It is possible that a bump on an intimate place has a harmless "nature", but the possibility that this is an alarm signal of a serious illness cannot be ruled out.

• the occurrence of hormonal imbalance in adolescence, menopause and pregnancy;
• “side effects” of depilation – ingrown hairs, skin inflammation;
• negative consequences of stressful situations or non-compliance with diet;
• favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria due to poor intimate hygiene;
• drug allergy;
• difficulty in "breathing" the skin due to tight-fitting underwear;
• STDs.

Hair follicles
It happens that pimples are confused with hair follicles. These natural "objects" of further hair growth do not require close study and concern.
Sebaceous glands
It also happens that the sebaceous glands in intimate places are confusing hypertrophy. In these places, the skin is very thin, so the glands stand out strongly and “rush intoeyes . To prevent such “innocent” acne from “interfering with life”, you can get rid of them by taking vitamins, maintaining hygiene and antibacterial treatment.
Dense ulcers
A dense bump on an intimate place is a product of inflammation of the sebaceous glands. It ranges from light red to dark red. For treatment, you will first need to clean the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a soap and water solution, dry the skin and take one of the following procedures.
Aloe juice
If a bump hurts in an intimate place, aloe juice will help get rid of a purulent formation. The leaf of the plant is cut lengthwise and attached to the problem area with a patch. After 3-4 days, thanks to the healing effects of aloe, the annoying abscess disappears, and the skin is completely restored.
Pharmacy products
Levomekol ointment and hydrogen peroxide are excellent remedies to help get rid of abscesses. A bump on an intimate place is treated with one of these drugs twice a day until it disappears completely. Ichthyol or Vishnevsky ointments can also perfectly cope with such tasks.
One of the means to get rid of abscesses is iodine. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with iodine and apply to the problem area for 5-10 minutes.
Fatty cysts

These white cysts are small and are located under the skin. Their occurrence is due to blockage of the sebaceous gland by skin growths. At the same time, the fatty substance accumulates, andcoarsening occurs, forming a hard bump. Cysts do not cause pain or discomfort. The treatment of the lump occurs through a simple and short surgical operation.
A bump on an intimate place - on the pubis, perineum and labia - is an indicator of a possible infection with a sexually transmitted infection. If, with the appearance of acne, there is an increase in temperature, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin, burning and itching in the genital area, then an immediate consultation with a venereologist is necessary.