Atrophic gingivitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Atrophic gingivitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Atrophic gingivitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Atrophic gingivitis is a chronic disease of the oral cavity, characterized by a decrease in the amount of gum tissue surrounding the teeth. What causes it? What symptoms indicate its formation? How is diagnosis and treatment carried out? Atrophic gingivitis is a serious and common pathology, so these and many other questions regarding this topic should be answered.

About the disease in brief

Atrophic gingivitis is a chronic form of the usual. This is a neglected condition - due to dystrophic changes in the epithelial tissue, the total volume of the gums decreases, the necks and roots of the teeth are exposed, and the interdental papillae also disappear. Interestingly, the process is usually not accompanied by inflammation.

Most often, pathology occurs in men over 60 years old. Women suffer from it less often. However, this disease can also occur in children, the cause of which is incorrect orthodontic treatment or anomalies of the oral cavity.

clinical signs of atrophygingivitis
clinical signs of atrophygingivitis

In dentistry, atrophic gingivitis is perceived as the first sign of developing periodontal disease - a systemic lesion of the tissues that surround the teeth.

If the pathology progresses, then periodontitis, characterized by inflammation, will begin to form. Its consequence may be the destruction of the dentogingival connection, and this is fraught with loosening and further loss of teeth.


Atrophic gingivitis, the photos of which are unpleasant, occurs due to ignoring the rules of oral hygiene. Often the cause is a weakened immune system, which is most often caused by the following diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Peptic ulcer.

Smoking can also be a prerequisite for the development of the disease. Often the trigger is hormonal changes. Other reasons include:

  • Incorrect orthodontic therapy.
  • Powerful gum ligaments.
  • Congenital anomalies of the oral cavity.
  • Gum deformity.
  • Incorrect bridle attachment.
  • Injury to gum tissue.
  • Incorrect prosthetics.
characteristic of atrophic gingivitis
characteristic of atrophic gingivitis

Atrophic gingivitis comes in two forms:

  • Limited. With this form, the roots and necks in the area of 1-2 teeth are exposed. Typically affects premolars, canines and incisors.
  • Generalized. In this case, the gingival margin slowly loses its volume, which is accompanied bydisappearance of papillae. The result is visible gaps between the teeth.


Now we can talk about what is typical for such a disease as atrophic gingivitis. Signs in general can be distinguished in the following list:

  • Gum mucosa turns pale pink.
  • There is bleeding and sometimes inflammation.
  • The marginal part of the gum loses volume.
  • V-shaped atrophied areas are formed due to the fact that during all these processes the interdental papillae retain their previous shape.
  • Gingival margin thickening.
  • Hypertrophic tissue forms, resembling a roller, causing the gum to appear denser and thicker.
  • There is a pathological sensitivity to temperature changes and other irritants.
  • Gingival papillae disappear over time.
  • Spaces appear between the teeth, in which food begins to get stuck. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms accumulate and subsequently multiply. An infection may join. This is typical for atrophic gingivitis.

If a person continues to ignore the disease, then the roots of the teeth will eventually be exposed. More gum tissue will simply be erased, and this is fraught with the consequences that were described at the very beginning.


If there are symptoms indicating atrophic gingivitis, then you need to urgently contact a dentist or periodontist. The doctor will make a diagnosis by examining the patient's history and assessing the condition of his oral cavity,which will require a visual and instrumental examination.

atrophic gingivitis treatment
atrophic gingivitis treatment

Doctor evaluates everything:

  • Teeth.
  • Gingival margin and interdental papillae.
  • Anomalies, if any.
  • Bite and its features.
  • Deposits on the teeth.
  • The condition of the dentures, if any.

Examining the cavity with a probe, you can indicate the degree of tooth mobility, bleeding, lack of gum pockets, as well as the level of integrity of the periodontal joints. These data are very important, because it is on their basis that a periodontogram is compiled, which makes it possible to understand how specific atrophic gingivitis is in this case.

Diagnosis, however, does not end there. The patient is then sent for a dental x-ray. If more accurate diagnosis is needed, then tests, samples, indices are carried out and cultures are taken from the oral cavity for analysis of microflora.

Thanks to these activities, it is possible to differentiate the disease from those pathologies that are similar to it in terms of symptoms (for example, from periodontitis and periodontal disease).

Features of how gingivitis proceeds, classification, clinic - all this allows us to determine exactly the diagnosis. And also - to identify the reason why its development began. This is necessary for the appointment of competent therapy, which will definitely give a result.

Specific treatment

Having studied the clinical signs of atrophic gingivitis, you can move on to this topic. Of course herea personal integrated approach is needed.

In the event that the pathology was provoked by some kind of general somatic disease, then its treatment is first carried out, accompanied by strengthening of immunity.

It is imperative to eliminate all factors that cause injury and irritation of the gum tissue. In addition, professional oral hygiene and a course of therapy aimed at improving gum trophism will be required.

atrophic gingivitis photo
atrophic gingivitis photo

If the doctor sees fit, he will prescribe the correction of dentures or other orthodontic appliances installed in the patient's mouth.

Atrophic gingivitis, the treatment of which involves fluoride treatment of the necks of the teeth, hydro- and auto-massage, vibrational effects on the gums, as well as the implementation of special applications using rosehip and sea buckthorn oils, should be started immediately after diagnosis. Do not over tighten.

Also, a person must definitely take vitamin and mineral complexes that strengthen immunity.

Healing ointments

The topic of symptomatic treatment of atrophic gingivitis should be given a little more attention. You can eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of pathology and alleviate the symptoms with which it manifests itself with the help of the following ointments:

  • "Holisal". It has antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. It is instantly absorbed, and therefore immediately acts - the pain disappears, the fever goes down, the inflammation becomes less intense. The antiseptic which is a part destroys bacteria andhinders their development.
  • "Solcoseryl". The best drug for trophism and tissue regeneration. It quickly activates these processes, and also improves the transport of glucose and oxygen to cells.
  • "Asepta-gel". This is a combined therapeutic drug that has proven itself in the prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • "Apident asset". A unique drug of its kind, which includes healing bee venom. It relieves swelling and inflammation, eliminates discomfort and bad breath, and also promotes rapid healing of tissues.
gingivitis classification clinic
gingivitis classification clinic

There are other gels and ointments that have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing effects, but the listed drugs are recognized as the most effective.


They are prescribed in case of infection, and also if the signs of atrophic gingivitis have not disappeared after the treatment. Another indication is the advanced stage of the disease and the presence of ulcers, wounds and sources of pus in the oral cavity.

Here are some medications your doctor may prescribe:

  • "Erythromycin". Take 2-3 times a day, 0.25 g one hour before meals. The course lasts 10-12 days.
  • "Amoxicillin". Means of semi-synthetic origin. It is prescribed if atrophic gingivitis is diagnosed in children or adults (daily dosages are 250 and 500 mg, respectively). The course lasts 8-10 days.
  • Clindamycin. Semi-synthetic antibiotic capsules,which you need to take 2 pieces twice a day. Children's dosage is calculated as follows - from 8 to 25 mg / kg per day, be sure to divide the amount into 3-4 doses. The course lasts 10 days.
  • Metronidazole. An agent with antimicrobial and protozoal action, recommended for adults. The daily dosage is 500 mg, divided into two doses. Consume after meals. The course lasts 7-10 days.
  • "Cephalexin". Antibacterial agent. Adults and children should take 250 mg twice a day after meals. The course lasts 7-10 days.
  • "Tarivid". Broad spectrum drug. It is used regardless of food intake, 200 mg twice a day, at intervals of 12 hours. If the condition is running, then the doctor can double the dosage. The course of treatment is determined on an individual basis.
  • "Ciprofloxacin". An antibacterial drug that is prescribed from the age of 15. The dosage is from 0.25 to 0.5 grams twice a day (the exact one depends on the severity of the inflammation). In advanced cases, increase to 0.75 g. The course lasts 14 days.
  • "Ampicillin". Semi-synthetic agent of fast action. Single dosage - 500 mg, consumed in 3-4 doses. Can be taken by children, but body weight is taken into account (100 mg / kg). The course lasts 7-10 days.
atrophic gingivitis causes
atrophic gingivitis causes

Properly formulated antibiotic therapy helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of atrophic gingivitis and prevent the development of complications. However, in no case should you violate the schedule for taking medications. Definitely a mustfollow clear medical instructions.


These procedures are also effective for the disease in question. Rinsing has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also promotes tissue regeneration. Here are the recommended ingredients to add:

  • "Chlorhexidine". In a glass, it is enough to dilute 5-10 ml of the solution. The procedure should be done three times a day, 30-60 seconds are enough.
  • Miramistin. This remedy is active against many bacteria. It is necessary to use a 0.01% solution, which must also be rinsed with a mouth three times a day for 1 minute. If the condition is running, then it is worth doing 15-minute applications with Miramistin.
  • "Furacilin". Destroys most pathogens. You need to use a ready-made pharmacy 0.02% solution, or dissolve the tablet in 250 ml of warm water.

A weak warm soda solution has proven itself well as an antiseptic. This is the most budget option. You need to dissolve 1 tsp. (no slide) in a glass of water.

Herbal treatment

Some phytochemicals are widely known for their anti-inflammatory properties. It is very easy to prepare medicinal products from them. We will look at the most famous:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. yarrow, calendula and chamomile flowers. Pour hot water (400 ml) and let it brew for an hour in a thermos. Then strain and use as a rinse.
  • Take 2 tbsp. l. dry sage and, pouring water (250 ml), send to the fire to boil. Remove after 10 minutes. When cool, also use for rinsing.
  • In equal proportions, mix dry celandine grass with chopped oak bark. Take 4 tbsp. l. the resulting collection and pour two glasses of hot water. After 2 hours, strain and use as a mouthwash every 6 hours.
  • Cut off a fresh and thick leaf of aloe, wash it well and peel it. Place a small piece in your mouth and chew slowly for several minutes, then spit out the spent mass.
atrophic gingivitis diagnosis
atrophic gingivitis diagnosis

By the way, if we talk about folk remedies, you should also use propolis tincture. A solution is made on its basis in an elementary way: you need 1 tsp. of healing elixir, pour 200 ml of water, and then use the entire composition to rinse your mouth after eating.

Healing massage

They can be supplemented with therapy, as it helps to increase blood flow in the gums. To perform it, you will need to stock up on essential oils of juniper, fir, tea tree or eucalyptus.

It is necessary to apply a small amount of the product on the pads of the thumb and forefinger, and then begin to gently massage the gums on each side for 5-10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, you do not need to rinse your mouth.

By the way, you can also make applications with sea buckthorn oil, famous for its healing properties. You just need to moisten a sterile gauze strip with plenty of it, and then apply it for an hour to the inflamed gums. It is recommended to do this before going to bed.

Hygiene rules

About them - in the end. For gingivitis,Use toothbrushes with as soft bristles as possible to minimize irritation to gums and teeth.

And you also need to buy a paste with a special composition. It should include potassium citrate, chlorhexidine, aluminum and zinc compounds, aloe gel, triclosan, as well as fruit and medicinal plant extracts.

Such products reduce bleeding gums, remove redness and swelling, promote tissue regeneration, and also produce an analgesic effect.
