Seal in an intimate place can be formed for various reasons. After all, the human body is a single system in which all processes are interconnected. The inguinal region is called the place where the peritoneum and thighs are articulated, here are the attachments of muscle tissues, large blood vessels, seminal ducts or uterus, as well as intestinal loops. Therefore, a seal in an intimate place can signal the occurrence of a number of pathological processes, the true nature of which is determined only by an experienced specialist. But in order to significantly narrow the search for possible diseases, we will provide you with a list of the most likely ones.
So, a seal in an intimate place may be formed due to the following deviations.
Inguinal hernia
Such a disease can be caused by a weakening of the supporting tissues, as well as slipping of intestinal loops into the lower abdomen. This tumor is oftenonly manifests itself in a standing position and is accompanied by pain. At the advanced stage of the disease, the sick person undergoes an immediate operation.
Swollen lymph nodes
Seal in an intimate place may occur due to the penetration into the body of any infection. Lymph nodes in the groin are compacted in groups and have different causes of inflammation:

- genital herpes;
- fungal foot infections;
- presence of a cold;
- genitourinary problems;
- syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis;
- presence of worms (a kind of reaction to their toxins);
- appearance of benign tumors in the pelvis (small).
Other reasons
In addition to the named diseases, seals can occur due to:
- groin lymphogranulomatosis;
- formations of wen;
- abdominal injury;
- lymphosarcomas of the inguinal nodes.
Warts on intimate places: photos and causes
Another trouble that can occur in an intimate place is a wart. It is worth noting that papillomas can appear both single and multiple. They occur for one of the following reasons:

- any disturbances in the vaginal microflora;
- sexual infections such as thrush, gonorrhea, chlamydia or herpes;
- relatedchronic diseases;
- decreased immune system, beriberi;
- regular stress conditions;
- violation or non-compliance with personal hygiene.
All of the factors presented can somehow affect the fact that soon you will have warts in intimate places. Treatment of this disease is carried out both conservatively and with the help of surgical intervention. As for the last method, the following methods are often used for this:
- cryotherapy (using liquid nitrogen);
- laser removal;
- electrotherapy (using electric current);
- radio wave removal (healing occurs in a short time);
- surgical removal (the most reliable method, but there are side effects due to local anesthetics).