Dental materials are raw materials for the preparation of special compositions, prostheses, crowns and other products required in practical dentistry and orthodontics. There are a great many of them. However, experts have led them to a common classification. Therefore, today there are basic and auxiliary dental technical means.
Key Features

There are a number of requirements that all dental materials must meet:
- Hygienic. All of them must meet certain standards and not impair oral hygiene.
- Toxicological. They should not irritate or cause an allergic reaction.
- Aesthetic. They should repeat the tissues of the oral cavity.
- Chemical. Their chemical composition must be constant. They cannot corrode.
- Physical. They are always strong, do not change their size, and are also wear-resistant.
- Technological. They are easy to handle, cook and shape.
Basic dental materials are used forcreation of prostheses, fillings, devices. Among them are:
- Metals (including noble ones: gold, silver), as well as their glory. Today, about 500 different metal alloys are used in dental practice. Palladium, gold, platinum - this is the standard. Products from them are non-toxic, durable and do not corrode. Studying titanium alloys, scientists come to the conclusion that this is an excellent and cheaper alternative to gold.
- Ceramics. This includes porcelain and sitalls (glassy substance). Crowns, bridges, inlays are made from the first. The latter are used for prosthetics of the anterior dentition.
- Polymers are an inexpensive yet durable option for making removable and permanent dentures. This material is also used to restore teeth.
- Composite materials. They are what fillings are made from. They are also used for facing all metal parts of metal-plastic prostheses. They come in the form of a liquid, a paste.

At various stages of creating prostheses, special auxiliary dental materials are used:
- Impression tools are needed to create casts, hard and soft tissue mapping. As a result, the specialist receives a working, diagnostic or auxiliary model of the future prosthesis.
- Modeling materials are needed to make a prosthesis stamp, crown or apparatus.
- Shaping materials - dental products that help to get the final shapefor later casting. They must have certain characteristics. Firstly, such materials provide clear contours of the future product. Secondly, they should be easily separated from the resulting model. Finally, they all harden very quickly (within 10 minutes)

In the photo, dental materials do not show all their features. Therefore, dentists and prosthetics specialists choose consumables solely on the basis of their experience. There are quite a few companies that make them. However, not everyone produces high-quality and reliable goods.