Women carefully monitor their appearance. But often the following problem arises - the forehead is peeling off. There are many reasons why this happens. This problem needs to be de alt with somehow. This article will talk about the reasons why peeling occurs. An explanation will also be given on what to do with flaky skin.

There are several signs that you have dry skin:
- Peeling.
- Itching.
- Tightness.
The most delicate and sensitive area on our face is the forehead. He takes the brunt of it, so the first thing you can see these signs on the forehead, since this area is prone to drying out. In order to prevent peeling of the skin in this area, it is worth using special skin care products. It is necessary to purchase moisturizing cosmetics in order to prevent these three unpleasant signs of dry skin in the near future.
But in order to completely remove thisproblem from life, it is worth all the same to understand the problem. Why does the skin on the forehead peel off? The reasons are as follows:
- The first and most important point is that soap dries the skin. You should only wash your face with warm or cool water, as very hot water will harm the skin of the face.
- If you are a fan of using a heater in the cold season, then you should remember one important thing: it also leads to oxygen starvation of your body, or rather the skin of your face.
- Sudden climate changes are especially dangerous for the skin. In cold weather, try to use special cosmetics for the care and resuscitation of the skin, as the skin also tends to dry and crack. At this time of the year, use less decorative cosmetics, but it is better to completely remove them from your winter cosmetic bag.

Even if you do a full complex of facial skin care and take into account every little thing, you must not forget about the problems of the body itself. Diseases of the internal organs can affect the appearance of a person. There are a number of reasons why dry skin can occur in women and men at different ages.
Hormonal disorder of the body
It leads to a number of he alth problems in women. In addition to cycle failures, depression, nervous breakdowns, today's topic (dry skin) also adds to this list of troubles. Due to the lack of hormones in the body, the skin becomes less elastic, loses its tone and flakes off. But this problem can also arise withage at menopause. Estrogen in our body is critically reduced, as a result of which the body suffers very much and suffers a lot of stress. At such moments, wrinkles, age spots begin to appear on the skin, it loses its elasticity.
Vitamin deficiency
In the human body there is such an irreplaceable vitamin B2, which helps the skin to remain firm and elastic. With its normal amount, dryness is out of the question. But if, nevertheless, the problem of dry skin on the forehead has overtaken, then it is worth reviewing your diet and adding foods containing this vitamin. It can be liver, meat, dairy products. But greens will be indispensable on the menu.
Skin Diseases
There are various diseases that will help to understand why the dryness of the forehead appeared. These are pathologies such as allergic reactions, fungus, psoriasis, seborrhea, dermatitis. In these cases, the skin does not just peel off, it turns red, itching appears, and rashes may also appear, which may have a different etiology. If you are concerned about these symptoms, do not put off a visit to a dermatologist. At the initial stage, it will be easier for him to understand what happened and what is the cause. If you turn to a specialist in a timely manner, there is a chance for a quick recovery.

What skin changes occur in adulthood?
Peeling of the skin on the forehead is more often a problem for women than for men. One of the reasons for skin peeling lies in the fact that the structure of the internalbody of a woman, and, as mentioned above, changes occur. The conclusion remains only one: the skin must be monitored since adolescence. Perhaps this way you can avoid a number of reasons why there are problems with the skin on the forehead, and not only.
If you use cosmetics correctly, you can avoid a lot of discomfort on the face. So, first of all, you need to learn how to use scrubs and lotions. If you do everything at random and do not follow the rules, then this can lead to the following problems:
- Forehead peeling.
- Hyperemic areas of the skin appear on the face. This suggests that they carefully rubbed any cosmetic product into the face.
- Peeling may pass, but for a short period, after a while it appears again.
One of the factors may be that you use low-quality cosmetics. In this case, try replacing it. If this does not help, then it is best to contact a dermatologist to help identify the cause of the problem in the early stages.

Proper skin care
In most cases, the skin of people has its own individual structure, and each drug can react differently. If the forehead is red and flaky, you should consult a dermatologist about the best drug to take. It can also be some additives. But if a visit to a dermatologist is a last resort for you, try using conventional folk remedies for facial skin care.
- So that dry skin does not disturb peace, you should drink clean water at least two liters a day.
- Before you wash your face, pour some water into a mug and let it steep for a bit, as tap water is chlorinated and also dries out the skin.
- Water should be unconditionally at room temperature, as too hot or too cold irritates the epidermis, which affects the result of washing.
- Choose cosmetics for yourself without alcohol content.
- The face towel should be soft and should not be rubbed on the face like sandpaper. It harms your skin.
- Get a hydrating toner for yourself and use it every time you wash your face.
- It also does not hurt to use creams or oils to moisturize the skin.
- Make face masks only from natural products and only on your own.
- You can buy vitamins A and E separately at the pharmacy, they will help you keep your skin in good condition. These vitamins can be added to the cream.
- Periodically exfoliate your face. This is a very effective procedure and is used by many women.
Important! In order for your skin to calm down from itching and irritation, you should use aloe vera juice. Use it as a lotion, it will quickly help get rid of discomfort. Chamomile and calendula can also enter this ambulance arsenal.

What are the benefits of oils for the epidermis?
It is best to use natural oils, as they give maximum elasticity andelasticity to your skin, help to moisturize and give it freshness for every day. But it is important to know which oil is best for you, as they can also harm your skin if you do not know and do not understand how to apply products correctly.
Apricot and peach
Cosmetologists recommend using apricot or peach kernel oil for dry skin. Also, almond oil works well in this case. Thanks to these means, the epidermis is moistened, nourished with useful microelements. You can not worry about a possible allergic reaction or about itching and irritation on the skin. These oils are suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive.
Jojoba and other products
What to do - the forehead is flaky and itchy? Jojoba oil should be used, it can be used most often, as it contains a large number of useful trace elements, and you can not worry about the oily sheen of the skin of the face and pollution of the pores. These problems will be bypassed. You can also use linseed oil, olive oil and argan oil, but in small amounts.
There is a list of solid oils that are used in cosmetology, but you need to use them very carefully, as they can contaminate pores, and you will make your already not he althy skin even worse. These are coconut, mango, shea and cocoa butters. They should be applied only to those fates that are worth moisturizing, but in no case not on the entire face.

Forehead peeling in a child
Is the forehead of babies very flaky? It happensquite often, however, a different approach is needed to fix the problem, since the child does not need facial cosmetics (masks, scrubs, lotions, creams). Parents most often perceive this behavior of the child's body as normal. Environmental factors play the main role:
- Don't expose your baby to UV often.
- Go for a walk, but don't forget about the effect of the wind on your baby's skin. In winter, a baby can get frostbite very quickly, so refrain from long walks.
- Also, diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, fungus, chickenpox, scarlet fever can also affect the skin of a child. Be vigilant about the he alth of your baby.
- Skin peeling also depends on the state of the liver and intestines.
- A baby at a very young age is prone to allergic reactions that also affect his skin. Especially often the forehead flakes off in such cases. Check with your pediatrician to see if there is anything you should cut out of your diet.
Do not relieve yourself of responsibility, as caring for a child is very important, and it is worth carrying out hygiene procedures with him as intended. If you do not follow the hygiene of the baby, then, perhaps, exfoliated particles can be observed on the skin soon.

Drugs for the treatment of skin peeling
What to do - the skin on the forehead is peeling off? This question is often asked by women. In addition to oils, you can turn to medicinaldrugs.
"Geoksizon" - ointment with a wide spectrum of action. Its properties are applied to such problems as peeling of the skin, purulent boils, dermatitis, sunburn, insect bites. Apply to problem areas of the skin at least three times a day. Also, this ointment has contraindications: it is contraindicated for pregnant, lactating and people with skin cancer.
"Mycozoral" - ointment for peeling the skin. Apply at least twice a day. The effectiveness of the drug is visible from the first dose. After a course of taking this ointment, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Contraindicated in people with allergic reactions to any component of the composition.