Synechia in girls is diagnosed at an early age. Mothers sometimes do not realize that their daughter has a fusion of the labia. Therefore, the conclusion of a specialist who examined the child before registration in a kindergarten can shock parents. What treatment of synechia in girls is prescribed will be discussed in this article.
What is this
Synechia in girls is a common pathology. Medical statistics indicate that only 3-4% of babies have a union of the labia. In practice, any gynecologist observes symptoms of this pathology in 25-30% of girls. It's just that not all experts consider it a dangerous disease, but attribute it to the developmental features of the child's body.

Synechia - fusion (adhesion) of the labia minora. Pathology is diagnosed in girls at the age of 2-3 years. However, this process also occurs earlier. From about 6 months of age until 8-9 years old, a specialist can make such a diagnosis.
Main species
Specialists sharesynechia into 2 varieties: incomplete and complete splicing. In the first case, the adhesion size is 5 mm and does not cause any discomfort.
It is much more difficult to treat synechia in girls with complete or almost complete fusion. This type of pathology requires constant monitoring and careful treatment.
What is the danger
Fusion of the labia in girls is characterized by disruption of the genitourinary system. If the child does not experience pain and does not interfere with the process of urination, then it is enough to control this condition at the gynecologist.
What to do with synechia in a girl? If not properly treated, the adhesion size will increase.
Incomplete fusion of the labia can develop into a more serious form of pathology. The inflammatory processes that occur in this case sometimes affect the internal genital organs, which can lead to their improper development.
Lack of proper and timely treatment leads to urethritis or cystitis. Such consequences can negatively affect the ability to become pregnant in the future.
Reasons for synechia
It is not exactly established why the connection of the labia occurs. However, studies point to a presumptive link between synechia and the production of sex hormones. In a newborn baby, they are absent, but there is estrogen received from the mother. It improves the elasticity of the labia, so synechia does not develop until 6 months.

After 6 months maternal estrogenends, and for the girl, her own is not enough. The labia becomes inelastic, therefore, under the influence of negative factors, their fusion occurs. The causes of synechia in girls include the following:
- Allergic reactions. Their appearance on the skin affects the genital area. An inflammatory process develops at the site of the lesion. After the skin has healed, the labia are joined.
- Inflammatory processes caused by a bacterial infection. Microorganisms that cause inflammation of the genitourinary system enter the genitals due to care errors (improper washing).
- Chemical irritants: if the girl's underwear is washed with aggressive powders that are not intended for babies, or if the child rarely changes the diaper and is washed 2-3 times a day with soap and water.
- Mechanical irritation of the genitals occurs due to wearing things made of synthetic materials. In this case, there is a high probability of irritation, and after healing - the connection of the labia.
- Unobvious reasons. If synechiae are present, and all known factors have not been confirmed.
Identification of the exact cause does not affect the diagnosis. The treatment of synechia in girls does not depend on the factor that caused the problem.
It is believed that any baby has a predisposition, and the causes of the appearance of pathology are assessed in a complex.
Splicing can occur within a few weeks, or it can occur in a matter of days. This process girl does notfeels. Her behavior rarely changes, she does not feel pain, itching and other inconveniences. Therefore, it is simply impossible to notice synechia in girls at the initial stage. Pathology can be seen when the connection of the labia has already arisen.
The exception is their fusion in its upper third, which partially or completely blocks the urethra. The child may experience discomfort. During urination, attentive parents notice that the baby is pushing, blushing and begins to behave restlessly. Such symptoms of synechia in a girl are not specific, so they can remain undetected for a long time.

They become noticeable when a film appears between the labia of the child. In the middle of the septum, a median strip (the fusion zone) is visible. When connecting the labia, the entrance to the vagina is closed by a third, half or completely.
If small and large labia grow together, then this happens symmetrically on both sides. If the synechiae are complete, then it is impossible to consider the entrance to the urethra.
Complicated course of the disease can lead to reddening of the genital organs like vulvitis or vulvovaginitis. Parents notice vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. This process is characterized by severe itching, pain. The child's behavior changes, he shows anxiety after each urination. Body temperature rises slightly if complicated synechia is observed. In other cases, it remains normal, the child's well-being does not change. He, as usual,eats and sleeps.
Synechia in a child's mother can consider on her own, because this does not require any tools. The film connecting the labia is clearly visible. After the mother discovers synechia, she should consult a specialist.

He will examine the genitals of the child, determine the degree of adhesion and prescribe the necessary examination. This is necessary to establish a physiological problem or we are talking about a complication of synechia.
The following tests are prescribed:
- seeding for urogenital infections;
- common blood and urine tests;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (prescribed in case of extensive fusion and signs of visual inflammation).
If the doctor finds a small adhesion size during the examination, he will not prescribe an additional examination.
In most situations, synechia does not pose any threat to the girl's he alth and life. But complete fusion or adhesion overlap of the urethra creates a closed space. It produces vaginal discharge and residual urine. Closed spaces are an environment conducive to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the inflammation will affect important reproductive organs (uterus, appendages, ovaries).

Therefore, complicated synechia must be treated. You can't say the same about all other fusions. If the film does not coverurethra or vagina, it will not be removed. The specialist prescribes the systematic observation of the child, because in 90% of cases they pass on their own by the age of 7-8, when puberty begins. When the amount of hormones becomes greater, the external genitalia will become more elastic and denser, and the union will pass by itself. Uncomplicated synechia does not affect the reproductive abilities of the girl in the future. The labia do not change their shape.
Conservative treatment
Therapy for synechia begins with the appointment of medicines by a specialist. Treatment is carried out at home, it is not recommended to hospitalize the girl.
To make up for the lack of female sex hormones, an ointment containing estrogen is prescribed. Usually cream "Ovestin". The course of therapy is 5-6 weeks. The scheme looks like this:
- The first 2 weeks, the cream is applied to the labia twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
- For the next 14 days, Ovestin cream is used once a day - in the morning. In the evening, for lubrication, use the usual baby cream or petroleum jelly. You can replace them with peach or vaseline oil.
- Use only baby cream for 7 days.
Apply Ovestin cream as follows. This is done with a finger, and not with other devices. The cream should not fall on the tissues adjacent to the adhesion; when applying it to the junction, you need to lightly press. This is essential to the separation process.
After the coursethe specialist evaluates the effect. With a positive impact, the synechia is separated due to the influence of Ovestin. If negative, no disconnection occurs. If doubtful, the separation is only partial.

With a positive effect, "Kontraktubeks" is prescribed for synechia in girls. The drug forms an even and elastic tissue, preventing re-fusion. They treat the girl's labia twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
The main condition for the use of "Contractubex" is the complete separation of adhesions.
If there is inflammation for several days, the girl is washed with medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula). Redness is smeared with Bepanten cream. Then they proceed to the course of treatment with Ovestin. In some cases, an oil solution of vitamin A and "Methyluracil ointment" are used to treat the splice zone.
If drug therapy did not have a positive effect, then the girl's synechia is separated.
Parents must agree to the operation under local anesthesia so that the child does not get hurt. After the procedure, a course of "Ovestin" is prescribed for 7-10 days, and then "Contractubex" to prevent relapse.
Even if the operation is performed correctly, the risk of recurrence of synechia remains high. If the parents followed up correctly, the chance of the problem recurring is reduced to 5%.
Folk remedies for synechia
Usually, therapy with any vegetable oil is added to medicines, especially sea buckthorn oil.
Treatment of synechia in girls with folk remedies should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. When buying sea buckthorn oil, parents should make sure that it is vegetable, not essential, and does not contain any impurities. Only the natural composition of the product will have a positive effect on the therapy process.
If the oil is used to treat synechia, then it is applied to the labia minora and rubbed with slight pressure. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.
If you are allergic to sea buckthorn oil, you can replace it with peach oil. For prevention, spread the child's labia majora with your fingers and drip 2 drops of the product inside.
Prevention of synechia in girls
More recently, it was believed that the fusion of the labia is a consequence of insufficient hygiene procedures. Today, experts do not put forward this factor as the most important in the prevention of synechia.
Recommendations for preventing labia fusion are as follows:
- Parents should avoid including allergenic foods in the girl's food to minimize this factor.
- Child needs to be given medicines with care. This can lead to side effects in the form of skin problems of the vulva.
- To prevent bacterial urinary tract infections in girls, wash them only under running water.
- It is necessary to use baby soap for girls 1 time per day. All other washings are carried out under running water.
- In the process of hygiene procedures, it is important to ensure that soapy water does not get on the delicate mucous membranes and in the vagina. This can lead to chemical irritation and promote adhesions.
- Girls' underwear should be made from natural fabrics, without the addition of synthetics.
- Things that interact with the skin of intimate places should only be washed with hypoallergenic products.
- After bathing a child in a pool or river, rinse the genitals with water and put on clean panties.

Applying such recommendations, it is possible not only to prevent the development of synechia in a girl, but also to prevent their reappearance.
Treatment of synechia in girls should be carried out correctly and under the supervision of a specialist. Only a doctor will help you quickly solve the problem that has arisen and prevent its occurrence in the future.