Ginkgo biloba is a drug, the main active ingredient of which is a plant of the same name. It is produced by different companies: Evalar, Vertex, Doppelhertz and others.
Ginkgo biloba (dinosaur tree, silver apricot, girl's braids, temple tree) is a relic plant that has remained since ancient times and has wonderful healing properties. This is a tree that has been growing on the planet since the time of the dinosaurs in the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era. The genetic memory of the ancestors remained in the plant - ancient ferns and algae. Ginkgoales spread widely over the earth at the time of the dinosaurs, they were part of the forests even in the area where Siberia is now located. Global cataclysms have led to the disappearance of giant reptiles from the face of the earth, and at the same time the floraMesozoic era. The Ice Age put an end to the flowering of gymnosperms, and only Ginkgo biloba or biloba remained from Ginkgo.
Discovery history
Charles Darwin called this plant a "living fossil", it is mentioned in ancient Chinese manuscripts from the 6th-8th century. The Chinese have appreciated the miraculous properties of this plant since ancient times. They revere it as sacred, calling it the "tree of life." In fan-shaped leaves, in their opinion, there is a combination of male and female principles, yin and yang.

Ginkgo biloba was described in the monograph "Great Herbs" by the 16th century physician Li Shi-zhen. In 1691, the physician and botanist Engelbert Kaempfer discovered this plant in the temple garden of a Buddhist monastery. In Europe, the seeds of ginkgo or "temple tree" were brought in the 18th century, and the healing properties began to be actively studied only in the 20th century. One famous ginkgo tree grows near the bombed-out Hiroshima. It somehow miraculously survived in the courtyard of the temple destroyed at that time, although it grew only a kilometer from the epicenter of a nuclear explosion.
This is a fairly large tree, it reaches a height of 20-35 meters, and sometimes 50 meters. This tree has a well-developed root system and has long and bare branches with tufts of small fan-shaped leaves at the ends. Young ginkgo trees are slender and elongated, with a broad pyramidal crown.

Over the years, the top of the pyramid becomes more rounded. The leaves have a bluishgreen color, divided into two blades. Autumn ginkgo leaves are very beautiful, taking on a saffron yellow hue. This plant is dioecious, that is, it has male microsporangia and female ovules at the ends of the shoots. This unique tree belongs to the Ginkgo family, class and department.
Where does it grow?
This unique tree grows exclusively in China, in the Anhui region. But it is specially grown for medicinal and decorative purposes in different regions with a temperate and warm climate. Therefore, ginkgo biloba is found in Europe, North America and East Asia, Australia, China and New Zealand.

It decorates the avenues, streets and parks of cities. It is planted not only for decorative purposes, but also because it is very resistant to various adverse factors, such as environmental pollution, parasites, fungi and even radiation.

There are the largest plantations of this plant grown as a raw material for pharmaceutical companies. They are located in Bordeaux (France) and South Carolina (United States).
How are raw materials collected?
Raw material for medicines "Ginkgo biloba" - the leaves of this plant. They are collected during the growing season, yellow autumn foliage is most valued. The leaves are harvested using special equipment or by hand.

Raw leaves are dried in large drums, if at home, then in the oven. The finished raw material lookslike dry green or yellow leaves, odorless, but sour-bitter in taste. Ginkgo extracts are eventually obtained from them, which are added to pharmaceutical industry preparations.

At home, decoctions and tinctures are prepared from ginkgo, seeds are also used. The seeds, in turn, are extracted from the ripened ginkgo fruit. They ripen in September and October, but for greater efficiency in cleaning the pulp, the fruits are harvested after the first frost. After extraction, the seeds are washed and dried.
Chemical composition
Ginkgo leaves contain more than a hundred biologically active compounds. For example, these are unique terpene trilactones: bilobalide and ginkgolides. In dry leaves, the content of these substances ranges from 5 to 12 percent. In addition, from 22 to 27 percent are bioflavonoids, including isorhamnetin, kaempferol, quercetin.

The leaves also contain tannins, polysaccharides, organic acids, catechins, essential, fatty oils and wax. It also contains an enzyme - superoxide dismutase, which is an antioxidant. The seeds of the plant contain proteins that are similar to proteins found in legume seeds, valeric and butyric acid, phytosterols, carotene, starch and sugars.
Useful properties
Ginkgo biloba has a lot of useful properties. It has antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, expectorant, sedative, stimulant, astringent properties. This unique plant can be considered a panacea for manydiseases. Ginkgo biloba extract is used to create many drugs. Basically, they treat the circulatory, nervous system, and ginkgo is also part of anti-aging agents.
Effect on the circulatory system
This plant has the most powerful healing effect on the circulatory system. The drug "Ginkgo biloba" has a beneficial effect on venous and arterial and capillary circulation. The vessels become more flexible, their walls are strengthened under the influence of these drugs. After all, a violation of the normal movement of blood through the body sometimes leads to diseases of the internal organs. If you normalize blood flow with ginkgo preparations, you can thus protect the functioning of organs and tissues. That is why these medicines prevent heart attacks and strokes, as well as eliminate their consequences. They are also used in the treatment of eye diseases, varicose veins and other diseases caused by circulatory disorders. It has a positive effect on patients with hemorrhoids and impotence. Doctors recommend it to those who suffer from migraines, frequent dizziness, memory loss, ringing in the ears.
Influence on the nervous system
"Ginkgo biloba" is a good way to improve brain function. After all, it helps to saturate the brain with oxygen. Improves cognitive functions. The plant is often included in dietary supplements and he althy foods: bars, cocktails, drinks. These funds enhance mental activity, which is very important for students and other students. Recommended minimum dose of ginkgoextract is 240 mg per day.
Another useful property of ginkgo is its antihistamine effect. It prevents blockage of the bronchi during allergy attacks. Therefore, preparations from this plant are prescribed for asthma patients. In addition, ginkgo improves immunity and helps with nervous disorders and depression.
Rejuvenating action
Useful properties of "Ginkgo Biloba" also affect the age of a person. Since the plant contains flavonoids - powerful natural antioxidants, it slows down the destruction of tissues, including in the brain. Flavonoids also protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ginkgo has long been considered a means to prolong youth and increase stamina. It is part of cosmetics, helps to cope with various skin problems. In the future, they plan to treat senile dementia.
There are sometimes side effects from taking "Ginkgo Biloba". There may be indigestion, headache, dizziness. Sometimes an allergic rash may appear. The use of "Ginkgo Biloba" is incompatible with blood thinners. Also, do not take it less than two days before possible abdominal operations and going to the dentist. Ginkgo is contraindicated in patients with epilepsy, as it can cause convulsions. Also, do not take it during pregnancy and feeding babies. If you have diabetes or are taking antidepressants, it's best to check with your doctor before taking any medications.
Drugs in the compositionwhich includes ginkgo
Ginkgo biloba from Evalar contains 40 mg of ginkgo extract. This remedy is available in capsules and tablets. Stimulates brain activity, improves the functioning of the circulatory system, is used to restore hearing, vision and speech. Effectively copes with headaches, dizziness, tinnitus. Normalizes blood pressure. In addition, the medicine acts as an antioxidant, helping to remove toxins from the body. The treatment takes place within three months, under the supervision of a doctor.
Ginkgo Biloba from Doppelgerz is another drug designed to improve brain function. It contains 30 mg of ginkgo extract, plus vitamins B6 and B2. Used as a dietary supplement. Favorably affects mental abilities and memory. The medicine is used for dizziness, headaches and migraines, memory loss, senile sclerosis.
The drug from "Vertex" is used as a food supplement in order to strengthen and make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, improve blood circulation in the capillaries, and improve metabolism at the cellular level. The composition includes 80 mg of ginkgo extract. Take strictly according to the instructions, having studied the contraindications of ginkgo biloba and under the supervision of a doctor.
Do not take this drug if you have a stomach ulcer, pregnancy, severe circulatory problems.
"Tanakan". This medicinal product contains 40 mg of ginkgo extract. It is produced in France. The drug prevents the occurrenceblood clots, tissue edema, diabetes mellitus, hypoxia. Improves memory, sleep, vision and is a general tonic. When applied, it has anti-inflammatory, sedative and diuretic effects. Recommended in the treatment of Raynaud's disease, Alzheimer's, atherosclerosis, visual impairment. The course of taking the medicine lasts 3 months. Contraindicated in diseases of the digestive tract, like other preparations with ginkgo biloba. This medicine also has analogues, for example, "Bilobil", it is almost twice cheaper.
"Memoplant" is sold in round tablets. The course of admission lasts 3 months, after which a repeat is possible. This drug is used as a restorative agent after strokes, traumatic brain injuries and brain operations. It is also recommended for violations of the vestibular apparatus, dizziness, Alzheimer's disease and obliterating atherosclerosis. Contraindicated in case of allergy to components, gastric ulcer and pregnancy and feeding.