Types of cancer and methods of their treatment. The most dangerous type of cancer

Types of cancer and methods of their treatment. The most dangerous type of cancer
Types of cancer and methods of their treatment. The most dangerous type of cancer

Today, a very topical issue is the treatment of cancer. Before considering it, it is important to know what types of cancer exist and which one is the most dangerous to he alth and life.

Cancer. General information

Cancer is a serious malignant disease that develops from he althy epithelial cells and can affect any organ or system of the human body. To date, the causes of the growth of pathological cells have not been thoroughly studied. Therefore, the more we are aware of the facts known to modern medicine, the easier it is to avoid it or find the right way out.

There is a theory that the appearance of cancer is associated with a mutation in body tissues. But this has not been proven, like other versions.

Causes. Types of cancer

Knowing the causes can protect everyone who is at risk for some reason. Here are some common reasons that explain the nature of the appearance of foreign cells in a he althy body:

types of cancer
types of cancer
  • air pollution;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • nicotine use;
  • inflammatory processes in the chronic stage;
  • viruses and infections;
  • alcoholism;
  • carcinogens, which are now used in almost everything, and which cannot be avoided.

What types of cancer are there? There are several varieties:

  • carcinoma - the most common type of cancer that affects the esophagus, prostate, mammary glands;
  • leukemia is a cancer that is localized in the bone marrow, but metastasizes throughout the body;
  • sarcoma is a cancer that arises from the cells of the lymphatic system.

Cancer of the blood. Dangerous View

Cancer of the blood is also called hemoblastosis. This is a group of diseases of the circulatory system. Among them there are especially dangerous types of blood cancer, these are leukemia, hematosarcoma, lymphoma, angioma, chronic myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute monoblastic leukemia and others.

Leukemia is manifested by impaired differentiation and proliferation of hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. With this pathology, a large number of cancer cells accumulate in the body, which are not responsible for any function, but only slowly poison the body. Leukemia most often affects older people or children under 4 years of age.

Cancer of the genital organs. Uterine cancer

Genital tumors are malignant tumors that can affect external and internal organs.

Uterine cancer is common among women. Types of uterine cancer affect women from 55 to 70 years old, but there are often exceptions when very young women are examined and they are given a terrible diagnosis - endometrial cancer. There is a hormonal type and autonomous.

mostdangerous type of cancer
mostdangerous type of cancer
  • Hormonal is a "younger" cancer that occurs in women under 40 who had problems conceiving, diabetes, hyperglycemia and other problems at a young age.
  • Autonomous observed in older women - 60-70 years. In such patients, there is a reduced susceptibility to hormones and the absence of metabolic disorders of the endocrine system.

Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract

Tumours of the stomach and intestines are a very common disease. Known types of cancer of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract:

  • polypoid - makes up about 6% of all species, and its effect is that cancer corrodes the walls of the stomach. Pathological areas affected by cancer stand out well against the background of he althy tissues;
  • carcinoma, cancer-ulcer or ulcerative - accounts for about 36%, clear edges are visible, but practically does not differ from a stomach ulcer;
  • partial carcinoma - has no clear edges, protrudes above the level of he althy tissues and affects large areas of the stomach;
  • infiltrative cancer - develops inside the walls of the stomach, difficult to diagnose;
  • adenocarcinoma - starts from the cells of the mucous membrane, or rather, the glandular epithelium.

And some types of bowel cancer:

  • adenocarcinoma;
  • lymphoma;
  • carcinoma;
  • leukomyosarcoma.

Gastrointestinal tract cancers can metastasize, but with timely access to an oncologist, effective treatment can be carried out.

types of blood cancer
types of blood cancer

Lung cancer. The most dangerous type of cancer

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm that appears from the bronchial epithelium. Experts, having found out what types of cancer are, and having studied their pathogenesis, determined that a lung tumor is the most life-threatening cancer.

Lung Cancer:

  • central - the main bronchi are affected;
  • peripheral - the tumor grows from the alveoli and small bronchi;
  • mediastinal - characterized by the rapid appearance of metastases in the lymph nodes;
  • disseminated form - a large number of foci of growth of pathological cells in the lung tissue are formed;
  • sarcoma;
  • tracheal cancer;
  • poorly differentiated. Lung cancer of this type is one of the most dangerous.

What are the causes of this terrible pathology? First of all, smoking affects the occurrence of lung tumors. It doesn't matter if it's active or passive smoking. The very fact of inhaling carcinogens is the main cause of cancer development. The next factor that can cause these types of cancer is contact with poisons such as nickel, cadmium, arsenic.

Heredity also plays a role in the occurrence of a tumor, along with factors such as radiation exposure, poor environment, chronic lung diseases and others.

what types of cancer exist
what types of cancer exist

Breast cancer

What types of cancer do women get? Most often in women, the mammary glands are affected. This disease leads the list of the most dangerous and frequent pathologies. Women aged 40 to 60 suffer from breast tumors, but the disease is rapidly getting younger, and types of breast cancer are already being isolated that affect young girls.

Most of the neoplasms that a mammologist or women themselves detect can be classified as benign. These are galactocele, fibrocystic mastopathy and fibroadenoma of the gland. Such types of disease, cancer diagnosed at the optimal time, are promptly detected by oncologists, and treatment is carried out, possibly even removal of the mammary glands in order to avoid a second process.

What are the reasons for the development of abnormal cell growth in the mammary gland:

  • anomalies in the development of the mammary gland;
  • alcoholism, smoking and other bad habits are an important risk factor, given the woman's genetic predisposition;
  • bad environment, polluted air and poor quality drinking water;
  • late delivery can also become a trigger at the beginning of the development of pathology;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs and others.

Breast cancer with timely access to an oncologist is treated with the possibility of recurrence.

what types of cancer are
what types of cancer are

Cancer Symptoms

The problem is that in the initial stages of development, cancer does not make itself felt, and only early diagnosis will help determine the presence and severity of the pathological process.

Cancer symptoms are:

  • quick weight loss;
  • long-term elevated body temperature;
  • state of apathy andconstant fatigue for no reason;
  • color, shape, size of birthmarks or moles may change;
  • mouth ulcers appear;
  • pain increases over time.
oncology types of cancer
oncology types of cancer

In addition to the main symptoms, there are also specific ones. Prolonged wound healing may indicate a change in cells in the body, the loss of their function - cancerous processes. Abnormal discharge or bleeding, as well as problems with urination, may indicate the presence of cancer cells in the body.

Diagnosis of types of cancer

Today, there are many unresolved issues posed by oncology. Cancer species mutate and become invulnerable. For quality treatment, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease.

For these purposes, ultrasound therapy, computed tomography, mammography (to identify types of breast cancer), endoscopic method for diagnosing tumors in the stomach, esophagus and intestines, magnetic resonance imaging, radioisotope diagnostics and others are used.

More about X-ray examination - the main method of diagnosing oncological diseases.

types of uterine cancer
types of uterine cancer

X-ray is used at the slightest suspicion of pathological processes in cells. Using this method, you can examine the lungs, colon, stomach, bones. Recently, special methods have been used - bronchography, angiography, which significantly increase the likelihood of detecting cancerous processes.


For many years there has been a lot of discussion and research into drugs for the treatment of cancer. But, unfortunately, medicine has not yet found the only way to cure such patients. Therefore, after the detection of cancerous processes, complex treatment is carried out using radiation therapy, chemotherapy drugs and surgical methods.

  • Radiation therapy for cancer patients: the principle of such treatment is the increased sensitivity of pathological cells to ionizing radiation. After such a procedure, a mutation occurs in diseased cells, and they die. Therapy is not indicated for children, as their cells are still in the developmental stage and are most exposed to radiation. Some types of lung cancer are successfully treated after the procedure.
  • Chemotherapeutic effects on cancer cells are very aggressive, and the procedure is indicated only in advanced stages, if other types of cancer treatment are already not helping. The dose is selected depending on the weight of the patient, the type of tumor, its position and the condition of the patient. They combine different drugs to maximize the effect on tumor cells.
  • Surgical treatment is often resorted to, as it is the most effective and reliable method. Treatment consists in removing the source of pathology. But the surgical method will be ineffective if metastases have already appeared in the body.

Severe and most dangerous types of cancer, such as lung cancer, cannot always be cured. In this case, supportive therapy is used, but the chances thatthe patient will survive, very little.
