Drops in the nose from nasal congestion: a list. Nose drops from nasal congestion during pregnancy and for children from 2 years: a list of inexpensive, reviews, photos

Drops in the nose from nasal congestion: a list. Nose drops from nasal congestion during pregnancy and for children from 2 years: a list of inexpensive, reviews, photos
Drops in the nose from nasal congestion: a list. Nose drops from nasal congestion during pregnancy and for children from 2 years: a list of inexpensive, reviews, photos

Rhinitis of various origins is often accompanied by severe nasal congestion. It occurs due to swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane. To eliminate the problem, a lot of medicines are currently being produced. Their composition may vary greatly, but the effect of the application will be almost the same.

This article will tell you about what are drops from nasal congestion. The list will be presented to your attention. You will be able to find out what is the difference between all the drugs. It is also worth mentioning which of the means is acceptable to use during pregnancy and for young children.

list of nasal drops for nasal congestion
list of nasal drops for nasal congestion

Nasal congestion

Before you find out what nose drops for nasal congestion exist (list), you need to say how this unpleasant symptom manifests itself. Swelling of the nasal mucosa may be mild to moderateand strong. In the first case, a person feels a lack of air only in a horizontal position. In this situation, it is quite possible to do without special drugs.

With moderate to severe edema, the patient cannot breathe normally even in an upright position. In this case, a severe degree is accompanied by a sore throat. Often a person feels discomfort even with mouth breathing. The use of drugs in this situation is necessary. However, recommendations should be given by a specialist.

Causes of pathology

Depending on what was the reason for the manifestation of the symptom, the appropriate drops in the nose from nasal congestion are selected. A list, photos of medicines will be presented to you next.

The most common cause of swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa is a viral disease. In this case, microbes enter the upper respiratory tract. Bacterial complication occurs less frequently. Also, the cause of congestion in the nasal passages can be an allergic reaction, otitis media, inflammation of the adenoids, tonsillitis, and so on. Cases of medical rhinitis are considered separately. In this case, a person develops addiction to vasoconstrictors due to their incorrect or excessive use.

nose drops for nasal congestion list
nose drops for nasal congestion list

When should I use nasal drops for congestion?

The list of such drugs is quite large. Medicines to relieve breathing are used in the following cases:

  • when a person cannot breathe normally through the nose in combination with severe sore throat;
  • before an important event during which you need to be in good he alth;
  • during pregnancy, when the lack of oxygen threatens the fetus with hypoxia;
  • in children under 2 years of age as a prevention of complications;
  • with otitis of a different nature;
  • during sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis and so on.

Note that each drug has its own limitation in use. The instructions for use or a specialist will definitely tell you about it.

List: nose drops for nasal congestion based on xylometazoline

This active substance is an essential medicine. Medications for nasal congestion are most often recommended for use on the basis of this component. The following agents can be attributed to drugs with xylometazoline: "Tizin", "Rinonorm", "Rinostop", "Rinomaris", "Otrivin", "Xilen", "Nazolin", "Dlyanos" and many others. Medicines are available in the form of drops and sprays.

Medicines based on xylometazoline act within a few hours. They are practically not absorbed into the blood and are safe means. Medicines can be used by expectant mothers and young children. In this case, it is necessary to select individual doses of drugs in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

nose drops for nasal congestion cheap list
nose drops for nasal congestion cheap list

Oxymetazoline in the treatment of the common cold

What other nasal drops are there for nasal congestion? The list for children from 2 years old includes the following medications: Nazivin, Nazol, Sialor Rino, Vicks,"Naso spray", "Sanorinchik" and many others.

These medicines are often used to treat the common cold. They may be prescribed during pregnancy. Also, the use of formulations in pediatrics, as well as among the adult population, has become widespread. Drugs relieve swelling, including in diseases of the ear. This contributes to better penetration of other drugs and a speedy recovery.

nasal drops from nasal congestion list for children from 2 years
nasal drops from nasal congestion list for children from 2 years

Naphazoline drugs

This active substance is a fast-acting agent. However, the duration of its work is low, in comparison with previous medicines. Often drugs based on naphazoline cause an independent disease called drug rhinitis. With it, a person is dependent on these drugs. It is worth noting that it can also be of a psychological nature.

The medicines of this plan include Sanorin, Naphthyzin and others. Often they are used for seasonal allergies. Note that all medicines based on naphazoline are prohibited for use by children under one year old and expectant mothers.


This type of medication is based on the work of hormones. The composition of the preparations includes substances that not only relieve nasal congestion, but also eliminate inflammation. The use of these is recommended for adenoids, allergic reactions. They are also prescribed when the above drugs have no effect.

Kglucocorticoid formulations include the following trade names: Nasonex, Tafen, Avamys, Fluticasone, Nasobek and others. All these drugs are also prescribed for drug-induced rhinitis, when addiction to other vasoconstrictive active substances has developed.

nose drops from nasal congestion photo list
nose drops from nasal congestion photo list

Pediatric Use

If your child needs nasal drops for nasal congestion, Nazivin will be one of the first drugs on the list. The cost of such a medicine is low. On average, it is 120 rubles. Pay attention to the dosage of the active substance. Some compounds can be used from the first days of life, others - only after a year or two.

Another drug often used in pediatrics is Vibrocil. His work is based on the active substance phenylephrine. The cost of such a medication is about 250 rubles. A feature of the drug is that it can be used for one week. Whereas the above funds can only be taken for 3-5 days.

nose drops from nasal congestion nazivin list
nose drops from nasal congestion nazivin list

What should expectant mothers do?

What other nasal drops are there for nasal congestion? The list during pregnancy includes most of the drugs that are allowed for children. In this case, the dosage of the drug for the expectant mother should be minimal. Glucocorticoids may also be prescribed during pregnancy. Only a doctor can give such a recommendation for certain indications. Do not be afraid of what is in medicinescontain hormones. They will not affect the course of pregnancy in any way.

The described preparations are recommended for pregnant women with severe allergic rhinitis or during a cold. It is advisable not to abuse the dosage and dosage regimen. Self-administration of such drugs is unacceptable.

Inexpensive drugs

If you need nasal drops for nasal congestion, a list of inexpensive drugs will be provided by your doctor. You can also consult a pharmacist in a pharmacy about this issue. What are the most affordable nasal drops for nasal congestion called? Inexpensive List:

  • "Nafthyzin" - 30 rubles.
  • "Nazoline" - 50 rubles.
  • "Galazolin" - 40 rubles.
  • "Sanorin" - 120 rubles.

The rest of the drugs in the price reach 130 rubles and more. Note that medicines that are available in the form of a spray are even more expensive. Also note the age limit. Most sprays for children are approved for use only after 6 years.

nose drops for nasal congestion list during pregnancy
nose drops for nasal congestion list during pregnancy

Drug reviews

You already know which nose drops from nasal congestion have a list. Consumer reviews indicate that almost all funds act instantly. The only exceptions are drugs based on hormones. The effect of their application occurs only after 6-8 hours.

Consumers say that, in addition to vasoconstrictors, congestion can be relieved with other drugs. They are especially suitable for children.aged up to two years and expectant mothers. These drugs do not cause addiction and psychological dependence. These include "Pinosol" and "Pinovit". Drops are based on oils, they soften, relieve inflammation, eliminate swelling and promote tissue regeneration. S alt solutions are also used. These are Rinonorm, Dolphin, Aquamaris, Aqualor and so on. They draw out excess fluid from the tissues, eliminating swelling. Also, the drugs have an antiseptic effect.


You have learned which nasal drops can be used for nasal congestion. The list (cheap drugs) is presented to your attention. Often the described medicines are combined with other medicines. They should only be used as directed by a doctor. Easy breathing!
