"Kagocel" or "Remantadin": which is better and more effective, comparison, instructions for use

"Kagocel" or "Remantadin": which is better and more effective, comparison, instructions for use
"Kagocel" or "Remantadin": which is better and more effective, comparison, instructions for use

Drugs called "Remantadin" and "Kagocel" are designed to fight viruses that cause SARS. They increase the resistance of the human body to all kinds of infections. But people are often lost and simply do not know what is better and more effective - Remantadin or Kagocel. This article will help you deal with this issue.

"Remantadine": instructions

This is an antiviral drug that is designed to fight influenza and otolaryngological diseases. It is also used after a tick bite to prevent encephalitis. The action is based on the penetration into the DNA of the virus and the complete suppression of the activity of the pathogen. This drug is produced in the form of tablets (50 milligrams each), as well as in the form of capsules (100 each). The drug contains rimantadine as the main substance. What is "Remantadin" more often prescribed from? Indications for use are:

  • Early treatment and prevention of SARS and influenza.
  • Supportorganism during epidemics.
  • Perform tick-borne encephalitis prophylaxis (no later than seventy-two hours after the bite).

The product should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to its ingredients, in case of hepatitis, nephritis, kidney or liver diseases, toxicosis, during pregnancy and under the age of seven years. Remantadine tablets should be taken orally after meals, washed down with water.

rimantadine from what
rimantadine from what

Adults and children over 10 years of age are given 50 milligrams twice a day when it comes to prevention. With a therapeutic purpose, they drink 100 milligrams twice within seven days after the onset of signs of the disease. This medicine is produced by the Russian company "Biochemist", it is sold without a prescription.

From what "Remantadin" helps, we told. Next, let's take a closer look at the second drug.

"Kagocel": instructions

This is an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. It can cause the synthesis of interferons, which have a high antiviral property. The drug is released in the form of tablets. Kagocel acts as the main component. One pill contains 12 milligrams of this ingredient. Indications for use are:

  • Implementation of the prevention and treatment of influenza and SARS at all stages of pathology.
  • Treatment in adult patients with herpes.

The drug should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients, against the background of lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, and, in addition, during pregnancy and at a younger agethree years. This is confirmed by the instructions for use for Kagocel. The price and analogues will be presented at the end of the article.

compare kagocel and rimantadine
compare kagocel and rimantadine

For the treatment of influenza and otolaryngological pathologies, adults are prescribed two pills three times in the first two days, and one pill three times in the next two days. In total, the course takes eighteen pieces, and the duration of treatment is four days. This medication is produced in Russia and can be dispensed without a prescription.

"Kagocel" or "Remantadin": comparison

Both of these drugs belong to the same pharmacological group. They are available in the form of tablets, but they contain different active ingredients.

The active ingredient "Remantadine" prevents the reproduction of the virus, and "Kagocelom" starts the process of producing interferons in cells that destroy pathogens, that is, the body's immune response is activated. This is the main difference in the principle of influence.

what is the difference between kagocel and rimantadine
what is the difference between kagocel and rimantadine

Due to the fact that "Kagocel" affects the immune system, it does not matter at all what type of virus enters the body. In contrast, "Remantadine" can only fight the type A virus that causes influenza or SARS.

So what to choose - "Remantadin" or "Kagocel"? Both medications are intended for the treatment and prevention of influenza and otolaryngological pathologies. But the first remedy is also used to prevent tick-borne encephalitis after a bite, and the second can treat herpes.

There are some differences incontraindications. “Remantadin” has more of them, I must say. This medicine is forbidden to use in diseases of the kidneys and liver and in case of toxicosis. And "Kagocel" is not suitable for use in lactase deficiency and glucose malabsorption. Both drugs are not drunk during pregnancy and breastfeeding. "Kagocel" can be treated from the age of three, and "Remantadin" from seven.

kagocel instructions for use price analogues
kagocel instructions for use price analogues

Which is better?

What to prefer - "Remantadin" or "Kagocel", is not easy to decide. The substance rimantadine has been used in medical practice for more than forty years, in connection with this, the virus A has developed some resistance to it. According to recent studies, this pathogen was resistant to the drug in ninety-two percent of cases. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty that this medicine will definitely help to defeat the disease. The choice between "Remantadin" or "Kagocel" in a given situation must still be made by the doctor.

Benefits of "Kagocel"

The advantage of "Kagocel" is that the virus is not able to develop resistance to it, since this drug does not act on him, but on the human immune system. But the active ingredient of the drug was synthesized recently, and there is no reliable information about its effectiveness. True, many patients who were treated with Kagocel declare that this drug is quite efficient and really helps to recover quickly.

kagocel or rimantadine which is better and more effective
kagocel or rimantadine which is better and more effective

The substance Kagocel was synthesized on the basis of a special chemical component of gossypol. This compound has high antiviral and bactericidal properties, but is capable of inhibiting sperm production, thereby causing infertility. It has not yet been proven that kagocel does not break down in the body before this very gossypol, so there is a danger that the substance can accumulate and poison a person with frequent use. For these reasons, doctors do not recommend treating children with it, especially adolescents, since during this period their reproductive system develops.

To the instructions for using "Kagocel" it is reported that it is effective at all stages of the disease, so it can be taken regardless of how much time has passed since the onset of the disease. "Remantadine" is effective only at an early stage, and you should drink it only when the first symptoms appear.

It is also reported that "Kagocel" can be used in conjunction with various immunomodulatory drugs, as well as with antibiotics. But for those who have a lactose deficiency along with lactase intolerance and other metabolic diseases, you should choose Remantadine, since it does not contain lactose.

What else can Remantadin and Kagocel compare?

price analogues
price analogues


If we compare the cost of these medicines, then we must say that twenty Kagocel tablets will cost consumers about five hundred rubles, and the same number of Remantadine pills will cost one hundred and twenty. I must say that many patients choose "Remantadin" notjust as cheap, but as the most proven remedy.


The presented pharmaceutical preparations today have many analogues on the pharmacy shelves, for example, these are preparations in the form of Anaferon, Lavomax, Ergoferon, Alpizarin, Amizon and others. All of them are effective to one degree or another, but before using them, you need to consult a doctor.

We described the drugs "Remantadin" and "Kagocel". What is the difference between them, explained.
