Millions of people in all corners of our planet from time to time complain that they have a headache in the temples and forehead or in the back of the head. These discomforts are different. They range from a mild attack to unbearable pain. Sometimes these symptoms go away on their own. But most often people take medications or resort to traditional medicine.
Causes of occurrence
Headache in the temples and forehead, as well as in the back of the head, is an unpleasant sensation in the skull. It appears in various painful conditions

Headache in the temples and forehead, as well as in the back of the head, is caused by irritation of the nerve endings located in the cavity of the cranium, as well as in the soft tissues of the face and head. Such sensations are very common in humans. Often they disturb even completelyhe althy people.
What causes headaches in the forehead and temples? The reasons for such phenomena may lie in:
- concomitant diseases of internal organs;
- infections;
- body poisoning;
- head injuries;- mental and nervous pathologies.
Why else do headaches occur in the forehead and temples? Their causes often lie in violations of intracranial pressure (this happens with migraines), as well as excess or stagnation of blood that occurs in the brain. Similar symptoms accompany hypertension. Headaches in the temples and forehead can also occur with anemia of the brain. The appearance of such symptoms contributes to the violation of the integrity of blood vessels. With pathologies of this structure, blood does not enter the brain in full volume for it, which causes interruptions in the supply of this organ with food and oxygen. Headache in the temples and forehead is the body's response to this situation. The brain, sending impulses along the nerve endings, causes discomfort in a person.
There are a great many pathologies that provoke headaches in the forehead and temples. The most common of these are arteritis, ischemic disease, and migraine. They cause pain, accompanied by nausea and dizziness, as well as loss of concentration. In this position, a person is not capable of mental activity, because it, as a rule, aggravates pathological symptoms.
Headaches in the forehead and temples occur as a side effect of a sore throat,influenza and SARS. Such uncomfortable sensations are signs of frontal sinusitis and sinusitis.
Provoking headaches and our current lifestyle. A modern person spends a lot of time at the computer and watching TV. At the same time, his body assumes a position that violates the correct posture. Such adjustments to a person's natural posture cause prolonged stress on many muscle groups. As a result, the blood vessels of the cervical region suffer, which causes discomfort. There are also pains in the head due to stressful situations and excessive physical exertion.
What else could be the reasons for such conditions? Pain in the temporal and frontal zone often appear as a result of head injuries. Often they accompany dental pathologies, allergies and sinusitis.

The development of this disease often occurs due to existing problems of the nervous system. Such a pathology requires treatment under the supervision of a doctor, as it can develop into nervosa.
Headaches in the forehead and temples, and dizziness are symptoms of many pathologies. Among such ailments are diseases of the vestibular apparatus and ear, osteochondrosis and low blood pressure, psychogenic disorders and cerebrovascular accident.
In addition to the factors listed above, which are associated with the dysfunction of the human body, certain foods affect the formation of pain sensations. This is because some foods contain gluamate monosodium, which is a source of pain. These are bacon and canned soups, roasted nuts and Chinese cuisine, smoked fish, sauces and hot dogs.
Some causes of headaches in women
Often, expectant mothers experience discomfort. Headaches in the forehead and temples in pregnant women are associated with migraine manifestations. Such pathologies are accompanied by digestive disorders and visual impairment. Some foods can also provoke a headache in pregnant women. These include chocolate, cheese and citrus fruits. Expectant mothers are often bothered by unpleasant odors, weather changes, annoying noise, overwork, a rhythmically flashing light bulb.
Provokes in pregnant women headaches in the forehead and temples low blood pressure caused by early toxicosis. Often this condition accompanies a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy. High blood pressure is also an alarming symptom. Sometimes it signals late toxicosis.

The causes of pain in the area of the temples and forehead are sometimes internal processes occurring in the female body. This is menopause and menstruation, as well as hormonal changes. In such conditions, the resulting headaches are aching and dull in nature. This causes general irritation in the woman.
Headaches in the forehead and temples, a temperature of 37 and the complete absence of any other complaints are sometimes the first symptoms of pregnancy in women. Such signs during the first twelve weeks are considered normal and disappear withoutthe use of medicines. This condition is associated with the effect of rising hormonal levels on the thermoregulatory center.
Childhood problems
Frequent headache in the forehead and temples, which the child complains of, causes concern to parents. But in most cases, these discomforts appear in children due to fatigue. The overload of their still fragile nervous system often occurs due to conflict relationships, festive events, impressionable days, schoolwork and other vigorous activities. It is for these reasons that headaches often occur in the forehead and temples in children. Similar symptoms may also appear as a result of one or another complex. So, constant pain can accompany a full child who is embarrassed of his figure in front of his peers.

If the discomfort is repeated frequently, the child should be taken to the doctor. Sometimes headaches are the result of bruises, concussions and other pathologies. Parents should entrust the diagnosis of such a condition to a specialist, since it is unlikely that they will be able to find the cause of an unpleasant syndrome on their own.
What to do if you have a headache in the temples and forehead? The treatment of this uncomfortable condition is offered by traditional medicine. One of the non-traditional ways to eliminate unpleasant symptoms is aromatherapy. Of course, doctors will not recommend such methods to their patients, but practice forces them to reckon with them.
For example, during the 2nd World War, when there were not enough antibiotics in French hospitals, doctors began to use essential aromatic oils to treat the wounded. The effect of these procedures was completely unexpected for doctors. Essential oils remarkably suppressed the action of a wide variety of infections. Today it has already been proven that some aromas can heal many pathologies, including headaches. So, discomfort subsides or disappears completely if the patient inhales the smells emitted by mint, lemon or lavender. A few drops of oils from these herbs can be rubbed into the temples. For the same procedure, mixtures from:
- ylang-ylang and geranium (2 drops each);
- lemon, pine and geranium (1:3:2);- mint, rosemary and eucalyptus (2:2:3).

Before the rubbing procedure, the mixture should be warmed up. If the headache was the result of severe overwork, then a bath flavored with the following essential oils will be a good remedy for it:
- geranium, mint and orange (4:4:2);- lavender, nutmeg and ylang-ylang (4:2:2) dissolved in a spoonful of warm milk. The mixture is intended for taking a cool bath.
Use of metals
What else eliminates headaches in the forehead and temples? Treatment with folk remedies has long been carried out using copper. Coins made of this metal must be applied to the frontal part and to the temples. The headache will subside in fifteen minutes.
But there are a few caveats to keep in mind. Copper treatment is not for everyone. That is why, before using the metal, it is necessary to conduct a little testing. If the coin is "attracted" to the sore spot, then copper will have the desired effect. If not, it can harm the body.
Unusual Means
There are some simple, but at the same time unusual ways to get rid of pain in the head. Here are some of them:
1. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you should lean your temple or forehead against a cold window. Glass neutralizes the electrical charge accumulated in the skin and eliminates discomfort.
2. Helichrysum sewn into a pillow will help a child from a headache. When the baby sleeps on it all night, the grass should be brewed. The resulting decoction must be used to wash his head.
3. Discomfort will help to remove a strip of woolen fabric about seven centimeters wide. She is tied on the frontal part, covering her eyebrows.
4. According to the advice of Bulgarian healers, you need to make a “potato cap” for a headache. To do this, grate 1 kg of vegetable and mix the cooked gruel with 50 ml of fresh raw cow's milk. The mixture should stand for half an hour. Next, the drug should be squeezed out and laid out in a 1 cm layer on a piece of thin cotton fabric, which is placed on the head. From above it is necessary to put on a woolen hat. A similar procedure is performed for 1.5 hours before bedtime once every two days. According to former patients, after 10 or 12 sessions, even those painsthat torment a person for a long period, go away forever.
5. Traditional medicine recommends another rather unusual recipe. When a headache occurs, heat a spoon in a glass of hot tea and lean it against the wing of the nose from the side of discomfort. As the spoon cools, the procedure is repeated. Next, the earlobe is warmed up in the same way on the affected side, and then the fingertips are dipped into the tea.
For headache relief:
- Apply a piece of woolen cloth soaked in a mixture of vinegar and olive oil (in equal proportions) to the forehead.
- Bandage a crumpled cabbage leaf to the forehead, and smear the recesses behind the ears and wrists with vegetable juice.
- With prolonged discomfort, it is necessary to use a solution of 2 teaspoons of chaga extract dissolved in 150 ml of boiled water. It is recommended to take the drug 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals 1 tbsp. l. The course of treatment should be from 3 to 5 months.
- For migraine, folk healers recommend making an infusion of aloe in chicory juice and using this remedy in doses of 30-150 ml.
Valerian is considered a good remedy for headaches. The roots of this medicinal herb in the amount of 20 grams should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and then heated for 15 minutes in a water bath. After that, the drug is infused for ¾ hours and filtered. The resulting volume is brought to 200 ml. Take this herbal remedy three times a day, half an hour before meals.
Headache folk healerscinnamon is also advised. It is taken in an amount of 1 gram and poured into 50 ml of hot water. The drug is infused for half an hour, a little sugar is added to it and two sips are taken at intervals of one hour. You can moisten a napkin with cinnamon infusion, which is recommended to be applied to the temples and forehead to eliminate headaches.
Using clay
This rock in the old days was often used during severe epidemics. To maintain he alth, people used clay water. This breed was also used for the treatment of many ailments. Patients were referred to clay layers and smeared with this rock. After such procedures, people recovered. How to use clay to eliminate pain in the head? To do this, you need to prepare a healing mixture. It should include 150 grams of clay and 50 milliliters of water. These ingredients are mixed, applied to gauze and a compress is applied to the entire forehead (from temple to temple). The duration of the procedure should be 20 minutes. The course of such therapy is 1 month.

You can also mix clay (100 g) with 2 tbsp. spoons of infused mint leaves, filling the ingredients with half a glass of boiling water. A thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to a gauze napkin and applied as a compress to the forehead and temples. Hold for 15 minutes.
Using s alt
The fact that the vapors of this mineral have a healing effect on the body, people learned relatively recently. Only in the 19th century, on the territory of s alt mines, steelto build sanatoriums in which halotherapy procedures were carried out for patients suffering from neuroses, asthma and other similar ailments. Folk healers also advise us to use this healing mineral. So, to eliminate the pain in the head, you can cook:
- S alt compress (1 tablespoon per 500 mg of water). To eliminate a headache, a woolen cloth is wetted in the resulting solution, which should be tied to the lower back, wrapping something warm on top.
- Saline solution (1 tablespoon of rock s alt per 1 liter of water), which is mixed with 100 ml of ammonia and 10 g of camphor oil. The resulting drug must be shaken until the complete disappearance of any impurities. For headaches, this mixture is warmed up, the head is moistened with it, a warm scarf is tied around it and they sleep with this compress all night.
Useful products
Better he alth can be achieved by including in the diet food that has the "right" chemical composition. What kind of traditional medicine recommends treatment in order to eliminate headaches in the forehead and temples? He althy foods that should be consumed should act on certain areas of the brain. As part of these healing gifts of nature:
1. Spinach. This vegetable contains wonderful B vitamins that support the normal condition of the circulatory and nervous system.
2. Sesame and pumpkin seeds. The first of them are rich in calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, as well as vitamin E, which eliminates migraines in women during the menstrual cycle. Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, magnesium andphosphorus, which have an antispasmodic effect.
3. Black tea and coffee. In moderation, these drinks constrict blood vessels, fight spasms and eliminate fluctuations in blood pressure, which is very useful for eliminating headaches.
4. Potato. This root vegetable is a true storehouse of potassium, which stabilizes blood pressure and has an antispasmodic effect.
5. Hot spices. Cayenne pepper, chili and ginger are especially useful for headaches.

6. Almond. This product is a source of magnesium and vitamin B2.
7. Watermelon. This huge sweet berry saves a person from dehydration, which sometimes causes headaches.
8. Cantapup melon. It contains not only a lot of water, but also trace elements such as magnesium and potassium. In addition, melon pulp stabilizes blood glucose levels, which can also cause headaches when low.