How kidneys hurt: signs and symptoms. How to understand that the kidneys hurt?

How kidneys hurt: signs and symptoms. How to understand that the kidneys hurt?
How kidneys hurt: signs and symptoms. How to understand that the kidneys hurt?

Each organ in the human body performs a specific function. For example, the kidneys are the most important worker of the excretory system. In this article, I would like to talk about how the kidneys hurt: the signs and main symptoms of this problem.

how do kidney symptoms hurt
how do kidney symptoms hurt


It is worth saying that in medicine there is no such diagnosis as “cold kidneys”. Most often, people can feel pain in this organ due to the fact that there is an inflammatory process. Generally speaking, the outer part of the shell of this organ is very sensitive to various kinds of changes. Such transformations can occur due to stretching. The reason for this sprain is most often swelling of the kidney, inflammation, tumors, etc.

Symptom 1. Pain

What to do and how to understand that the kidneys hurt? In this case, a person will most often be advised to listen to the place where it hurts. Pain in this organ is localized mainly in the lumbar region (right and left). However, pain in this place can also indicate the presence of a completely different disease, for example,osteochondrosis. That is why it is impossible to make an independent diagnosis on the basis of a single symptom that concerns pain. After all, improper treatment in this case can lead to a deterioration in he alth.

The nature of the pain (in most cases): dull, aching, has a monotonous character. Pain may increase.

Character of pain when blocking the duct: acute, almost unbearable. However, most often localized in one direction.

how to understand that the kidneys hurt
how to understand that the kidneys hurt

Symptom 2. Urine

Detailed further, how the kidneys hurt. Signs that may indicate problems with this organ are the amount of urine excreted. For a he althy person, this figure ranges from 700 ml - 2 liters.

  1. In certain kidney diseases, the amount of fluid released can increase to 2.5 liters or more. The urine itself most often becomes colorless, as if diluted with water.
  2. Some kidney conditions can cause a person's fluid output to decrease. An alarming indicator is less than 500 ml of urine per day. However, this symptom can also "talk" about other diseases of the genitourinary system or other organs.

Problems in the functioning of the kidneys can also be indicated by the presence of blood in the urine.

Symptom 3. Appearance

How else to understand that the kidneys hurt? In this case, you can see if there are any external manifestations of this problem. What else can signal that the kidneys are not working properly?

  1. Decreased appetite.
  2. Vomiting and nausea.
  3. Itching of human skin.

Why can these symptoms occur? The thing is that the kidneys pump a huge amount of blood per day (up to 1700 liters). And sometimes the products of protein breakdown and cell metabolism can lead to intoxication of the body. And this will already cause the above-described external manifestations of kidney disease.

Symptom 4. Increased thirst

What signs, when the kidneys hurt, may indicate problems in the work of this organ? So, a person can often experience an increased feeling of thirst. This will happen because the amount of urine excreted can increase significantly. As a result, the body will not have enough fluid.

what are the signs of kidney pain
what are the signs of kidney pain

Symptom 5. High blood pressure

As a result of kidney disease, patients may also have high blood pressure. Why does this symptom occur? The thing is that the kidneys produce such an important hormone for the body as renin (it directly affects the increase in pressure). Excess, as well as lack of this hormone in the body, negatively affects blood pressure fluctuations.

Other symptoms

What are other symptoms of kidney disease in humans? So, in addition to all of the above, you need to specify three more important symptoms:

  1. Periodic increase in body temperature.
  2. Puffiness. In the morning, it will most often appear in the eye area. There may also be swelling of the legs and abdomen.
  3. Loss of the patient in weight.
signs of diseased kidneys in women
signs of diseased kidneys in women


It is worth saying that kidney disease in women should be considered separately. So, such problems often appear in pregnant women in the second half of the gestation period. These problems are explained in this case quite simply: the child grows in the womb, gradually there is an increase in pressure on the mother's organs, including the kidneys. Therefore, various problems and diseases related to this organ may arise. When squeezing the kidneys, the outflow of urine from the organ can be disturbed, which causes an inflammatory process. Also, pregnant women may swell in the morning. Often there is a frequent urge to urinate. These problems are not terrible, however, they must be de alt with.

What are the signs of diseased kidneys in women who do not belong to the above category? Symptoms for diseases of this organ will be the same as described above.

symptoms of diseased kidneys in humans
symptoms of diseased kidneys in humans


Detailed further, how the kidneys hurt. Signs of problems with this organ in men have their own peculiarity. So, most often, kidney problems in representatives of the strong half of humanity can occur due to certain diseases:

  1. Urethritis. In this case, there may be pulling pains that are localized in the lumbar region. Also, in the urine, you can find not only blood, but also pus.
  2. Older men may have urinary retention due to prostate problems. ATIn this case, these problems are also associated with arterial hypertension and acute pain in the lumbar region.
  3. A wake-up call for men: changes in the flow of urine. This may already indicate problems with the kidneys.
  4. Men are most often worried about frequent urination at night. At the same time, the amount of fluid released becomes much less than normal.


What are the symptoms of diseased kidneys in children? So, first of all, I would like to say that in children this disease often occurs in an erased form. However, there may be the following signs:

  1. Weakness, drowsiness, fatigue.
  2. Baby may experience lower back pain.
  3. Children can also have swelling in the morning (especially on the face).
  4. The nature of the urine. The smell and color may change. Often, children with kidney disease have nocturnal enuresis (involuntary separation of urine at night).

What about the smallest crumbs? So, in children under the first year of life, kidney problems can be suspected by the following indicators:

  1. Restless behavior.
  2. Increase in the size of the tummy.
  3. Change in urine. The smell and color will be different. The urine may also excrete both pus and blood.
  4. In the morning, the smallest children may have "bags" under the eyes.
symptoms of sick kidneys in children
symptoms of sick kidneys in children


Having figured out how the kidneys hurt (signs of problems with this organ), I want to say that at the firstsymptoms, seek medical attention. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment. Self-medication in this case can lead not only to significant he alth problems, but even to irreversible consequences.