In some cases, people get watery in one eye. An adult may experience such a symptom for various reasons. It is about them that detailed information is in the article. You can also learn how to solve a similar problem.
General information
Eyes are one of the most important human organs, which is directly responsible for vision, as well as the perception of the world around us. But sometimes people face various diseases of this organ.
However, it should be noted that, as a rule, two eyes tear and become inflamed at once, but in some cases, the inflammatory process affects only one side. This is also considered a pathology that needs timely assistance from a highly qualified specialist.

Answering the question why one eye in an adult is watery, it should be noted that if such lacrimation does not carry anything dangerous, then in most cases it goes away on its own. But if this symptom is observed for a long time, then it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis, afterwhich the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Why is one eye watering in an adult? It must be taken into account that if this happens for a long time, then this may indicate an overload of the visual apparatus. And this will result in very serious consequences for human he alth, in particular, for vision.
Why is one eye watering in an adult?
This article will focus on the tearing of just one organ of vision. But why does an adult have a watery left eye or right? Most often this is observed if an eyelash has got into the eye. Consequently, after extraction, her vision returns to normal, lacrimation will pass very quickly. But a different situation will develop if the cause of tearing lies in infectious inflammation. Such an infection can only be established by the attending physician. As a rule, it needs mandatory treatment, as it can provoke the development of a very dangerous disease - conjunctivitis. In such cases, in addition to simple tearing, the patient may have other symptoms of the disease:
- Swelling of the lacrimal sac.
- Teary eyes.
- Redness of the eyes.
- Appearance of immoderate photophobia.
- The formation of pus that flows out of the eye, causing the eyelids to stick together.

Influenza condition
Why does an adult's right eye or left eye water? Very often this symptom is observed in the case of a flu-like condition. If the disease is not treated in time, it canprovoke inflammation of the lacrimal canal. This is due to the fact that with rhinitis, closely located mucous membranes become inflamed. That is why you should not ignore the symptom of watery eyes.
Allergies and fever
Why does an adult's eye watery and red? Often a similar reaction occurs in the case of exposure to allergens on the human body. This is also observed due to the special sensitivity to changes in the temperature index of the air. It is observed mainly with a sharp change in heat and cold, or vice versa.
Many people who wear lenses often wonder why an adult's eyes water. To eliminate lacrimation that has arisen due to wearing lenses, it is necessary to carefully care for them. For example, microbes often collect under the lens, causing inflammation.

Emotional state, depression can also act as a cause of indeterminate lacrimation. In most cases, this applies to older people, who often have age-related pathology in the form of eyelid drooping. In such situations, you can get rid of tearing with the help of medications, for example, "Floxal", which eliminates inflammation from tearing.
Physiological causes
Quite often watery eyes in an adult in the morning. Why does this occur? The causes include various disorders that are physiological in nature. For example, the cause of lacrimation is often a blockage of the lacrimalchannel, in most cases in the morning. In addition, the abundant production of tear fluid by the human body can also provoke tearing in one eye.
Often a similar symptom is observed with a corneal injury or with the development of conjunctivitis. Channel blockage will be accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Perceptible narrowing of channels or clogging.
- Inflammation on the lacrimal sac.
Why are the eyes of an adult watery on the street? Surely, each of us has encountered this problem in cold winds. But why do the eyes of an adult water in the cold? This can be explained by several reasons. First of all, in this way the natural protection of the body from the cold is carried out. The occurrence of tears occurs as a defense against exposure to cold air. The human body tries to change the situation in this way, so the eyes are additionally moistened with a tear film when a person leaves a warm room for a cold street.

Also, some people have an allergic reaction to freezing weather. Tearing in this case will be accompanied by hyperemia of the eyelids and itching. An allergic reaction to cold is a reaction of the human body to too low air temperature.
When cold air affects a person, histamine production is observed in the body, which leads to vasodilation, accompanied by reddening of the skin, swelling, and an increase in the number of tears. Thusthere are symptoms of a simple allergic reaction, but frost will be the allergen in this case. In most cases, an allergic reaction to cold is observed in the fair sex.
If a person has lacrimation due to an allergy to cold air, then in order to eliminate this symptom, it is necessary to avoid being outside for a long time in the cold season. Before you go outside in the cold, you need to lubricate your face with a fat cream, wrap yourself well with a scarf. Also, experts recommend wearing clothes with a hood that covers the eyes from the wind. In case of an allergic reaction, antihistamine drops can be used, for example, Lecrolin, Opantol, Azelastine, Ketotifen. These drugs effectively reduce the severity of symptoms. For therapy, you can also use vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory drops. For prevention purposes, experts recommend hardening, due to which the vascular walls become stronger, while simultaneously increasing resistance to cold.

Insufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins in the body, which are necessary for the operation of all systems, adversely affects the condition of the organs of vision. Because of this, under the influence of certain environmental factors, lacrimation occurs in a person. In most cases, vitamin deficiency is observed precisely in the winter. The diet must be diversified with products that have a large amount ofpotassium, protein, and vitamin B2. These products include almonds, beans, cucumbers, fish, cheese. More often, experts recommend eating millet porridge, drinking drinks with the addition of honey and lemon. Thanks to this, the eyes will function better, adapting to the conditions of the external environment.
Conjunctivitis therapy
If the cause of lacrimation is conjunctivitis, then for therapy it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. In no case should you self-diagnose, as well as self-medicate. As a rule, ophthalmologists prescribe washing for their patient. To do this, the eye is wiped with a cotton swab, which is wetted with furacilin. Ready liquid can be purchased at a pharmacy. Washing can also be done with chamomile decoction. The procedure takes ten days. Washing is carried out twice a day.
In addition, with conjunctivitis, you can use drops that are used to disinfect. Very effective drops are "Albucid".

It is also allowed to use ointments that can disinfect and bring speedy relief. At the same time, experts strongly recommend treating two eyes at once, even if you have a watery one. The inflammatory process can jump from a diseased eye to a he althy one if you treat only one.
It should be noted that conjunctivitis will be treated depending on the main cause that triggered the developmentdiseases. In the case of viral conjunctivitis, drops are used that contain interferon. In the case of the bacterial form of the disease, drugs such as Fucitalmic, Vitabact, Floxal, Sulfacyl sodium and many others are used.
If a person has inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, then this can be eliminated with the help of topical preparations. Quite often, specialists prescribe "Teagel" for this.

Small conclusion
So, you figured out why one eye in an adult waters. There are many different reasons why watery eyes can occur. Most often this happens due to the presence of a person on the street in windy or frosty weather. However, it is also provoked by the entry of some foreign body into the eye. But if the cause of lacrimation is the development of some kind of disease, then it is imperative to seek help from an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, ignoring the symptom can provoke very unpleasant consequences. In some cases, the disease leads to loss of vision.