The disease ureaplasmosis is caused by unicellular microorganisms - ureaplasma urealyticum (ureaplasma urealyticum). This pathogen belongs to gram-negative intracellular microbes. Ureaplasma urealyticum is an opportunistic pathogen, since many women also have it in the normal flora of the vagina. This infection is transmitted both during sexual intercourse and when babies are born from an infected mother. In this case, ureaplasma urealyticum can enter the child's genital tract and remain there without activity for life. The basic factor of protection of the body is a physiological barrier, which is provided by normal microflora. As soon as the balance is disturbed, the microbe begins to actively multiply, and the disease ureaplasmosis occurs.

The disease is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. To date, medicine has no evidence that ureaplasmosis is transmitted by contact, that is, infection through the use of one toilet bowl, household items or in the pool is not the cause of the disease. In adult women, ureaplasma urealyticumare detected in 60% of cases, in newborn girls - up to 30%, in men, these microbes are detected much less frequently. Ureaplasma urealiticum is a transitional stage between viruses and bacteria. The microorganism got its name because of the peculiarity of breaking down urea. Thus, ureaplasmosis is a urinary infection, since ureaplasma urealiticum cannot exist without urea.

Ureaplasmosis. What is it and how does it manifest?
Ureaplasmosis has no specific symptoms, like many other infections. The disease does not manifest itself immediately and may not bother at all for a long time. The patient may not know that he is a carrier and continue to infect sexual partners. This is a common cause of ureaplasmosis. During pregnancy, the fetus becomes infected from a sick mother through the amniotic fluid. The threat also exists during childbirth when the newborn passes through the mother's genital tract. The incubation period for ureaplasmosis can last from 2 to 5 weeks and depends on the state of the immune system of the infected person. The main factors in the appearance of ureaplasmosis are as follows: a constant change of partners and an early onset of sexual life, sexual intercourse without protection, gynecological and venereal diseases, the use of antibacterial and hormonal drugs, a general deterioration in the quality of human life and constant stress, radiation exposure and other factors that reduce human immunity. Ureaplasmosis is most common in the under 30 age group.

Women complain about the appearance of more transparent discharge in the vagina, which is little different from normal. If the patient's immunity is weakened, then ureaplasmosis rises higher along the genital tract and causes inflammation of the appendages or uterus. In some cases, ureaplasmosis is manifested by itching and burning during urination. Sometimes the temperature rises slightly. There may be discomfort in the prostate or groin area. But since the manifestations are insignificant or absent (that is, the patient does not seek medical help), then ureaplasmosis in most cases becomes chronic and can become a rather serious complication for human he alth.

Diagnosis of disease
For modern medicine, the diagnosis of ureaplasmosis is not too complicated. As a rule, the doctor chooses a certain combination of laboratory tests to obtain the most accurate results. The bacteriological method is very accurate. Materials from the urethra, cervix or vagina are placed for several days in a nutrient medium for the growth of ureaplasma urealyticum. This method allows you to determine the number of microbes, which is very important for choosing a course of treatment. If the index is less than 104 CFU, the patient is considered a carrier, and treatment is not necessary. With an indicator greater than 104 CFU, drug therapy is required. The same method allows you to choose the right antibiotic. This study lasts for 1 week. A faster study is the polymerase chain reaction. This methodallows you to identify the DNA of ureaplasma urealyticum. This study lasts for 5 hours. With a positive result, the following examinations are prescribed. Ureaplasma urealyticum parvum, the most common ureaplasma biovar, may be identified.
Treatment of ureaplasmosis
If you have a history of ureaplasmosis, do not resort to additional sources, as is now customary. Even if you find constructive information in Wikipedia, various medical abstracts, and even in the Vidal reference book, do not use it without consulting a specialist doctor. Do not self-medicate, because each patient has his own individual history of ureaplasmosis, his own clinical picture and his own history. Look at the photos of advanced cases or inadequate treatment and seek medical help from experienced specialists.