How to quit smoking marijuana on your own at home? Best Ways and Consequences

How to quit smoking marijuana on your own at home? Best Ways and Consequences
How to quit smoking marijuana on your own at home? Best Ways and Consequences

Young people tend to downplay harm from soft drugs. Often teenagers do not see anything wrong with the use of marijuana. Weed is legal in some countries, but that doesn't mean it's harmless. When using marijuana, over time, a person becomes addicted to drugs. If he continues to smoke weed, it will negatively affect his physical and psychological he alth. You can stop using drugs, including at home.

Historical background

Marijuana is made from a plant called cannabis. The first mention of the drug dates back to the Stone Age. At that time, pots were made from the cannabis plant. For medicinal purposes, weed began to be used in China in the 3rd century BC. With the help of a drug, diseases were treated, driven awayhostile spirits, calmed the nerves. Cannabis soon became widely known throughout Asia.

The narcotic plant entered the Western countries in the 19th century. The popularization of cannabis was facilitated by the Irish physician William Ochannessy. During a trip to India, he learned about the medicinal use of weed and wrote a book about it. French doctor Jaco Mauriat proposed using marijuana to treat mental disorders in people. But their ideas were not widely adopted. Cannabis became popular in Europe in the 60s of the 20th century, when travelers from America began to popularize it.

Marijuana in Ancient China
Marijuana in Ancient China

Can I stop using drugs?

Many marijuana smokers started using marijuana during their teenage years. During this period, the child is not yet fully aware of the danger that drugs carry. How to quit smoking marijuana on your own? A teenager has a false feeling that this is easy. He usually realizes the gravity of his situation only when he has already developed a persistent dependence on the drug.

It is important for the patient to understand that he will not be able to fully recover, this will save him from further disappointments. He will stop using marijuana and be able to cope with the withdrawal syndrome, but the psychological dependence will not go anywhere. At any moment in the life of a former drug addict, she is able to take precedence over his willpower. Therefore, it is desirable that psychologists work with the patient, they will help him get on the right path and not turn off it.

How to quit smokingmarijuana alone at home? The addict needs to avoid situations in which he will feel disappointed or offended. The psychological side of addiction is the main one, so it will be very good if the patient can be supported by his relatives.

marijuana use
marijuana use

Dangers of using marijuana

There is a widespread belief among young people that weed is not addictive. Many teenagers believe that marijuana does not harm the body at all. Someone even believes that smoking weed is much safer than regular cigarettes from the store. But scientists refute these claims.

Harm caused by weed:

  • marijuana has a negative effect on the psyche of an addict;
  • physical endurance decreases;
  • normal growth of brain cells slows down in a teenager;
  • produces a negative effect on sexual function;
  • addict can be disoriented;
  • heartbeat quickens;
  • panic attacks appear, anxiety builds.

About 90% of people who use hard drugs started with marijuana. Complete cleansing of the body from weed occurs only after 5 months. Smoking marijuana can lead to cancer even in adolescence. After prolonged use of cannabis, a person's mental abilities are noticeably reduced, he becomes unable to remember even elementary things.

Risk group

Most often people are drawn into the use ofdrugs in adolescence. During this period, the child is still carefree, he does not need to think about problems and consequences. A teenager smokes marijuana so as not to be a black sheep in the company, so as not to stand out among their peers. The child is very afraid of the condemnation of friends and becomes addicted. How to quit smoking marijuana? The teen thinks it's easy and he can quit the drug at any time.

Most often, children whose parents use marijuana start smoking marijuana. If a student has contacted a bad company, then this may have consequences. How to quit smoking marijuana for a person who is not ready to give it up? Relatives will have to spend a lot of effort so that the addict agrees to begin treatment. It is important to educate adolescents about the dangers of cannabis use.

Cigarette with drug
Cigarette with drug

Treatment at home

How to quit smoking marijuana at home? First you need to make a firm decision to give up the addiction. Then it is desirable to notify all friends about it. If friends will try to persuade the addict to use weed again, then you need to interrupt your communication with them. How can you quit smoking marijuana? Ways to help overcome addiction:

  • sport;
  • remove everything drug-related from life;
  • faith in God.

The first method is sports. New achievements will help to distract, give positive emotions, fill life with meaning. In the process of training, the addict will get to know others.athletes and change their social circle. The religious method of addiction treatment works similarly. Communication with a priest will change the worldview of an addict. Often, churches host meetings for people with various addictions, where you can meet people who are experiencing the same problems.

How to quit smoking marijuana yourself? You need to remove everything that is connected with drugs from your life. If possible, it is advisable to move to another area or even a city. Throw all smoking utensils out of the house. If friends are again trying to persuade the addict to use, then all contacts with them should be broken.

marijuana leaf
marijuana leaf

Life without drugs

How to quit smoking marijuana? If the answer to this question is found, then you need to live on without drugs. It is very important to find a goal and achieve it. For example, you can continue your studies or try to earn money for a good car. It is desirable for a former drug addict to build a relationship with a girl and spend more time with loved ones.

Even if the circumstances are not entirely successful, there is no need to become depressed. Life does not end there, this is not a reason to return to drugs. Even if everything is not going as we would like now, things may change soon. If necessary, you can contact a psychologist, the doctor will encourage and support.

Sport is an alternative to drugs
Sport is an alternative to drugs

Consequences of drinking weed

Until now, it is generally accepted that smoking marijuana does not bring much harm to the body. It is a myth. The use of anydrugs are dangerous, smoking marijuana also has consequences:

  • dizziness;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • tachycardia;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • falling into unconsciousness;
  • hallucinations.

After using cannabis, a person loses the sense of real time. For example, 5 hours may seem like 5 minutes to him and vice versa. The smoker's memory begins to fail, in some cases he is not able to perceive information at all. Long-term use of marijuana changes the hormonal status, which negatively affects sexual function. Over time, the patient begins to develop a variety of psychoses.

Consequences of using marijuana
Consequences of using marijuana

How not to fall into the trap?

How to quit smoking marijuana? The answer to this question will not have to be sought if you immediately decide to never use drugs. It is generally accepted in society that most have tried weed at least once. This is not true. Many people have never used any drugs in their lives.

How not to fall into the trap? You need to carefully consider the choice of circle of communication. Teenagers need to spend more time with their families, play sports, travel. The most important thing to remember is that weed is a drug like any other.

Choose Your Circle Carefully
Choose Your Circle Carefully

Helpful tips

How to quit smoking marijuana? It is necessary to realize the reality of the harmful effects that it has on the body. If the addict is honest with himself, then heit will be much easier to deal with addiction. Then you need to find motivation, the goal can be any, for example, admission to a prestigious university. If it is difficult for a person to cope with addiction on their own, then you need to ask relatives and friends for help.

Sometimes you can’t quit smoking marijuana on your own, in this case you can seek help from a doctor. Now there are a large number of programs that really help drug addicts cope with addiction.