Useful properties of amber have been known for many centuries. Its name, translated from Lithuanian, means "protecting against diseases." In ancient times, this stone was used to treat many ailments. Modern medicine also recognizes its positive effects on the human body. Just the sight of this solar stone lifts your spirits, and the gentle warmth that it radiates will certainly relieve despondency.
Healing properties of amber and who is useful to wear

Since the thirties of the XX century, people have learned how to extract acid from this beautiful sunny pebble. Today it is widely used in the production of various medicines. Succinic acid is able to increase efficiency, have an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthenimmunity, remove toxins from the body, and maintain vigor and activity for many years. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, intestines, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The impact of succinic acid helps to cleanse the body not only of toxins, but also of such harmful substances as alcohol and tobacco.
The producers of the latter are well aware of these unique properties of the pebble. That is why mouthpieces made of amber are widely used among smokers. They can reduce the negative effects of tobacco and even prevent cancer.

Useful properties of amber for women are also obvious. For girls who are expecting a baby, it will help to more easily endure hormonal changes in the body, and after childbirth, it will speed up milk production. Sunstone is also used to treat women's diseases such as cervical erosion, infertility, benign tumors of the reproductive system and mammary glands, and colpitis.
The powder obtained by grinding amber can relieve even the most severe toothache. Many people use this substance to strengthen bone formations located in the oral cavity. To do this, simply rub your teeth with amber powder daily. By the way, this procedure can not only strengthen them, but also give them a glossy shine.
Succinic acid and oil are also used in cosmetology. This is an excellent tool for destroying free radicals and preventing premature aging of cells. More amberhas disinfectant and bactericidal properties, namely, they help to quickly heal scratches or wounds on the skin.
The acid of this pebble is contained in many vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. This is not surprising, because it has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood, helps with hypoxic conditions and anemia.
A person suffering from an addiction to alcohol, amber can also come to the rescue. It contributes to the rapid sobering up and removal of alcohol from the body. Succinic acid fills a person with energy and minimizes the harmful effects of alcohol. To relieve a hangover, you just need to dilute half a teaspoon of the powder in one glass of water. In less than half an hour, the person will feel much better.
Who benefits from wearing amber with healing properties? Yes, almost everyone! Those who are afraid of the evil eye, people suffering from migraines, thyroid diseases, rheumatic, muscle and joint pains, as well as those with upper respiratory tract infections and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Short list of stone recipes

Using amber stone with beneficial properties, you can get rid of many ailments. However, modern society knows little about the correct application of this miracle cure. How do the beneficial properties of amber beads differ from the positive influence of one pebble? What are the bracelets for? What to do with amber oil or small unpolished pieces of amber?If none of these questions are answered, the short list below is sure to help:
- People suffering from headaches should thoroughly heat an amber stone in the palms of their hands and then apply it to the temples and/or forehead. After 10-15 minutes, the long-awaited relief will come.
- For migraines, regular wearing of beads or necklaces is recommended. Rubbing the temples with amber tincture will also help relieve suffering and feel noticeable relief.
- In case of frequent colds or diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to take medicine from a sun stone, and also rub it into the chest area. Inhalations are also recommended: in a water bath, you should warm up small unpolished pieces of amber, and then breathe over them for 5-7 minutes. The use of essential oil obtained from the stone in a sauna or steam bath is also encouraged.
- People suffering from thyroid disease should regularly wear amber jewelry. Beads, pendants, brooches and necklaces are suitable for them. Rubbing amber oil on the neck area will also have a positive effect.
- Excruciating rheumatic, joint and muscle pains can be relieved by applying heated amber to disturbing parts of the body. Wearing bracelets made of natural stone (on legs and arms) is also mandatory. And if you sleep on a pillow with a bag of small, unpolished amber sewn into it, you can forget about pain after a certain amount of time.
- With chronic fatigue or stress will helpregular wearing of jewelry and accessories made of sunstone, such as key rings. The use of amber oil (in the aroma lamp) will help to fix the effect.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and infections of the upper respiratory tract can be treated with inhalation, and regular wearing of rough stone jewelry.
- Amber beads can be worn on little children who are teething. The secreted acid will reduce discomfort, and the baby will feel much better. It should be remembered that in order to avoid suffocation, wearing jewelry on a child is possible only during his wakefulness under parental control!

Contraindications to the use of amber
In order not to harm yourself, before using a solar pebble, you should study its negative sides. Yes, amber has both useful properties and contraindications. Fortunately, there are very few of the latter:
- kidney stones;
- hyperthyroidism;
- allergy;
- asthma.
Before you use necklaces, bracelets, brooches or just stones, you should be tested for thyroid hormones. After all, it is hyperthyroidism that occurs most often in modern society. If an allergic reaction occurs at the place of contact of amber with the body, then such procedures should be stopped immediately.
How to choose a natural stone

Having learned about the healing properties of amber and who benefits from its use, did you want to buy a sunny pebble? Then you need to understand howchoose it correctly. Due to its properties, the stone gained unprecedented popularity, and enterprising merchants did not fail to take advantage of this. Not all amber on sale is natural. In the modern world, there are many skillfully made fakes, and it is very difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish a real stone from a surrogate.
The very first sign of natural amber is its weight. Natural stone is very light, unlike a rather heavy fake. If amber, taken in hand, seems weighty, then it is better to refuse such a purchase, most likely it is its artificial counterpart. And one more bright difference of a real pebble is that it is very warm and pleasant to the touch. Feeling that the product comes from the cold, it is better to immediately return it to the shelf.
Natural amber is perfectly electrified. It is enough to rub the pebble on the fabric, as it will begin to attract feathers, small pieces of paper or hair to itself. However, such an elementary check does not always help. Some modern surrogates also have this ability.
Already purchased stone can be checked at home. Real amber sinks in fresh water but floats in s alt water. It is enough to lower the pebble into the solution (10 teaspoons of s alt per one glass of liquid), and its origin will immediately become clear. Natural amber will float, while fake amber will sink to the bottom. Another way to check is to use a sharp knife. It is necessary to make an incision on the surface of the stone. Real amber will crumble, while the surrogate will turn intothin chips.
And, of course, you should buy stone products in stores. After conducting an examination at home and disappointed in the quality of amber, you can always return it to the seller (if you have a receipt). Having made a purchase in a dubious place, there will be no one to complain to.
Amber tincture

To prepare medicine at home, you need a natural stone from the B altic Sea, which contains from 3 to 8% acid. Useful properties of amber tincture for alcohol are obvious. It can improve blood circulation, normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and help with pain in the joints and muscles. Preparing an effective medicine is quite simple.
To make the tincture you will need:
- 100 grams of raw amber;
- 500 milliliters of pure alcohol (95%).
Detailed description of the process
Rinse pieces of raw amber thoroughly under running warm water, and then place in a dark glass bottle. Pour alcohol into the container.
Insist medicine for 10 days. Throughout the entire period, the bottle with tincture should be shaken periodically. You should not be afraid if the alcohol has acquired a golden color - microscopic particles of amber are quite capable of coloring it.
Using medicine
To strengthen the immune system, tincture must be added to tea or water. Take the medicine should be guided by the following scheme:
- 1 day - 3 drops;
- 2 day - increase byone unit;
- 3 day - 5 drops;
- 4 days - the same;
- 5 day - 4 drops;
- 6 day - decrease by one unit;
- 7 day - the same number.
Next, the number of drops should be increased to 5, and then reduced again. That is, the described procedure is repeated. You need to take the tincture for 20 days, then take a break for 10 days. The pattern can then be repeated.
To normalize blood pressure and improve blood circulation, the medicine should be taken 3-5 drops in 0.5 cups of cold water.
Useful properties of tincture on amber allow it to be used to lubricate sore spots in order to relieve them (knees, joints, etc.)
An alcohol-based medicine for external use
This tincture is concentrated, due to which pain relief is more effective and fast. However, it is categorically impossible to take the medicine inside! Useful properties of the amber stone for a person in this tincture are contained in full, so for people suffering from muscle and joint pain, as well as rheumatism, it will help to feel tremendous relief!
To make a concentrated topical medicine, you will need:
- 50 grams of small pieces of natural amber;
- 200 milliliters of pure alcohol.
Tincture guide
Place small pieces of sun stone in a glass jar, and then pour alcohol. Cover the container with a tight lid, and then put in a dark place. Infuse for 14 days. The medicine should be shaken daily.
After two weeks, the beneficial properties of the tincture on amber will become the strongest.
Sunstone crumb tea
It is known that when heated, amber releases acid and other useful substances. So why not take advantage of this for "selfish" purposes? Such a drink will strengthen the immune system, normalize blood pressure, cheer you up, help you cope with stress and have many more positive effects on the whole body. Who is suitable for the properties of amber in such a peculiar tea? To all those who have no contraindications to its use!
To make tea you will need:
- 250 milliliters of water;
- 15 grams of amber crumbs.
Preparing a refreshing drink
Place a crumb of solar pebble in a small saucepan or any other convenient dish. Pour in water, and then send to the fire and bring to a boil. Cook with low gurgling for 20 minutes.
When heated, amber will begin to release all its beneficial substances. The result is a healing liquid. Cool the finished tea leaves to room temperature, and then strain through a sieve with small holes.
Add 1-2 teaspoons of life-giving infusion to tea. Store the rest of the tea leaves at room temperature in a dark place.
Tea with honey will be especially beneficial for the body.
Medicine from amber and vodka, infused in the sun
Another recipe for making a he althy tincture differs from its "brothers" in thatthat it does not need to be kept in a dark place. Here everything is exactly the opposite! The infusion should be in the bright sun. It is for this reason that such medicine can only be prepared in the summer season.
Ingredients for the "solar" tincture:
- one and a half liters of quality vodka;
- 75 grams of amber crumbs.
Cooking your own medicine
Wash the stone chips well and then dry them. Place the amber in a transparent glass jar, then fill with vodka and cover the container with a lid.
Put the vessel on the windowsill, located on the sunny side. Infuse the medicine for 14 days. Periodically, the container with tincture should be shaken. Under the influence of sunlight, amber will give the liquid the maximum amount of acids, s alts and beneficial enzymes.
After two weeks, the medicine should be filtered through a sieve or gauze folded in several layers.
You can take the tincture daily, 4-5 drops per glass of water or tea. Compresses and rubbing from such a medicine will help get rid of colds, regular pain and many other unpleasant sensations.