Prevention of cancer: ways to prevent the disease

Prevention of cancer: ways to prevent the disease
Prevention of cancer: ways to prevent the disease

The number of people suffering from oncological pathologies is increasing every day. Leading doctors are doing everything to save the lives of patients. Many succeed. Cancer deaths have dropped significantly. However, the number of deaths is still high. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Simple preventive measures will help prolong life.

Why does cancer develop?

Prevention of oncology (cancer) cannot be carried out without finding out the root cause of the disease. Why malignant cells appear in the body, no one can say today. However, there are a number of factors that can provoke the development of the pathological process. So, smokers often suffer from cancer of the lungs and larynx. If you quit a bad habit, there will be more chances for a long happy life.

cancer prevention
cancer prevention

Ultraviolet radiation is another negative factor contributing to the development of oncology. The environmental situation in recent years leaves much to be desired. The situation worsened after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.

Preventiononcology should be carried out regularly by people whose relatives have suffered from cancer. Heredity is of great importance. Some women, including the famous actress Angelina Jolie, go to extreme measures - remove the mammary glands. All because the grandmother or mother died of breast cancer.

He althy lifestyle

Today, oncology spares no one. Prevention and risk factors - that's what everyone should know. A he althy lifestyle will significantly reduce the likelihood of facing a fatal pathology. First of all, you need to give up bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes).

oncology prevention treatment
oncology prevention treatment

In no case should you refuse a good night's sleep. Regular overwork will sooner or later lead to a decrease in the body's defenses. This will increase your chances of getting cancer. People who work hard, sparing no effort, die early.

Calm emotional state is another guarantee of he alth. Pathological cells can be in the human body for a long time without making themselves felt. A stressful situation is a real blow to the immune system. Emotional overload can be a trigger for the development of cancer.

Full nutrition

Many people are familiar with the expression "a man is what he eats." This phrase is completely justified. Those who eat the right foods can't have he alth problems. What can be done to prevent cancer from developing? Prevention, treatment - all this can be done with the help of food. Firstturn, you have to abandon the "pests". This includes any convenience foods and fast food. Manufacturers add various flavor enhancers here, which at best lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. There are cases when semi-finished products provoked the development of cancer of the stomach or esophagus.

how to get screened for cancer
how to get screened for cancer

Proper diet - cancer prevention. Nutrition should be rich and complete, including vitamins and minerals necessary for the full functioning of the body. Every day you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Be sure to observe the drinking regimen. An adult is recommended to consume at least 2 liters of pure water per day. And 1 glass of green tea a day is the prevention of breast cancer.

Physical activity

An active lifestyle is an excellent prevention of oncology. Obesity greatly increases the chances of getting cancer. Simple gymnastics will not only make the figure perfect, but also improve your he alth. Age-appropriate physical activity improves metabolism and blood circulation in tissues. As a result, all body systems begin to work properly, toxins are eliminated, which also often cause cancer.

cancer prevention folk remedies
cancer prevention folk remedies

For those who are interested in cancer prevention, it is not at all necessary to sign up for a gym. Daily walks in the fresh air will be enough. Public transportit is advisable to leave for those days when it happens to be late for work. Walking in the morning is a charge of vivacity and good mood. It is desirable to refuse elevators as well.

Don't forget about contraception

Many cancers develop due to the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body. The pathological microflora is transmitted sexually. Barrier contraception will significantly reduce the chances of developing cancers of the reproductive system, both in men and women. In addition, in this way it will be possible to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Few people know that abortion is a huge stress for the body, significantly increasing the chances of developing cancer cells.

cancer prevention
cancer prevention

Prevention of oncology of the mammary glands can be carried out by taking hormonal contraceptives. This is especially important for women who have problems with the menstrual cycle. Hormonal disorders in a woman's body often provoke the development of oncological pathologies. In no case should you choose drugs for the prevention of cancer on your own. Hormonal drugs also have their own side effects, so they can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

UV protection

The first rays of the sun in spring are a real joy for many. But a natural phenomenon can trigger the development of a deadly process in the body. To prevent this, it is worth limiting exposure to the open sun. This is especially important for people who have a large bodythe number of moles. Nevi are potentially dangerous formations on the skin that, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, can begin to grow rapidly. If there is no desire to completely abandon tanning, you should take care of high-quality skin protection.

cancer prevention products
cancer prevention products

A lot of special lotions and creams for UV protection are indulged in the pharmacy. They allow you to get a tan with minimal risk of earning exposure or burns. In no case should you neglect protective equipment.

Choose natural

Modern technologies allow a person to solve everyday tasks faster. Today it is difficult to imagine how people used to live without the Internet or mobile communications. But if it is not possible for many to abandon information technology, then the use of modern building materials, substances for the manufacture of household items is not mandatory.

For example, the convenience of plastic utensils cannot be overestimated. For nature, this is perhaps the best option. But not everyone knows that high-quality plastic utensils are labeled accordingly. If there are no marks on the cup or plate, the material is potentially dangerous and, with prolonged use, can provoke the development of cancer cells in the body. Preference should be given to paper disposable tableware.

Regular medical checkups

Even if only the right foods are included in the diet, cancer prevention is impossible without regular visits to the therapist. Even if nothing bothersperiodically it is necessary to donate blood for examination, check the condition of the lungs. This will identify the pathology at an early stage.

breast cancer prevention
breast cancer prevention

If you had to deal with a particular disease, in no case should you start therapy without consulting a doctor. Many with the most minor infections go to the pharmacy for antibacterial drugs. Meanwhile, these drugs are not safe and often cause cancer pathologies. Regular medical examinations and visits to specialists for any, even minor, complaints are the best prevention of oncology. Self-diagnosis is impossible.

How to be screened for cancer for prevention?

There are a number of techniques that allow you to determine the pathology at an early stage. Initially, you will have to donate blood for analysis. In the laboratory, tumor markers will be detected. If a neoplasm is detected in the body, the doctor will prescribe a biopsy. In this way, it will be possible to determine whether the tumor is malignant.

Every type of cancer has its own diagnostic method. So, mammography allows you to determine whether there are neoplasms in the mammary gland. Cytological examination of smears is performed to detect uterine cancer. The test for occult blood in the feces allows you to determine the oncological formations in the colon.

Ultrasound diagnosis is of great importance. The study not only allows you to identify a tumor in a particular organ, but also makes it possible to assess the dynamics of the neoplasm. Besides,biopsy is also performed under ultrasound guidance in most cases.

Timely detection of breast cancer allows self-examination, which can be carried out at home in front of a mirror. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for girls upon reaching the age of 20 once every six months. Mammologist will tell you how to properly examine the breast.

Traditional medicine against cancer

With the help of plants and food, cancer prevention can be carried out. Folk remedies will not be able to cure the pathology. However, they can be used to stop the development of a dangerous process:

  1. Seaweed. The product contains substances that cleanse the body of carcinogens. It is recommended to consume two tablespoons of the product daily.
  2. Vegetable oils. It is recommended to use olive oil to prepare your favorite dishes. Soy or corn is also great. Flaxseed oil helps reduce cancerous tumors. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.
  3. Garlic. This product is especially important for protection against breast cancer. Preference should be given to fresh garlic. A green plant worth adding to salads daily.
  4. Sea fish. The product contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help to eliminate toxins from the body.
  5. Soda. A product familiar to many is recommended to be taken orally. It is believed that in this way it is possible to cleanse the body of harmful substances, reduce the activity of pathogens. Half a teaspoon of sodamust be diluted with warm water and drunk on an empty stomach.


Full nutrition, a he althy lifestyle and moderate exercise are the best prevention of cancer.
