This disease is easy to earn, but very difficult to cure. Often, it accompanies a person all his life: with short breaks, the symptoms of sinusitis again and again make themselves felt, and the treatment gives only a temporary effect. Can sinusitis be cured without surgery?

First signs of disease
Sinusitis, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the paranasal and frontal sinuses. Most often, the disease is provoked by a cold, flu or a common cold. And because the symptoms of sinusitis and treatment are similar to these diseases, that is, the severity of the problem may be underestimated. It is for this reason that in most cases sinusitis becomes chronic.
How to distinguish sinusitis from a common cold or cold? Usually, any uncomplicated cold clears up in seven days. There is even a half-joking expression about this: a treated runny nose lasts a week, untreated - seven days. If it lasts longer, it is accompanied by severe pain in the eye sockets, teeth, frontal and facialparts with yellow-green nasal discharge are symptoms of sinusitis and treatment should not be delayed.

Treatment methods
Going to the doctor is advice for all occasions. You can’t joke with sinusitis either, and the first step is a visit to an ENT doctor. According to his appointment, it will be necessary to take an x-ray or ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses and forehead and a number of tests. But medical treatments are still complex and frightening. Most often, you hear from doctors that you can’t do without a puncture. This is a simple, but very unpleasant and painful operation, which many people know about. Is it possible to defeat sinusitis without such sacrifices?
Symptoms, treatment with folk remedies
The choice of home treatment depends on the symptoms. Of course, at a complex, neglected stage, folk remedies are indispensable. But the disease can be stopped at the initial stages.

Very effective washing of the sinuses with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Traditional healers widely use two herbs - St. John's wort and yarrow, which have strong anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. A teaspoon of dry raw materials of one of the herbs is brewed for 15-20 minutes in a glass of boiling water. Strained decoction rinses the nasal passages. At first, this procedure seems difficult, but you need to adapt. It is necessary to have a special teapot with a narrow spout. With your head tilted to one side over the sink, you need to pour a warm infusion into one nostril so that it flows freely fromanother. Then repeat everything in the opposite direction. The same herbs should be taken orally at the same time: insist 20 g of raw materials for half an hour in a glass of boiling water, strain and drink 150 g three times a day in a warm form. Herbal medicine is especially effective if purulent sinusitis has developed. Symptoms will let you know about the improvement: when the outflow of the contents of the maxillary sinuses improves and, accordingly, the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, then headaches and toothaches will subside.
Heat treatments
It is not recommended to heat the sinuses especially intensively, but moderate thermal procedures are very desirable. There is an excellent tool - blue clay compresses. Judging by the reviews, they eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis in a few days, and the treatment does not contain anything complicated. You need to take pure pharmacy clay, dilute with warm water to a thick slurry, apply on gauze napkins and put on the area of the maxillary sinuses. Lubricate the skin with vegetable oil. Keep the compress for at least an hour.

With exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, warm compresses from bay leaf infusion help well. Pour hot water over three large leaves, bring to a boil and let it brew for a bit. Moisten a thick cloth in a hot liquid, put on sore spots, cover with a terry cloth on top to keep warm. When the fabric has cooled, you need to soak it again in hot broth and put it on the frontal and nasal sinuses.
Another piece of advice, rather extreme. Mix garlic juice in equal proportions with warm honey. Lie down on the sofa, dialone drop of the drug and drip into one nostril and immediately turn your head to the side so that the medicine does not get into the nasopharynx, but into the paranasal sinus. It will burn very hard, to tears, but it will last only a minute or two, you can endure it. Do the same on the other side. The same puncture effect occurs, and the discharge quickly leaves the nose. You can drip only one drop once a day. By the way, this is the principle of action of a very effective, but very expensive drug "Sinuforte".
There are always effective remedies at hand to avoid the complications of this unpleasant disease.