This examination method is widely used in modern medicine. MRI helps to detect pathological changes in many organs. For those who do not know how MRI is deciphered, this is magnetic resonance imaging. Let's take a closer look at what the procedure is and what it is used for.

MRI - how the word stands for
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a modern high-tech non-radiation method used to diagnose various pathologies of tissues and internal organs.
Without resorting to internal intervention, with MRI it is possible to obtain a highly informative image of any structures of the body, including in three-dimensional projections.
The advantage of the examination is its complete safety, ionizing radiation is completely excluded here. Diagnosis is carried out even for pregnant women and young children.
Medicine has gained ample opportunities in diagnostics thanks to the use of MRI. For a quality result,During the examination, the patient must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor. How an MRI is deciphered, the specialist knows, he takes into account the data of other studies and anamnesis.

Main MRI indications
MRI examination is recommended for the following conditions:
- circulatory disorders;
- defects in development;
- various tumor processes;
- monitoring the patient after surgery or during therapy;
- degenerative, demyelinating changes;
- arterio-venous malformations, aneurysms, thrombosis, vascular stenosis, various vascular pathologies;
- inflammatory processes;
- chronic, acute sinusitis;
- injuries suffered;
- arthritis, bursitis, arthritis;
- compression of the spinal cord, spinal nerve roots;
- heart defects, ischemic disease, myocardial infarction;
- injuries to tendons, ligaments, joints, menisci, nerve endings, muscles;
- pathology of the pelvis, abdominal organs.
If the doctor detects any of the listed conditions in a patient, he sends the patient for an MRI to conduct a reliable examination. After
how MRI stands for, an accurate diagnosis is established.

Benefits of MRI
In medicine, the advantage of MRI is given in the diagnosis of soft tissue pathologies. Examination has been widely used in oncology, in the diagnosis of diseases of the brain, spine, as well as in angiology and some other areas of medicine. The key advantages of this method are:
- no radiation exposure compared to CT examination;
- the method is highly informative in the diagnosis of tumor developments at early stages;
- a high-quality image is possible without the use of contrast;
examination specifies not only the structure, but also functional parameters (blood flow rate, cerebrospinal fluid, activation of the cerebral cortex). How MRI is deciphered by these indicators, a trained specialist knows.
MRI is practically not used in the diagnosis of pathologies of the lungs, intestines, stomach and bones.
How the examination works
Special preparation for MRI in most cases is not required. The exception is abdominal MRI.
Before the procedure, the doctor asks the patient to remove all metal objects (buttons, jewelry, etc.), as they will negatively affect the quality of the examination.
The patient goes to the research room, where he is placed in a special tube. Some devices allow you to stand during the examination, but the image quality is lower.
During the procedure, it is possible throughintercom to talk with the doctor, he carefully observes the patient using video equipment.
For the highest quality image, the main requirement is complete immobility. The process takes about half an hour.
Contrast agents may be used to make certain areas clearer.
When examining some patients, noise is disturbing, this is the norm in the operation of equipment. Headphones can be used to relieve discomfort.
Some are claustrophobic and are recommended to be examined in an open machine.
When examining newborns, young children, the doctor uses short-term anesthesia, because it is difficult for babies to remain still.
Those who are nervous before the procedure, have any negative experience, can take light sedatives to calm them down.

Contraindications for MRI
Although an MRI examination is a fairly safe procedure, there are still a number of contraindications:
- the patient has a pacemaker;
- metal plates, any fragments, Ilizarov apparatus;
- some middle ear implants;
- testing is not recommended for mentally unstable patients;
- pregnant in the first trimester - there is still no information about how magnetic fields affect the development of the fetus;
- coma or severe illness (stagedecompensation);
- presence of tattoos if any metal-based dyes are contained.
- if a contrast agent is used, then allergic reactions to the constituent components are also contraindications.
How is MRI stands for in medicine
The results of the MRI exam are output as layered images. They can be immediately seen on the monitor, they are recorded on a disk that the patient receives along with the images.
The main diagnostic factor is the interpretation of the results. This is not an easy process that requires special knowledge. Only a professional knows how an MRI of the brain or another organ is deciphered.
Correct interpretation of the result, together with other indicators from the medical history, allows the doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct effective treatment.
In some cases, some patients receive remote consultation via the Internet to interpret MRI results.
If the case is complex, controversial, the doctor makes several images from different angles, so the picture becomes more complete and reliable. The diagnosis is established more precisely.
As for the duration of the transcript, it takes much longer than the examination itself. For example, an MRI of the brain takes about an hour and a half to decipher.
Can I decipher it myself
MRI is the most accurate diagnostic tool. The patient receives black-and-white photographs, as well as digital recordings. Exceptof this, with the pictures, a conclusion of specialists is issued, which is written based on the results of the study.
Some people wonder how MRI of the brain is deciphered on their own. In fact, it takes a long time to learn. You can, of course, try to study the reference literature, medical atlases, catalogs, but the full picture of decoding is subject only to a specialist, only the smallest problems in the pictures are visible to his eye.
On your own it is only possible to see a major pathology if it is pronounced. But never try to diagnose yourself. The human body is a complex structure and any self-treatment can only harm your he alth.
Deciphering MRI is impossible without experience, special education. Additional tests may also be required to make a correct diagnosis.
Deciphering brain MRI

When MRI of the brain results in layered images. If someone is thinking how to decipher an MRI of the brain himself, we repeat - you should not do this. This will be done by a diagnostician, he will carefully study the result and draw up a diagnostic report. Only a qualified specialist will correctly and objectively decipher the image, correlate the description with the clinical picture.
The doctor will study in detail and determine the size of the bones, blood vessels, the presence of foci with liquid, see possible neoplasms and foreign bodies. The presented picture correlates with the norms (for different age groups theydifferent).
Possible deviations that a diagnostician can detect on the pictures:
- expansion of the ventricles of the brain;
- damaged nerve fibers;
- aneurysms;
- violation of the integrity of bones or blood vessels
- bone deformity;
- tumors.
To identify such pathologies, you must be qualified, so do not think about how to decipher the MRI of the brain yourself, but entrust the process to the doctor.
All examination results are recorded in a cipher sheet, which is attached to the medical record.
For an MRI, contact only professionals, even a small oversight in decoding during diagnosis can play a huge role not in your favor. The MRI method detects various diseases at the earliest stages, and this is a guarantee of a successful cure.
Deciphering MRI of the spine

How is MRI of the spine deciphered? After the images are taken, using a special viewer program, the radiologist makes a visual assessment of the examination and forms an expert opinion. The results are taken out on photographic paper, X-ray film, on digital media, and given to the patient. Pictures and the conclusion of a specialist are also entered in the medical history.
The patient will know about the results within 1-2 hours. In an individual interview, the radiologist can conduct a consultation, indicate the pathologies found,special moments, tell you what you need to pay attention to and which specialist to turn to for help. After the images are examined, the radiologist interprets the result, draws up a conclusion, and presents it to the attending physician.
If a patient requires additional testing, the attending physician explains the reason directly.
Decoding Abdominal MRI
MRI of the abdominal cavity allows you to assess the condition of the internal organs, determine the spread and nature of the disease process. At the same time, it is possible to accurately establish the diagnosis and start treatment in a timely manner, preventing the development of any complications. MRI allows you to track the size of tumors in oncology. Identify metastases, new lesions in a timely manner, draw up a plan for surgical intervention.
MRI interpretation is the most important factor on which the accuracy of the diagnosis depends. This process is quite complicated, and how an MRI of the abdominal cavity is deciphered, exactly knows a specialist who has deep medical knowledge of human anatomy, the characteristics of the disease. A radiologist usually has experience in deciphering ultrasound and X-ray machines, and also undergoes special training courses.
If there are controversial, difficult cases when deciphering, several interpretations of the images are used. Currently, other specialists can be remotely involved. There is a "second medical opinion" service. Large medical portals on the Internet attract leading experts from all over Russia, as well as from abroad. The importance of such a projectis obvious, especially for small towns, where the shortage of specialists is very noticeable.
Differences between MRI and CT

How MRI and CT are deciphered and how these types of examinations differ.
CT (computed tomography) - this examination is performed using x-rays. The difference from a conventional X-ray examination, where a two-dimensional image is displayed on a plate or film, with computed tomography, the image comes out three-dimensional. The fact is that the apparatus is designed in such a way that a person is inside the apparatus in an annular circuit. Images of organs are taken from different angles, from different points, the images are processed and a three-dimensional picture is obtained.
The principle of obtaining images on an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is the same. The difference is in the nature of the waves. MRI uses electromagnetic waves.
The main differences between examinations in rays, and also in the fact that each method in its own way better reveals a particular pathology.