Heliotherapy is sun therapy (sunbathing). Indications and contraindications

Heliotherapy is sun therapy (sunbathing). Indications and contraindications
Heliotherapy is sun therapy (sunbathing). Indications and contraindications

Heliotherapy is a method of physiotherapeutic effects on the body with the help of all spectra of sunlight. This treatment is one of the gifts of nature, since it uses purely the energy of the sun, and not an artificially created likeness. However, before you run to take sunbathing, you should consult with doctors about the possible negative consequences of this method and deal with contraindications.

History and principle of the method

Sunlight is needed
Sunlight is needed

Heliotherapy is a method of treating diseases and improving the general condition of the body, based on the beneficial properties of sunlight. The name of the method comes from the Greek word "helios", denoting the name of the sun god.

The sun is a life-forming link for all life on earth, so the use of its energy has been known since ancient times.

Sunlight due to its spectral composition canhave the following positive effects on the body:

  1. Antidepressive and psychostimulating effect is manifested due to increased production of serotonin and endorphins. These substances are responsible for mood, reducing anxiety, increasing vitality and energy. Therefore, residents of northern countries, experiencing a deficiency of solar radiation, are much more likely to suffer from depression and neurosis than southerners, spoiled by the sun.
  2. Healing and drying effects in skin diseases. This property is used in dermatology and cosmetology to combat acne, inflammation and other skin pathologies. In addition, ultraviolet rays (UV spectrum) give the cover a pleasant bronze tint that enhances the appearance with moderate use.
  3. The bone-strengthening and calcium-forming action is vital because the sun is needed for the synthesis of vitamin D, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium in the body, and calcium keeps the bones in proper shape, protecting them from fractures.
  4. The sun protects asthmatics from frequent attacks, which is confirmed by the latest studies of patients with bronchial asthma living in regions with different number of sunny days.
  5. The hypotensive effect is due to the conversion of nitrogen compounds under the action of sunlight, which lead to a decrease in blood pressure and blood thinning, which is the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.
  6. Vitamin D synthesis not only leads to strong bones, but also protects the prostate gland from malignantformations.
  7. Sunlight improves metabolic processes, lowers blood glucose levels, helps to lose weight.
  8. Prolonging life is the main, summing up all the previous effects, the positive effect of the sun on the body.

The spectrum of sunlight

The sun emits waves
The sun emits waves

Sunshine can be divided into components:

  • The ultraviolet spectrum (UV), which makes up about 7% of solar radiation. These are the most intensely acting rays, which are mostly absorbed by the atmosphere. They cause both sunburn and burns, and also contribute to the formation of vitamin D.
  • The visible spectrum that we observe when the sun appears is 42% of all rays. This part of the spectrum is involved in energy processes, including photosynthesis in plants.
  • The infrared spectrum responsible for the thermal action consists of three types of wavelengths. This part of the spectrum in the amount of 51% of all radiation, it improves the metabolism and blood circulation in the tissues of the body.

Indications for heliotherapy

These include:

Sunbathing is beneficial
Sunbathing is beneficial
  1. Skin diseases (acne, pyoderma, weeping inflammatory lesions, furunculosis, eczematous pathology, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis).
  2. Injuries: fractures, sprains, bruises, and ulcers that take a long time to heal.
  3. Decreased amount of vitamin D in the blood, rickets in children.
  4. Pulmonary pathology: chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, occupational diseaseslungs, tuberculosis (in remission).
  5. Pathology of the digestive system (chronic gastritis, inflammatory and functional bowel diseases).
  6. Gynecological problems (inflammatory diseases without exacerbation, conditions after surgical interventions).
  7. Increased immunity, hardening, prevention of neurotic disorders and depression.

Consequently, heliotherapy is nature's help for the multidisciplinary promotion of people's he alth.

Solar treatments during pregnancy

The sun is good for pregnant women
The sun is good for pregnant women

Pregnant women can and should sunbathe in the sun, knowing the rules and time limits.

Sunshine improves mood, eliminates anxiety. Stabilizes metabolic processes by regulating blood glucose levels. The sun boosts immune defenses, which are often weakened during pregnancy. The rays help to raise blood hemoglobin, improve microcirculation, regulate pressure, vascular tone. Sunlight contributes to the saturation of the body with vitamin D, which is important for calcium metabolism and strengthening the bone tissue of a pregnant woman and the formation of the baby's skeleton.

It should be remembered that being in the bright sun without a hat is not allowed. During the period of pronounced solar activity from 11 to 16 hours, it is better to wait in the shade so as not to cause sunburn. Overexposure to the sun can lead to increased skin pigmentation. Significant overheating can cause bleeding from the uterus and miscarriage, so sunbathing should be strictlydispense.

Children and the sun

Children need the sun
Children need the sun

Children of all ages benefit from sunbathing. But no one canceled the rules of insolation.

Children's heliotherapy is a means of hardening, increasing immunity, and normalizing metabolism. Under the influence of the sun, vitamin D is actively produced in the body, which prevents the development of rickets in a child. Sunbathing increases appetite, strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep.

For hardening the baby should be undressed in the sun gradually, be sure to use Panama. You should sunbathe in the morning and in the evening, when the sun is not too active, in order to avoid sunstroke and skin burns. After sunbathing, water treatments are useful.

Tan Rules

Sunburn - the result of work
Sunburn - the result of work

To give the skin a beautiful shade and improve the body, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Be sure to wear a hat to avoid sunstroke.
  2. Staying in the sun during the phase of the brightest sun without clothes is not recommended to prevent sunburn.
  3. The best time is before 10-11 a.m. and after 4-5 p.m., then the tan lies evenly.
  4. Sunbathing should increase in time gradually from a few minutes on each side of the body. So the skin will tan more evenly. It will also get used to the sun (UV) rays.
  5. Sun protection and tanning products must be of high quality, suitable for age and skin type.
  6. Water treatments intensify the tan, so afterbathing is better to hide in the shade.
  7. Women need to protect their breasts from the scorching sun with a bathing suit.
  8. Skin should be clean before sunbathing.
  9. Before heliotherapy, you should have a snack, but do not overeat.
  10. After sunbathing, you must shower without using a hard washcloth, and then apply after-sun cream.

Contraindications for heliotherapy

Sun treatment is contraindicated for persons with the following pathologies:

  1. Oncological diseases of any organs and systems, including blood.
  2. Acute inflammations or exacerbations of chronic processes.
  3. Acute tuberculosis of the lungs, bones and kidneys.
  4. Severe heart and respiratory failure.
  5. The third stage of arterial hypertension.
  6. Autoimmune pathology (systemic lupus erythematosus).
  7. Overactive thyroid.
  8. Organic diseases of the brain and severe cerebral atherosclerosis.
  9. Bleeding of various nature.
  10. Severe individual sensitivity to ultraviolet light.

Such people should take part in sunbathing with a small dose of solar radiation.

Side effects of sun treatment

allergic reaction on the skin
allergic reaction on the skin

Undesirable effects of sun exposure include:

  1. Sunburns of varying degrees, causing severe pain and detachment of the upper layer of the epidermis. It's not only unaestheticlooks, but also harmful to the skin.
  2. Increased pigmentation, that is, the formation of a large number of moles.
  3. Sunstroke, manifested by loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, nausea, convulsions.
  4. Allergic urticaria that occurs in open areas of the body (often in the décolleté area), is manifested by severe itching and swelling of the skin.
  5. Deterioration of the heart in patients with chronic pathology in this area (arrhythmia, angina attacks, hypertensive crisis).

Help with side effects

When sunburned, do not smear the affected area with oil. You need to make a cool compress for 20 minutes using cold water and a cloth (preferably gauze). With severe soreness, you can use the Bepanten cream, which is applied to the affected area 1-2 times a day with light movements.

In case of sunstroke, a person should be taken to a cool place or to the shade. Call an ambulance, drink cool water, wipe with a damp cold towel or napkin, massage the limbs to restore blood flow.

Antihistamines are used to treat sun allergy symptoms to block the hypersensitivity reaction. Such individuals should avoid prolonged exposure to bright sun, and protect areas of skin with a rash with clothing.
