In the treatment of the common cold, different means are used. Oil-based nose drops are remedies used for rhinitis. They eliminate inflammation of the nasal cavity, moisturize the mucous membranes and get rid of microbes. Before using the drops, you should familiarize yourself with their application.
What are these drugs used for? Most of them are based on herbal extracts. Prescribe medications for overdried mucosa to moisturize it. Oil-based nose drops have the following properties:
- decongestant;
- antibacterial;
- anti-inflammatory.

Compared to vasoconstrictor drugs, these drugs have a mild therapeutic effect and are not addictive. The benefits of drugs are due to the fact that the composition may contain the following oils:
- sea buckthorn;
- peach;
- mint;
- eucalyptus.
Effect of oils
The oil base of the drops has a different effect. Fordrug creation commonly used:
- almond and olive oil - provide moisture to the mucous membranes;
- mint and pine - get rid of bacteria;
- sea buckthorn - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
- eucalyptus - eliminates viruses and bacteria.
Only natural ingredients are used in the creation of oil-based nose drops. But still, these drugs can be used only if indicated. They are used for:
- rhinitis and other respiratory infections;
- drying of the nasal cavity;
- irritation of the walls of the nostrils;
- chronic dryness of the mucosa.
When using oil products, a thin film layer is formed on the mucous membrane, which protects the nasal cavity from infections and bacteria. Treatment with such drugs can eliminate the common cold in adults and children.
Advantages and disadvantages
All types of oil-based nose drops have their pros and cons. First you need to familiarize yourself with them before performing treatment. Benefits include:
- applicable for babies;
- mild antiseptic and antibacterial effect;
- treatment of inflammation;
- mucosal hydration.
But oil drops also have disadvantages that limit their use in the treatment of congestion. Of the minuses, they distinguish:
- small decongestant action;
- risk of allergy to herbal ingredients;
- impossibility of treatment of purulent sinusitis.
When eliminating purulent sinusitis with oil drops, serious complications often occur. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist.
Now there are many names for oil-based nose drops. Each tool has its own characteristics of use. The list of oil-based nose drops that are in demand among the population is presented below.
These are the best oil based nose drops. "Pinosol" relieves congestion due to antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. This medicine stimulates the development of granulations, with the help of which new connective tissue appears on the surface of the mucosa and wounds heal. "Pinosol" is available in the form of drops from pine oil, thymol, eucalyptus oil, azulene.

The drug is forbidden for children under one year old, since the nasal remedy leads to severe tingling and burning in the nasal passages. Before treatment, it is necessary to determine the doses. Drops are taken intranasally, 2-3 in each nostril. Bury them every day 3 times a day.
These are cheap, oil-based nose drops that are effective for a runny nose. The drug is created from natural ingredients and oil extracts of pine buds, peppermint, bitter wormwood, cumin, thyme, fennel and chamomile. "Vitaon" is an effective tool that increases the body's resistance to the effects of the external environment. Another drug helps to eliminate inflammation of the mucosa.

Use the tool is allowed for everyone, except for those with intolerance to one of the components. Many people are allergic to the drug. In the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, the medicine is used daily 2 times a day. To eliminate the symptoms of congestion, the treatment is at least 10 days.
These are effective oil based nose drops. They are used to treat congestion and cleanse the nasal cavity from hard crusts. Compared to other oil-based products, these drops are formulated with fish oil and fatty acids.

The medicine has an antibacterial effect. With it, the nasal passages are cleared of purulent accumulations that appear with a runny nose. Treatment can be carried out for 7 days. Drops are instilled into the nose every day 1 time.
Drops help with severe rhinitis with stuffy nose. A remedy is created from eucalyptus oil, thymol, tocopherol, fir oil. Drops have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, restore the upper respiratory tract.

In case of intolerance to some ingredients, it is advisable not to perform the Eucacept treatment, because of this, swelling, itching in the nose, reddening of the skin and burning in the nostrils are likely. This product should not be used under 2 years of age or in allergic rhinitis.
During the treatment of congestion, the medicine is instilled into each nasal passage. Adults will be enough 3 times a day, and children under 6 years old - 1 time. The option of wetting cotton swabs, which moisturize the nasal cavity, is allowed.
The drops contain oil of mountain pine, mint, eucalyptus, thymol. After instillation, mucus production decreases. "Pinovit" has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Drops in the nose reduce the viscosity of the secret, improve the removal of secretions. They are advised to use for rhinopharyngitis, rhinitis of various forms and infectious diseases of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Adults need to instill 2 drops three times a day. The drug was created for the treatment of children from 2 years. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor based on the patient's condition. Sometimes there is swelling of the mucous membranes, itching and burning. In this case, it is required to complete the treatment.
Drops are included in the group of anticongestants. 1 bottle contains 10 ml of Japanese mint. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect. The oil reduces swelling and restores normal breathing. The drug allows you to eliminate the mucus produced in the nose.
Drops are prescribed for people complaining of headaches. Mint can reduce irritation of the nasal mucosa and eliminate congestion if the product is used according to the instructions.
The product is sold in the form of drops. They produce an irritating effect on the nerve endings. Menthol activates the thermal receptors of the nasal mucosa and eliminates discomfort. The drug contains benzocaine, which enhances the analgesic effect. Doctors prescribe a remedy not only for infectious ailmentsnasal mucosa.
Drops are prescribed in the treatment of various forms of rhinitis. Adults should instill 3-5 drops in each nostril. The drug is not suitable for intolerance to the components. Experts do not advise the use of "Mentovazol" up to 3 years. The tool harms people with spasmophilia. "Mentovazol" is forbidden to drip with allergic rhinitis.
Menthol oil
Oil solution relieves itching, burning, which appear with a runny nose. After instillation of the product, a feeling of cold appears. The reason is that menthol oil has an effect on nerve receptors. The drug constricts blood vessels and reduces swelling.
Drops are used for rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. They should not be used under 3 years of age. Another drug is forbidden to use in bronchial asthma. Side effects include the appearance of contact dermatitis, respiratory depression in children. To eliminate the negative effect, do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions. With rhinitis, adults should not instill more than 5 drops of the solution in each nasal passage.

This list of oil-based nose drops has a positive effect. If you follow the instructions for the drugs, you will quickly cure the disease of the nose. As you can see from the photo, the oil-based nose drops come in handy bottles, so they are easy to use.
Drip Selection
Many medicines are sold without a doctor's prescription. How to choose oil-based nose drops? Consider what problem needs to be fixed. If neededmoisturizing the nasal mucosa, then menthol drops are effective. These are Pinosol, Pinovit, Viaton, Sinusan. If it is necessary to restore the damaged mucosa, then oil solutions of vitamins A and E have the best effect.
You can use oil drops during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood. But you need to do it according to the instructions. Only then will there be a positive effect from the treatment.
Home remedies
Some people like to use not pharmacy products, but cook them on their own. There are various recipes for remedies to eliminate congestion and colds. Therefore, before creating the drug, you should familiarize yourself with folk recipes:
- To obtain an oil mixture from garlic or onion, squeeze 5-10 drops of juice out of them. It is mixed with olive oil (10 ml). The finished mixture is mixed, and then can be instilled into the nasal passages. Such a tool moisturizes the nasal mucosa and protects against the appearance of hard crusts in the nostrils. The prescription is only suitable for adults, since this drug is contraindicated for children under 10 years old. For them, the use of drops causes irritation and pain in the nose.
- You will need celandine (10 g) and wormwood (15 g), which are mixed with poplar buds (40 g) and wild rosemary (20 mg). Then olive oil (150 ml) is added. The solution is insisted for a month, and then filtered and poured into a new container. Oil drops from celandine and wormwood should be instilled 3 times a day.
Usage Tips
To get a positive effect from the treatment you need to follow simplerecommendations:
- The last instillation should be done at bedtime, which will help moisturize and protect the nasal mucosa at night.
- Before the drug is administered, the nose is cleaned of allergens, dust and microbes with a saline solution. For this, solutions with sea water in the form of an aerosol or drops are used.
- Humidity in the living area should be 55%. For this, special devices are used - humidifiers. You can also install water containers. It is especially important to monitor the humidity during the heating season and when the air conditioner is running.
- Drink 2 liters of fluid per day.
- Regular room ventilation and wet cleaning required.
Nose stuffiness occurs in many people. To quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom, apply drops with oils. All the tools mentioned in the article are excellent for these purposes.