Today we have to find out what a medical board is for drivers. Vladivostok or any other city is not so important. The main thing is that the process is the same everywhere. You will have to go through the same doctors. What can you advise drivers from Vladivostok? What specialists and where to go? What should every citizen know?
Required or not
A medical examination for a driver's license (Vladivostok, Kaliningrad or any other region - no matter what area in question) - is this a mandatory procedure? This question is of interest to many. After all, machines and medicine have nothing to do with each other.

In Russia, a medical examination to some extent before obtaining a driver's license is mandatory. Without an appropriate certificate with the results of the survey, the right to a vehicle is not issued. And the rule applies throughout the country. So, you have to think about where to go to passmedical examination. What specialists should be visited? This question is also important. About all this further. The main thing, now it became clear - a medical examination for the traffic police is an extremely important component. A certificate of the established form is a mandatory paper for issuing a driver's license.
Where to contact
Where can I go to get a medical commission? Modern drivers have the right to choose. It all comes down to personal preference.
Among the available places where a certificate for rights is issued, there are:
- public clinics;
- private medical centers.
Regardless of the city of residence of a person, you can contact the indicated places. Public clinics have their advantages. For example, you do not have to pay for a medical examination. But the time for processing the document, as a rule, is delayed. Sometimes you will either have to make an appointment with each specialist several weeks in advance, or sit in long lines.

That is why the medical examination for drivers (Vladivostok or any other city - not so important) is most often carried out in private clinics. This process is not cheap, but it should be noted that the execution of the document takes only a few hours. Sometimes - a day or two.
Where specifically can you go when it comes to Vladivostok? Only 2 places are popular and in demand here. These are "Sanas" - Vladivostok, Partizansky Avenue, house 44 - and "Asklepiy" - st. Svetlanskaya, house 113. Where exactly to apply? It's everyonechooses for himself. What do these clinics offer to drivers? Which doctors will have to go in this or that case? How much does this service cost?
Common categories
It has already been said that much depends on the category of rights. The fact is that in certain cases you have to go through a small number of specialists. And in some, there are more doctors and tests.
On the example of the 2 previously mentioned clinics in Vladivostok, it is worth considering the process of a medical examination. To begin with, you will have to pay attention to the most common scenarios for the development of events. For example, what tests and studies are carried out if you plan to get a license for driving categories A, B, A1, B1, M, BE?
What does the clinic "Asclepius" offer in these cases? The medical board for drivers (Vladivostok) provides in such situations:
- physician (or general practitioner);
- oculist;
- psychiatry;
- narcologist;
- fluorography (if not available);
- blood and urine tests (general);
- ECG.
But if you plan to go to Sanas, you will have to go through specialists and pass the following tests:
- therapist;
- ophthalmologist;
- narcologist;
- psychiatrist;
- general blood test;
- blood glucose test;
- ECG;
- fluorography (if not).
That is, in these clinics, approximately the same doctors and tests. There are only small differences, not critical. For example, you can do without a blood test for sugar levels. And herespecialists will have to go through all.

Remaining categories
But that's not all. The medical board for drivers (Vladivostok or any other city - it doesn't matter, the principles are the same everywhere) provides for a different list of specialists and analyzes, in an expanded form. When? When it comes to driving categories: C, D, DE, CE, Tb, Tm.
Which doctors will have to go through in this case? And what analyzes / researches it is necessary to make? In "Asclepius" they distinguish:
- oculist;
- family doctor (general practice);
- narcologist;
- psychiatry;
- Laura;
- neurologist;
- EEG;
- ECG;
- blood and urine tests.
Commission in the clinic "Sanas" (Vladivostok) is almost the same. Only the list of doctors and studies has been slightly changed. How exactly? You will also have to do a blood test for sugar levels. But a urine test is not required. The rest of the list remains the same.

How much does a medical board for drivers (Vladivostok) cost on average? The cost of going through the entire process is different everywhere. A lot depends on where the person is going. It has already been said that when visiting a state clinic, you do not need to pay. But what if it's private?
In this situation, everything depends on the specific clinic. In Vladivostok, at the Sanas medical center, the commissionthe most common categories of driving cost 1,500 rubles (+600 fluorography), in other cases - 2,500 rubles (without fluorography).
But in "Asclepius" the price tag is somewhat different. In the first case, you will have to pay 1,200, in the second - 2,000. It is worth noting that in this situation it is necessary to contact several branches of the clinic. For example, for passing a narcologist. It's not very convenient. Additionally, you need to pay 1,600 rubles for an EEG.
When to pass
Many are wondering, when exactly can I visit medical examinations in the indicated clinics in Vladivostok? After all, this is not always possible. Indeed, there are hours for visiting specialists and taking tests.
In "Sanas" for a medical examination, drivers must come from Tuesday to Friday from 15 to 16 hours, on Saturday - from 14 to 15. Narcologists pass in advance at the dispensary. Analyzes are accepted until Saturday inclusive from 8:30 to 10:30. Fluorography is done on weekdays from 8:30 to 19:00, on Saturday - until 14:00. Pre-registration required. Everything is done in the 1st clinic in Partizansky Lane.
But you will have to go to Asclepius several times. The psychiatrist and the narcologist accept in dispensaries. Blood tests are usually carried out there. An EEG is done by appointment at any branch of the clinic. You can pass the commission on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 15 to 19 hours, on Tuesday and Thursday - from 9 to 14.

Documents to go
And what does the medical board require for drivers(Vladivostok and beyond) from drivers as documents that everyone brings with them? The list is not too big. All you need is:
- certificate from a narcologist;
- discharge from a psychiatrist;
- identity card (passport);
- driving license (if available).
Nothing else needed. In fact, passing a medical examination is not so difficult. And it doesn't matter what city we are talking about. The principles are the same everywhere.