Granular pharyngitis: treatment, causes, symptoms. Treatment of granulosa pharyngitis with folk remedies

Granular pharyngitis: treatment, causes, symptoms. Treatment of granulosa pharyngitis with folk remedies
Granular pharyngitis: treatment, causes, symptoms. Treatment of granulosa pharyngitis with folk remedies

Granular pharyngitis is a complex disease of the pharynx. It is characterized by a pronounced lesion of the mucous membrane and lymph nodes. This disease is caused by an infection. It rarely occurs in isolated form. Very often combined with other diseases of the respiratory system, which occur in an acute form. In this article, we will try to figure out what granulosa pharyngitis is. Symptoms, treatment of adults and children will also be considered.

Causes of disease

Granular pharyngitis begins to develop if there are two main components: a hereditary predisposition to such a disease and the harmful effects of the environment. Therefore, if among relatives someone suffers from pathology, it is necessary to take seriously any diseases of the throat.

granulosa pharyngitis treatment
granulosa pharyngitis treatment

In addition, granulosa pharyngitis, the treatment of which we will discuss below, can be triggered by the following factors:

  • sluggish nasal diseasesinuses;
  • smoking;
  • constant interaction of the respiratory mucosa with dust and gases;
  • caries, sinusitis, complicated rhinitis, tonsillitis;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • infection of the nasopharynx with various viruses, bacteria and fungi, causing the development of the inflammatory process;
  • damage to the nasal septum or abnormal development of the nasal cavity;
  • constant stay in rooms with low humidity.

If granulosa pharyngitis occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you ignore this disease, then fibrous films begin to form on the walls of the pharynx. They arise as a result of the death of leukocyte cells, which makes the inflammatory process difficult to treat. After that, granules begin to form, affecting the trigeminal nerve. The patient is plagued by a painful cough, which contributes to the occurrence of severe sore throat. In addition, pharyngitis of any form is highly contagious. A sick person must be isolated from the team.


This disease occurs most often in a chronic form. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • there is a sore throat, it does not go away for a long time;
  • Feels sore throat when swallowing;
  • exasperates paroxysmal, agonizing cough;
  • thick mucus forms in the throat, which is very difficult to cough up.
granulosa pharyngitis symptoms treatment
granulosa pharyngitis symptoms treatment

This is how chronic granulosa pharyngitis hassymptoms. Treatment should be carried out as soon as possible. It is also necessary to constantly implement preventive measures, especially during the period of seasonal colds, then the risk of relapse will be minimized.


Granular pharyngitis, the treatment of which depends on the nature of the course, is diagnosed without difficulty only if carried out under the guidance of an experienced doctor. Since this disease can be confused with tonsillitis. With normal pharyngitis, the entire tissue of the pharynx is inflamed. And the granular form is characterized by thickening of the mucosa and the presence of red nodules. To diagnose this disease, swabs are taken from the patient to identify the infection that caused the inflammation. A general blood and urine test is also prescribed to assess the condition of the body.

treatment of granulosa pharyngitis in adults
treatment of granulosa pharyngitis in adults

Conservative treatment of the disease

Treatment of granulosa pharyngitis in adults should be under the supervision of an otolaryngologist, and this should be done in a complex manner. Most often, the chronic form is treated with conservative methods, including the use of drugs and physiotherapy, due to which a positive result quickly occurs. Gargling is the most effective treatment for pharyngitis. For this, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used, as well as alcohol tinctures diluted with water.

granulosa pharyngitis symptoms treatment adults
granulosa pharyngitis symptoms treatment adults

To eliminate the granules that cover the mucous membrane of the larynx, the cauterization method is used with the help of drugs,containing iodine, made on a water basis, trichloroacetate acid and protargol. To thin the thick mucus that has accumulated on the walls, inhalations are used based on medicinal herbs such as chamomile, eucalyptus and sage, containing oil-alkaline substances. Thanks to this method of treatment, not only the elimination of mucus occurs, but also the destruction of pathogenic bacteria is ensured.

If granulosa pharyngitis has been diagnosed, treatment is carried out with maintenance vitamin therapy. The most suitable option should be selected only by a doctor who is familiar with the medical history. To get rid of pathogenic microflora and improve immunity, antibacterial and antiviral drugs are used together with anti-inflammatory and homeopathic remedies.

Surgical treatment

In a disease such as granulosa pharyngitis, the symptoms of which we are now considering, the mucous membrane can be very damaged. In this case, an operation is performed to remove the overgrown tissue areas. They do it with a laser. This allows you to quickly get rid of formations and growths.

granulosa pharyngitis in a child treatment
granulosa pharyngitis in a child treatment

Laser surgery is absolutely safe and painless. The peculiarity of this treatment is that the granules and overgrown areas of the mucous tissue are targeted without damaging the he althy surface. Almost immediately, plaques begin to noticeably decrease and the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases.

Treatment of granulosa pharyngitisfolk remedies

This disease will pass much faster if you additionally use the help of traditional medicine. Here are the most popular and effective recipes. For example, propolis relieves pharyngitis very well. To make a tincture, it is crushed and poured into a small container of water. Thus, it will be cleared of impurities that need to be drained. Then 30 g of pure propolis is mixed with 100 g of alcohol and infused for a week. During this time, it must be shaken well several times. After that, the tincture is filtered and combined with glycerin or peach oil in a ratio of 1:2. The resulting mixture lubricates the inflamed mucosa once a day. The therapy lasts about 10 days.

chronic granulosa pharyngitis symptoms treatment
chronic granulosa pharyngitis symptoms treatment

Muk altin with milk also helps a lot. Three tablets of this natural medicine are dissolved in 100 g of warm milk and two drops of iodine are added there. The mixture is drunk at bedtime for 10 days. In addition, it is useful to instill aloe or Kalanchoe juice into the nose. In this case, the torn leaves must be wrapped in a bag and put in the refrigerator for 72 hours. After that, juice is squeezed out of them and instilled into the nose so that it flows directly into the throat. You can make useful inhalations from decoctions of cones or pine needles, as well as calendula with sage. This procedure well reduces pain and disinfects the throat.

Granular pharyngitis in a child

Children are especially difficult to tolerate this disease, as a viscous secret in the larynx does not allow the baby to breathe normally, andhe still can't cough it up. The child is unable to eat and sleep properly due to a painful cough.

treatment of granulosa pharyngitis with folk remedies
treatment of granulosa pharyngitis with folk remedies

If "granular pharyngitis" was diagnosed, the baby must undergo a full comprehensive examination to identify other hidden ailments. It is advisable to visit doctors of other speci alties, and not just one otolaryngologist. When a child is diagnosed with granulosa pharyngitis, treatment should be carried out as follows:

  • taking vitamins to support the body;
  • lubricating the larynx or gargling with herbal tinctures or antibacterial drugs;
  • inhalation using herbal infusions and decoctions;
  • exclusion from the baby's diet of foods that can cause allergies, such as citrus fruits, chocolate and others;
  • cauterization of granules in the larynx.

Although surgery is considered a fairly effective treatment, it cannot guarantee the prevention of recurrence of pharyngitis.


Thus, we found out what granulosa pharyngitis is. Treatment of such a disease is carried out in different ways, and this must be done in a timely and correct manner. Otherwise, the inflammatory process can cause various complications.