"Citramon": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Citramon": instructions for use, analogues and reviews
"Citramon": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

With mild to moderate pain, Citramon tablets can be used as a means to alleviate the condition. The instruction for this drug (and Citramon P, produced by another company) indicates the effectiveness of the composition for headache, arthralgia and neuralgia. Before using the medication, you should first consult a doctor.

General information

In the instructions for use of Citramon tablets, the manufacturer indicates the composition of the mediant. Each copy contains acetylsalicylic acid (better known to the layman under the name "Aspirin"), paracetamol and caffeine. In addition, the manufacturer added citric acid, cocoa. As a rule, tablets are packed in blisters or blister packs, sometimes in paper packs. The blisters are packed in boxes, on the cover of which the name of the medicine and the manufacturer, the dispensing rules and the number of tablets in the pack must be indicated.

The manufacturer specifies in the instructions for use for Citramon tablets that the remedybelongs to the group of anti-inflammatory painkillers that can relieve fever. Once in the human body, active compounds inhibit COX, reduce the activity of prostaglandin formation. Due to the inclusion of caffeine in the drug, the concentration of analgesic compounds in the central nervous system increases. This makes the remedy effective for headaches. According to the instructions, Citramon tablets can be used for various types of pain, including migraine.

citramon instructions for use
citramon instructions for use

Nuances of admission

Apply according to the instructions "Citramon" from headaches, muscle pain, as well as pain syndrome of a different nature. The manufacturer indicates the effectiveness of the composition if the pain is assessed as moderate or weak. Do not take the composition in case of hypersensitivity to any of the substances used by the manufacturer in the manufacturing process of the product.

According to the instructions "Citramon" from headache, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia take up to three times a day. Single dosage - one tablet. Exceeding the recommended dose is highly likely to cause unwanted side effects.

Pharmacology nuances

In the instructions for use of Citramon, the manufacturer indicates that the drug belongs to the combined agents. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) has a pronounced antipyretic effect, inhibits the activity of inflammatory foci and relieves pain. The most effective remedy for pain syndrome caused by the inflammatory process. A relatively moderate effect is observed on platelet aggregation,due to which ASA can be included in the list of agents that prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, this compound stimulates blood flow in the inflamed area at the level of the smallest capillaries.

Due to the inclusion of caffeine, as noted in the instructions for the use of Citramon, the drug affects the spinal cord, activating reflex excitability. The centers responsible for breathing and the work of blood vessels become more active. Caffeine somewhat dilates the vessels of the muscle tissues that support the skeleton, affects the heart, brain, kidneys, and also lowers platelet aggregation.

citramon instructions for use tablets
citramon instructions for use tablets

Efficiency: component features

Due to the inclusion of caffeine, Citramon reduces craving for sleep, fatigue, activates efficiency. The dosage of caffeine in the drug is quite low, so there is no strong effect on the central nervous system, but stimulation of vascular tone is observed, blood flow becomes faster.

In the instructions for Citramon P, Citramon, the manufacturer explains the effect of paracetamol, one of the important active ingredients of the drug. This compound has an analgesic effect, as well as the ability to relieve fever. Paracetamol has an anti-inflammatory effect, but very weak. It explains the effect on the thermoregulatory center located in the hypothalamus. Paracetamol also has a relatively weak ability to inhibit the generation of prostaglandins in peripheral tissues.

When will it help?

Use, following the instructions for use, tablets "Citramon" fromheadaches, including migraines, and also in case of toothache. The drug is indicated for severe pain during menstrual bleeding, with arthralgia and neuralgia. You can use pills if you are concerned about myalgia. "Citramon" is effective in febrile syndrome, which often accompanies the flu or colds, other acute respiratory diseases.

Absolutely not allowed

In the instructions for "Citramon P", "Citramon", the manufacturer specifies: you can not use the composition in case of hypersensitivity to any substance included in the drug. It is forbidden to use the medicine if there is an ulcer, erosion in the stomach or intestinal tract, the pathological condition is currently at the stage of exacerbation. It is not allowed to take if there is a focus of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Instructions for use "Citramon P", "Citramon" are prohibited in bronchial asthma, rhinitis, urticaria, if any occurred against the background of the use of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. You can not use the medicine for hemophilia, some forms of diathesis, portal hypertension and vitamin K deficiency in the body. The product is not suitable for people suffering from kidney failure and hypoprothrombinemia.

citramon p instruction
citramon p instruction

Important to know

Instructions for use "Citramon P", "Citramon" are allowed for women who are expecting a baby in the second trimester of pregnancy. In the first and third parts of the term, the remedy is strictly prohibited. You can not take it while breastfeeding, as well as for the treatment of persons youngerfifteen years of age. At an elevated temperature provoked by viral activity, taking Citramon by a child can cause Reye's syndrome.

Instructions for use for "Citramon" clarifies that the remedy is not suitable for patients with severely elevated blood pressure, severe ischemia, glaucoma. It is impossible to prescribe the composition to those suffering from sleep disorders and overly excitable patients. The drug is not suitable for those who have a lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the body. It is forbidden to use the product if the surgical intervention that caused bleeding has been transferred.

For liver diseases and gout, the instructions for use "Citramon" is allowed, but its use should be strictly controlled by a doctor.

Subtleties of reception

Instructions for use "Citramon" is recommended to be used in food during a meal or immediately after it. Between applications should be maintained at least four hours breaks. If the pain is strong enough, you can take two tablets at a time. A maximum of 24 hours can not use more than 8 capsules of the drug. Duration of admission - no more than ten days.

Instructions for the use of "Citramon" as an anesthetic drug is shown to be used for no more than five days. In case of fever and fever, the medicine can be used for three days in a row to relieve the condition. If symptoms persist, a doctor should be consulted first to continue treatment.

citramon instruction
citramon instruction

Negative effects

Applying, followinginstructions for use for tablets, "Citramon" for headaches, muscle, joint, fever and fever, it is worth remembering that the drug can cause negative effects. To a greater extent, this is likely when using the composition in the wrong dosage or for a long course, as well as if contraindications are not taken into account.

The manufacturer specifies in the instructions for "Citramon" that the medicine can provoke pain in the abdomen. Sometimes patients feel sick and vomit. In high doses, the drug is toxic to the circulatory and hematopoietic system, kidneys. It can cause the formation of gastric or intestinal ulcers, erosion. There is a risk of an allergic reaction, including Lyell's disease. In rare cases, "Citramon" provoked bronchial spasm, an increase in blood pressure and a violation of the frequency and speed of the heartbeat.

Long Course

In the instructions for Citramon, the manufacturer indicates possible undesirable effects that accompany prolonged use of the drug. Clinical observations and studies have shown that such treatment can cause a sore and dizzy head, vision problems, and tinnitus. In some patients, the function of blood coagulation is significantly weakened, platelet aggregation is reduced. There is a risk of hemorrhagic syndrome, accompanied by bleeding from the nose, gums. Purpura may develop.

In the instructions for Citramon, the manufacturer warns of the risk of kidney damage, papillary necrosis with long-term use of the composition. The medication may causedeafness The use of the composition by children is associated with an increased risk of Reye's syndrome. The condition expresses itself as acidosis, mental, nervous disorders, abnormal liver function, vomiting and hyperpyrexia.

Too much

Excessive use of "Citramon" can manifest itself as nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, ringing in the ears. Some people get dizzy. In severe poisoning, a person becomes inhibited, he is drawn to sleep. Convulsions, collapse and spasm of the bronchi are possible. There is a risk of anuria, bleeding may develop, breathing becomes heavier.

According to the instructions, a severe overdose of "Citramon" leads to central pulmonary overventilation, which causes respiratory alkalosis. Its symptoms are choking and cyanosis, shortness of breath and active sweating on the forehead. The progress of the condition is accompanied by respiratory paralysis, respiratory acidosis.

citramon instructions for use of tablets from the head
citramon instructions for use of tablets from the head

What to do?

When an overdose is detected, it is necessary to take the patient under control and monitor the vital signs of the internal organs, as well as the balance of electrolytes in the circulatory system. Based on the nuances of a particular case, the characteristics of metabolism, the patient can be given sodium bicarbonate, citrate or lactate. Activation of ASA excretion is provided by alkalization of urine due to reserve alkalinity.

Mutual influence

The instructions specify that "Citramon" can increase the activity of heparin and reserpine, as well as substances that indirectly worsenblood clotting quality. The action of hypoglycemic drugs, steroid hormones is activated. The combination of the composition in question and Methotrexate, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, increases the risk of negative side effects.

When combining medicines under the influence of Citramon, the effectiveness of medicines for lowering blood pressure, treating gout, as well as those containing furosemide and spironolactone, decreases. Uric acid is excreted from the body less effectively under the influence of compensatory drug therapy. If the patient uses Metoclopramide, the rate of absorption of paracetamol (one of the components of Citramon) increases. The combination of the described medication and agents for the prevention of epilepsy, barbiturates, salicylamide, rifampicin increases the likelihood of the formation of paracetamol transformation products poisoning the liver. The simultaneous use of the described composition and activators of microsomal oxidation is associated with a similar effect.

Paracetamol corrects the half-life of chloramphenicol, increasing it by about five times. Repeated use may cause increased activity of anticoagulants. The ingestion of paracetamol and ethanol is associated with a greater danger to the hematopoietic system. If the patient uses preparations with ergotamine, it must be remembered that this compound is absorbed faster under the influence of the caffeine contained in Citramon.

citramon p instructions for use
citramon p instructions for use

Nuances of application

It is forbidden to assignpreparations containing ASA in childhood with a viral infection - this can cause Reye's syndrome. Such a complication can be suspected if, after using Citramon, the child suffers from vomiting for a long time, the liver becomes larger, and acute encephalopathy develops.

Long-term use of "Citramon" is possible only under the supervision of a doctor and if there are significant indications for this. In this case, you should regularly study the blood picture and check the functioning of the liver. Under the influence of ASA, blood clotting slows down somewhat, which forces you to be extremely careful if surgical intervention is planned. The patient is obliged to inform the doctor if he took "Citramon" shortly before the event.

In some cases it is necessary to decide whether it is reasonable to use "Citramon" for the treatment of persons prone to asthmatic reactions to salicylates, derivatives of these compounds. It is allowed to use the composition only when the patient is under the supervision of specialists.

Citramon under pressure

The practice of taking the composition in question is quite widespread if the headache is disturbing due to low blood pressure. Why does the remedy help? The answer to this is given by the instruction "Citramon": the pressure rises due to a low dose of caffeine. At the same time, the amount of the compound is quite small, so a sharp jump in pressure is not observed with good tolerance of the drug.

The manufacturer does not indicate in the instructions for use at what pressure "Citramon" will alleviate the patient's condition. It's connected withindividuality of normal indicators for different people. To ensure maximum safety for yourself and use the product correctly, you should consult a doctor with complaints of a headache with reduced pressure. The doctor will study the picture of the disease and select the optimal therapeutic course - perhaps he will advise using Citramon following the instructions for use. At what pressure to take pills, the doctor will also tell. Self-treatment can cause adverse reactions, so it's not worth the risk, especially if the patient is forced to constantly use any drugs that potentially interact with the components of Citramon.

Citramon tablets instruction
Citramon tablets instruction

Important details

It is believed that in general, normal pressure is 120/80. With a slight downward deviation, accompanied by a headache, Citramon will probably help alleviate the condition.

If headache and low blood pressure are accompanied by other he alth problems, if this condition bothers you for a long time, you should consult a doctor. If chronic hypotension is detected, the doctor will develop a combined course for correcting the condition. Only the described drug will not be enough.

Alternative: what can be substituted?

Citramon tablets are sold at a fairly affordable price - from 10 rubles per pack. As a rule, the question of finding analogues arises only if the described composition is not on sale. In such a situation, the pharmacist may suggest"Coficil" or "Askofen". Their cost is slightly higher - from 20 rubles and more. An even more expensive alternative is Excedrin and Migrenol. To minimize the risk of unwanted effects, you should consult your doctor before using any of the mentioned medicines.

Will they help?

Since the remedy is affordable and helps with headaches, the demand for Citramon is traditionally high. It is difficult to find a person in the medicine cabinet which would not have this drug. In pharmaceutical stores, it is sold without a prescription, which also makes Citramon available to the general population. As can be seen from the great clinical practice and the responses of people who used the medication, the remedy really works well for headaches and migraines, helps to stabilize pressure when the weather changes.

In case of serious diseases, "Citramon" can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, but in everyday life, many consider it indispensable for relieving mild pain. Particularly positive feedback about "Citramon" from women suffering from soreness and cramps during menstrual bleeding.
