Vulvitis in a child: treatment. Vulvitis in girls: symptoms

Vulvitis in a child: treatment. Vulvitis in girls: symptoms
Vulvitis in a child: treatment. Vulvitis in girls: symptoms

In pediatrics, vulvitis is common in girls. Symptoms and diagnosis may vary. Even newborn babies are susceptible to the disease. There are various reasons for this.

Causes of vulvitis in children

The most common cause of vulvitis in children is considered to be poor hygiene. Remains of feces, dirt can irritate the vaginal mucosa. Allergic vulvitis often appears from the use of soap, foam, creams, powders, since these products may contain artificial dyes and bioadditives. These elements negatively affect the external genitalia, which provokes the development of pathology.

vulvitis in a child treatment
vulvitis in a child treatment

Thus, vulvitis appears due to insufficient or excessive hygiene. Young children may be affected by diaper dermatitis.

There are other reasons for the development of vulvitis. For example, endocrine and respiratory diseases, helminthic invasions, tonsillitis, antibiotic use.

Infectious vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in girls may appear due to pathogenic microflora. The disease manifests itself, for example, when the immune system is weakened. This pathologycapable of causing foreign objects that have entered the vagina.

Symptoms of vulvitis in children

treatment of vulvovaginitis in a child
treatment of vulvovaginitis in a child

Often young children are not able to tell clearly that they have noticed unnatural manifestations in the body, and older girls are embarrassed to talk about it. But the child feels these symptoms:

  • itch;
  • burning;
  • pain in the vulva.

These signs are pronounced. Sensations increase when walking and after going to the toilet. There may be discharge, fever.

Vulvitis is visually noticeable in girls. Symptoms in children appear as follows:

  • puffiness appears on the genitals;
  • labia turns red;
  • rash appears.

Requires medical attention when symptoms of illness appear. A dangerous disease is vulvitis in a child. Treatment is required immediately. Otherwise, the pathology becomes chronic, and the complications are serious.

Complications in 2 year olds due to vulvitis

If a child develops a vulvitis without treatment, then the children may develop an ulcer. This is severe inflammation. Because of it, pathological processes occur in the tissues of the labia, which lead to their fusion. It is very important to take the girl to the gynecologist on time.

Factors contributing to disease

vulvitis in girls symptoms diagnosis
vulvitis in girls symptoms diagnosis

There are several other factors that influence the development of pathology. This is:

  • poor personal hygiene;
  • use of pads, tampons, tight clothes, coarse underwear that injure the mucous membrane;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • ovarian pathology;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chemotherapy.

Diagnosis of vulvitis

Before determining how to treat vulvitis in girls, the doctor must make a diagnosis. The specialist finds out the true cause of the development of the disease of the genital organs. To do this, he learns about the patient's complaints, carries out the following examinations:

  • urinalysis;
  • complete blood count;
  • smears of vaginal discharge.

Candidal vulvitis, its treatment

Vulvitis can develop due to the defeat of the child's body by Candida fungi. They are able to infect the baby during childbirth. Therefore, the expectant mother should do examinations, take tests so that the fungus is detected in advance. When candidal vulvitis appears in a child, treatment is carried out with local preparations that eliminate fungi. At the same time, medicinal herbs are used in the complex.

It is recommended to wash children with decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, celandine. These herbs are antiseptics that stop the development of fungi and their reproduction. If the baby has intolerance to certain herbs, you need to be careful. It is best to treat vulvovaginitis in a child under the supervision of a doctor.

vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in girls
vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in girls

Treatment of adhesive vulvitis

Adhesive vulvitis is a form of the disease when the child's labia begin to grow together. Pathology can appear when the disease is in advanced form. The first symptom is thought to be slow urination.

The doctor detects the disease when he examines the genitals. In this case, the labia minora are connected, leaving a small opening. Most often, when the girl begins to mature, the pathology goes away on its own. Surgery is rarely required.

Allergic vulvitis

Allergic vulvitis manifests itself in the same way as its other types. The cause of the appearance of pathology is intolerance to certain foods or tissues. From this, the child develops an allergy. In some cases, the disease is severe, as you feel unwell, the temperature rises.

In order to get rid of such vulvitis, it is required to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, other diseases may appear.

How to treat the disease?

Treatment of vulvovaginitis in a child is carried out in a complex. When drugs are taken, the condition improves, the inflammation subsides. For girls older than 2 years, doctors advise bed rest. Ointments are prescribed for chronic and acute forms of pathology. Genital organs are processed according to the instructions of a specialist.

Treatment of vulvitis in children 4-10 years old should be done carefully, as the girl may experience severe discomfort, embarrassment. You can not independently determine the choice of ointment or other means, everything must be agreed with the doctor. It is recommended to wash the genitals with decoctions. Wiping with a towel should be done carefully so as not to irritate the skin, it would be better if, after the procedure, the affected areas are blotted with a napkin, smeared with ointment.

vulvitis treatment with folk remedies
vulvitis treatment with folk remedies

In girls after 2 years, hormonal changes begin, which leads to changes in the flora. Children stop being so prone to vulvitis. This pathology is rare in adult women.

Medicinal herbs for internal use

If a child develops vulvitis, treatment with folk remedies is highly effective. For this, herbs are used for internal use. This is:

  1. Infusion made from perforated St. John's wort. To prepare, pour a tablespoon of herbs with 1 cup of boiling water. The mixture should stand for an hour. The resulting strained broth the child should drink three times a day for 1/4 cup.
  2. Decoction of viburnum. For its preparation, use 1 tablespoon of dried viburnum flowers. They are filled with a glass of water. Keep for about 10 minutes in a water bath. The broth is filtered. You need to drink one tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. Nettle juice. It is consumed 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. To obtain juice, it is enough to squeeze the leaves of the grass.
  4. White acacia. To improve the patient's condition, chew the flowers and swallow the juice.

Folk remedies

There are other folk methods:

  1. Use various herbs that are poured with boiling water, infused and filtered. After that, moisten a cotton swab and apply toaffected area.
  2. Fresh wintergreen leaves are used as a phytoapplication. They are poured with boiling water and kneaded.
  3. Lungwort is also used for external use. Juice is squeezed from its leaves, mixed with water.
  4. treatment of vulvitis in children 4 10 years old
    treatment of vulvitis in children 4 10 years old

Folk techniques to relieve itching

In folk medicine, there are recipes that can remove the manifestation of itching, redness:

  1. Mix in 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of potassium parchment 2%. Wash the child with the solution.
  2. Chamomile baths relieve discomfort when walking, urinating. This requires 2 tablespoons of grass pour 1 liter of water, the mixture should boil and infuse. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Repeat several times a day.
  3. Oak bark is also used for baths.


First of all, you should pay attention to the hygiene of the child. There are special products designed for intimate hygiene. In order for vulvitis not to manifest itself, the immune system must be normal. It is important to constantly monitor this.

If you have diabetes, obesity, you need to be especially careful and careful. Children should be taught to a he althy lifestyle, proper nutrition. Parents should pay attention to their child's underwear. You should lean towards cotton material. Clothing should not be tight.

vulvitis in girls symptoms in children
vulvitis in girls symptoms in children

To be sure of the he alth of your children, you need to take them to the gynecologist every year andother doctors. A mother is obligated to teach her daughter proper hygiene. This will give the child he alth in the future. Prevention is very important, as it is much more difficult to treat the disease.

So, when a child has vulvitis, treatment cannot be delayed. The girl's future women's he alth depends on this.
