rules. Everyone who works with this device needs to know what to do if the eyes are burned by a quartz lamp.

Injury of this kind is most often received by those who neglect the rules of its operation. Namely, in the case of:
- long as well as close stay near the radiation source;
- hypersensitivity of the body;
- high power radiation.
Symptoms of an eye burn with a quartz lamp depend on the degree of injury. The severity of the injury determines the depth of the injury.tissues: retina, cornea, eyelids, conjunctiva and others.
Mild damage
If a person has a slight lesion with a quartz lamp, then signs such as:
- slight puffiness;
- mild pain syndrome;
- slight redness and swelling;
- vision loss;
- photophobia.

At the same time, conjunctivitis has a separate character of manifestations. Such a burn occurs when a person looked at the lamp for a very short time or was facing it. If at the same time the eyes are closed, then the eyelids get burned. Its symptoms appear a couple of hours after contact with a quartz lamp. If you look at it quickly, you can get a burn of the conjunctiva. Signs of a slight burn of the eyes with a quartz lamp disappear after a few days. One of the indicators of a quartz burn of the cornea is tearing.
Medium damage
The average degree of damage occurs if you look at a quartz lamp for quite a long time. In this case, significant damage to the surface structures and the cornea occurs. It is noted that in such a situation, the eyes reflexively close. Symptoms of an eye burn with a moderate quartz lamp include:
- acute pain;
- burning;
- resi;
- redness of the eyeball;
- feeling of sand in the eyes;
- difficulty opening eyelids.

Severe and very severe injury
Burneyes with a quartz lamp of this degree can be obtained by looking at a quartz lamp for several minutes and at a close distance. Such cases are quite rare. The eye takes on a bright red tint. It cannot be opened. The person feels unbearable pain. In the area of the eyelids, yellow and dark gray crusts are formed, severe swelling. The appearance of bubbles that are filled with liquid contents is noted. The painful process is accompanied by copious discharge of tears, as well as increased sensitivity to any light.

The most severe degree of damage occurs extremely rarely and under unforeseen circumstances. It is characterized by severe damage to the organs of vision, the skin of the eyelids, sclera, conjunctiva and cornea dies off. The latter becomes so cloudy that it resembles porcelain. As soon as necrotic tissues move away, ulcers are exposed. After they heal, scars form, shortening and deforming the mucous membrane. Often, as a result, a person loses his sight completely. Eye damage from a quartz lamp is similar to the injury that the organs of vision receive during welding.
First aid
In case of damage to the organs of vision, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid, regardless of the severity of the burn. Correctly and timely actions performed will help prevent the development of complications, restore the perception of light and concentration. First aid for eye burns with a quartz lamp is to stop exposure to the radiation source.

The injured person needs to be taken to another room, in which it is necessary to organize twilight. With a mild degree of damage, lotions made from infusions of medicinal herbs will help, such as:
- calendula;
- sequence;
- chamomile.
They are applied cold. With an average degree of damage, the treatment of an eye burn with a quartz lamp will be carried out with certain medications prescribed by a doctor. After the examination, the ophthalmologist will give appropriate recommendations for self-treatment at home. In the case of a severe degree of damage, treatment is carried out in a hospital under the close supervision of doctors.
In case of eye damage, seek the help of an ophthalmologist. A person who has received an eye burn from a quartz lamp can be taken to the hospital on his own by putting sunglasses on his eyes. It must be borne in mind that self-treatment can lead to irreparable consequences. If you receive a severe injury, you should immediately call an ambulance.
What is forbidden to do with an eye burn
It is strictly forbidden when providing first aid to put pressure on the affected area, rub your eyes, even if a person feels irritation or severe pain. There is no need to rinse your eyes, because this will not lead to a positive result, and the harmful impurities contained in the water can cause even more harm.
When you burn your eyes with a quartz lamp, it is forbidden to apply a bandage of cotton and gauze, as it will warmaction, and this should not be allowed. The affected area should, on the contrary, cool down. However, ice is not allowed. If bubbles have formed, then they cannot be opened.
Treatment methods
The result of restoring eye he alth is largely influenced by the correctness of first aid. Most often, the doctor prescribes the use of eye:
- drops;
- solutions;
- ointments;
- gels.
Prescribed drugs have a restorative, analgesic and disinfecting effect. If, in order to apply the ointment, the eyelids cannot be opened, then, most likely, a corneal burn has occurred. We must try to drip drops.

When receiving an average degree of burn, painkillers are instilled:
- Adrenaline 0.1%.
- Novocaine 2-5%.
- Dicain 0.25%.
After the anesthesia is carried out, the ophthalmic regenerating liquid gel "Korneregel" is applied to the eyelids. Thanks to this drug, the affected cornea and conjunctiva begin to heal and recover.
It is advisable to bury your eyes every 30 minutes:
- 20% sodium sulfacyl;
- 0, 25% chloramphenicol;
- "Furacilin", two tablets of which are dissolved in a glass of boiled water and carefully filtered through gauze folded several times.
These drugs decontaminate the affected area. The Levomycetin and Tetracycline ointments prescribed by the doctor will help:
- removeinflammation;
- prevent eye infection;
- eliminate redness and puffiness.
For severe pain, an ophthalmologist may prescribe analgin and broad-spectrum antibiotics.
The consequences of a burn
The consequences of eye burns with a quartz lamp can be very sad. The visual organ reacts sharply to damage of a different nature. As a result of this kind of burn, the development of the following types of eye diseases is quite possible:
- glaucoma;
- dry eye syndrome;
- cataracts;
- retinal detachment.
- conjunctivitis;
- iridocyclia;
- endophthalmitis;
- the appearance of scars on the eyelids, their deformation, due to which the eyes will not close completely;
- fusion of the eyelid from the inside and the conjunctiva.
Severity of injuries can lead to such complications. Serious consequences can provoke the wrong actions of the victim or those who provided first aid.

Rehabilitation after eye burn
The recovery period after an injury from a quartz lamp lasts quite a long time. During rehabilitation, it is necessary to spend more time in rooms where there is no bright light, windows are closed with thick curtains.
During the treatment period, the patient must observe complete rest, it is prohibited:
- strain eyesight;
- read;
- watch TV.
In any weather, when going out, the eyes shouldbe protected by quality dark glasses. Otherwise, they will be harmed further, which will lead to visual impairment. With daily observance of all the rules, the visual organ will have a minimum load. Regular visits to the doctor for preventive examinations are essential.
You need to protect your eyes from the influence of a quartz lamp. Do not use it without carefully studying the rules for its operation, observe the time indicated for irradiation. If, nevertheless, when using it, the eyes were burned, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid and contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.