Not always, when watery eyes, it is a symptom of the disease, but it clearly signals that a person needs to pay attention to his body. In normal amounts, this is a normal function of the eyes, but severe lacrimation can occur if the body is disturbed or the person is in an unacceptable environment. Misuse of contact lenses can also lead to this problem. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the factors that cause profuse lacrimation.
How to identify the disease?
When your eyes water, it is very difficult to say for sure what is causing it. Therefore, it is necessary to consider each case in detail, paying attention to other symptoms. This may be a mechanical effect on the eyes or a viral disease. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the patient, what he does, and the general condition of his body.

The most common reasons
Here is a list of the main factors that can cause tearseyes:
- Stressful situations. Despite the fact that the nervous system does not directly affect the condition of the eyes, a partial effect of stress does occur. In most cases, such a diagnosis is made by exclusion, when no other diseases have been identified, and the eyes are watery. In this case, a neurologist or psychologist can help a person.
- Allergic reactions. To date, there is a huge list of allergens that can cause tearing, and cosmetics are often found among them. Such an ailment can be prevented - for this it is enough to exclude factors that negatively affect the eyes. A similar symptom can be caused by dust, animal hair, and even certain foods. Treatment is almost always prescribed, which boils down to the complete elimination of allergy symptoms and the elimination of the factors that caused it.
- If you think about when your eyes water - what to do, see if a foreign body has got into them. The normal functioning of this supersensitive organ can be disrupted by even a small speck. And this is a completely justified reaction, because it leads to the speedy removal of a foreign object from the body. Therefore, you do not need to rub your eyes hard, as there is a risk of injuring the cornea. But in some cases, only contacting a specialist can help.
- Violation of the cornea. This can occur due to mechanical and chemical effects or sunburn. Such ailments can be treated independently only after consultation with a qualified specialist, who must prescribe the appropriate ointments or drops. Not worth itpurchase certain products without a prescription, but be sure to consult a doctor for help.
- Viruses or bacteria. One of the most common viral diseases is conjunctivitis. In most cases, harmful bacteria damage only one eye, but the disease can progress and then both eyes will water. Again, the doctor can prescribe the optimal treatment after examination. The viral form requires the use of antiviral drugs, and the bacterial form requires antibiotics.
- The common cold. Such a disease needs complex treatment.
- Migraine. Usually this diagnosis is made in the case when profuse lacrimation is complemented by severe headaches. Treatment is the elimination of the causes of migraine. Traditional methods are not always used, since in some cases pharmacological agents are simply not effective. Bed rest and being in an unlit room is recommended.

The street is watery. What to do?
Every person at least once in his life felt a strong lacrimation while being outdoors. This is not at all surprising, and even a normal reaction of the body to changes in environmental conditions. For example, if a person is outside, where it is cold and windy, then there is a high probability that the eyes will begin to release tears profusely.
Allergic reactions to cold temperatures can also cause tearing. In this case, get rid of the factors that cause such a reaction,very difficult, but necessary. It is recommended to cover the face with a hood, thereby hiding from the wind and cold. If, on the contrary, it is hot outside, then this can also be the answer to the question: “Why are my eyes watery?”. Since dust and sunlight may cause watery eyes.

Wearing eyes: treatment with vitamins
In some cases, tearing can be caused by a lack of vitamins in the human body. The most important trace element for the eyes is retinol, the lack of which can provoke a disease such as xerophthalmia. It is a violation in the structure of the protective epithelium. The process of its drying is very dangerous, as it can lead to serious injury to the cornea, which will lead to complete loss of vision.
Also a very important vitamin for vision is riboflavin (B2). It is found in yellow-colored vegetables, where riboflavin is responsible for pigmentation. It is very important at the first complaints to seek help from a doctor who will prescribe the optimal treatment based on the results of the examination.

The cause of tearing is a cold
One of the symptoms of colds is the profuse release of tears. This is easily explained: an inflammatory process occurs in the paranasal sinuses. So, one part of the mucus comes out through the nose, and the other through the eyes. In addition, there are severe headaches and difficulty breathing.
In such cases, you need to seek help from a specialist. If they watereyes, causes and treatment will be determined by the doctor very quickly. To get rid of the mentioned symptoms, an integrated approach is needed. Usually inflammation occurs due to the activity of harmful bacteria, in the fight against which antibiotics help. Plentiful drinking is recommended, it is also necessary to monitor the microclimate in which the sick person is located.

The effect of age on the eyes
When an adult's eye waters, the reasons can be very diverse. Over the years, the human body weakens, from which many diseases can develop. For example, a disease that is popularly called "dry eye syndrome" can cause profuse production of tears. Older people are much more likely to suffer from this disease than young people. It is worth noting that older people are especially prone to excessive lacrimation, which occurs due to disorders in the skin of the lower eyelids associated with age-related changes.
All mucous membranes of the human body can dry out due to a decrease in the production of sex hormones, which in most cases occurs in women. A large amount of tears are shed due to dry eyes as a natural reaction. If for this reason the eye of an adult waters, what should I do? First of all, it is necessary to reduce the visual load to zero by excluding watching TV and using all kinds of gadgets.
As a preventive measure, you can often do wet cleaning and use humidifiers. If a strong wind blows outside, then you need to be there a minimum amounttime, as dust can get into the eyes and cause watery eyes. The use of conditioner also affects the functioning of the eyes.

Watering in a child
A large number of tears in the eyes of children are automatically perceived by parents as something bad, so excessive tearing is one of the most common reasons for seeking help from a pediatrician. It is very important to visit the pediatrician on time if the tears do not stop flowing for a long time.
Why is this happening?
Just like in adults, tears in children perform the function of protecting and nourishing the cornea. If the rate of release of tear fluid in a child is violated, this may indicate certain diseases. For example:
- Viruses. Redness of the eyes, accompanied by copious release of tears, may signal the development of a cold or SARS. If symptoms of a viral disease appear, then it is necessary to treat it, then severe lacrimation will also pass.
- Conjunctivitis. This disease is an inflammation of the cornea that can result from an infection in the eye. In most cases, the cause of this disease is improper child care.
- Allergic reactions. In this case, there is not only an abundant release of lacrimal fluid, but also redness of the eyes. Allergens can be very diverse: household chemicals, food, flowers and much more. With allergies, the eyes itch, watery and redden, and the eyelidsswell up. This disease should not be started because its progression can lead to more serious problems.
- Dacryocystitis. It is imperative to check the functioning of the tear ducts if the child has watery eyes in the first months of life. It is at this age that it is very difficult to determine the defects associated with the release of tears. Among babies, there is often such a problem as the narrowing of the lacrimal canals, which entails stagnation of fluid and inflammation. With this disease, disturbances in the functioning of the channels are observed in turn: first in one eye, then in the other.
- Lack of nutrients and he althy vitamins can lead to severe watery eyes in children as well as in adults. In most cases, such disorders are observed in premature babies. A lack of vitamins A and B12 very often leads to copious production of tears.

How to treat a child?
If an adult has a watery eye, treatment can be varied, but what about in the case of young children? Definitely: in this case, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, since the abundant release of tears can be associated with serious diseases, the improper treatment of which can lead to their progression. Moreover, you can not use hormonal or antibacterial agents. After the first symptoms appear, you should seek help from a doctor, but before that, you can wash your eyes with tea or an infusion of herbs such as chamomile or calendula.
Treatment in otherscases
Different diseases need different approaches:
- In case of purulent discharge, different swabs are used to wash both eyes.
- Allergic conjunctivitis needs saline eyewash. Sometimes a weak solution of furacilin is used.
- In case of purulent conjunctivitis, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible, but before that you can use chloramphenicol drops, which are safe.
Teary eyes can be both a natural reaction of the body to various factors, and a symptom of a number of diseases. Therefore, in order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to take timely measures and seek help from a doctor. Do not self-medicate, because it can lead to the development of an existing disease!